Chapter 56 The Tribulation Broke Out, Emperor Jun Fierce!!

Above the desolate land, the sound of beating drums sounded.

The sky was covered by endless demon clouds, dark and dull, as if it was about to fall at any time, filled with the ultimate sense of oppression.

Countless sentient beings only felt that the sky was spinning for a while, as if there was a mountain pressing in front of them, making them almost breathless.

I was horrified.

This momentum alone made them irresistible! The Great War is coming.

They were like grass mustards, ruthlessly involved in this calamity, and eventually died.

Be aware of this.

Countless creatures began to flee in a hurry, fled to the land of the four poles, or lurked in the dojo, in short, try to avoid the calamity.

It’s just a raging momentum.

Just let the flood and desolation rise and countless creatures escape, this is the card of the hegemony of heaven and earth.

And with the wave of Di Jun’s big hand, the demon army pressed the realm, and the momentum was turbulent, straddling the long sky.

All of them had red eyes, like ferocious beasts that chose people to devour.

They will wash away their humiliation today.

What they lost, they must take back it all, and even more so they will destroy the witch clan! Bang!!

The surging momentum rose up into the sky, as if to overturn this heavenly dome, and the emperor stood tall above the long sky, and the momentum of the Heavenly Dao Saint swept out without concealment.

It shocked countless living beings.

Di Jiang roared angrily: “Children and daughters of the demon clan, for countless years, the Wu clan has fed on the blood of the Wu demon clan, and countless clansmen have fallen into the hands of the Wu clan. ”

“Encroaching on the territory of our demon tribe and eating the flesh and blood of our demon clan, this enemy is not shared with the heavens.”

“Today, I have achieved the honor of a saint, will not destroy the witch race, and swear not to return!”

Di Jiang’s words made countless demon clans recall the scenes of being chased and killed by the witch clan in the past, watching the clansmen with their own eyes, and their friends being killed by the witch clan as blood food.

In an instant, anger surged in his heart, and anger rushed to the sky, looking like he was about to tear the witch race.

“Do not destroy the witch, swear not to return!!!”

“Do not destroy the witch, swear not to return!!!”

“If you don’t destroy the witch, don’t return!!!”

Immediately afterwards, a roar resounded in the sky, and the battle intent rushed straight into the sky.

Many cultivators with weak cultivation were directly scared to death by this heaven-shaking sound.

And above the earth.

The same black pressure pressed, a tall giant stood on the earth as big as a mountain, and the majestic blood qi rushed up to the sky.

It actually scattered this thick demon cloud, forming a scene where the demon cloud and blood were evenly matched, each occupying half a heavenly dome.

The amount of robbery broke out.

The Wu clan was also prepared, the twelve ancestral witches stood on the earth, behind them were big witches, and behind them were endless witches.

Emperor Jun sanctified!

The twelve ancestors were not panicked at all.

The demon race has a Heavenly Dao Saint, and their Wu Clan has a Houtu Ancestor Wu, that is the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and the Western Two Saints who killed only dared to hide in the existence of Lingshan.


How many demon races come, how many they kill!

Zhu Rong laughed and said loudly: “Miscellaneous bird, hiding from a Yuan Hui, finally willing to come out?” ”

Gonggong echoed on the side: “That’s right, this demon race is too intimidating, and he doesn’t dare to take half a step out of the thirty-three heavens, which makes Wudu miss the blood and food of the demon race a little!” ”

Hearing this, Di Jun’s face turned dark and angry, he always hated when others called him a miscellaneous bird, and he hated revealing his scars even more.

“Rough and reckless,”

“Today, it’s time to fall!”

“Sons and daughters, kill!”

Di Jun did not say much with the twelve ancestors, both sides are old opponents, and the blood sea has a deep feud, which can not be resolved in three words.

Only fight! Roar!!!!

With Di Jun’s order, the ten demon saints and all the demon marshals led many demon races and rushed down.


Di Jiang also roared, and many big witches behind him, countless witch clans rushed up.

Black pressed one piece.

It was like two black-pressed waves, colliding in the void.


In an instant, a shocking battle broke out in the void.

The demon army and the witch army collided and fought together, and the horror of the battlefield was soon distributed almost everywhere.

The aura of calamity in the sky is surging.

In an instant, it covered the entire flood waste, and if anyone was enveloped by this calamity, the evil in the cultivator’s heart would be magnified.

Fighting is everywhere.

For the other living beings of the flood famine, it is also a calamity that liquidates cause and effect.

If you successfully survive the overdose, the cause and effect on the body can be eliminated, and if you cannot successfully survive, you can only die and turn into ashes.

As the fight continues.

The aura of calamity is constantly increasing, there are countless cultivators fighting, and countless cultivators have fallen.

And this time the main battlefield of the calamity.

It can be called a meat grinder-like existence, the witch and demon tribes fight all over the place, and from time to time a huge body falls from the sky dome, like a shooting star.

Among them, there are witch tribes and demon tribes. The desolate land was instantly dyed red.

Blood is pervasive.

Hong Huang Da Neng looked at this big battle, and his heart was shocked, it was really terrifying.

Taiyi Golden Immortal, Da Luo Golden Immortal, the fall is unknown.

This is still the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Demon Emperor and the others have no end, once these top combat power ends, this calamity will escalate again.

Even quasi-saints can only barely protect themselves.

For them, it was too impactful, and the amount of robbery was too terrifying.

Taiyi Golden Immortal and Da Luo Golden Immortal can only say the existence of cannon fodder.

For this Lich Wars.

They are more optimistic about the Wu clan, although the demon clan emperor jun has become a saint of the Heavenly Dao, but the Wu clan is not bad.

The Wu tribe has a post-Tuzu witch.

They still remember that the Houtuzu witch killed the god with a spear, killed the saint with one shot, and killed the heavenly dome crying blood, and the two saints of the West could only hide in the Western Spirit Mountain and did not dare to come out.

So is the Western Two Saints.

And how did Dijun resist the Houtuzu Wu.

Even if you add the two Western saints, the three Heavenly Dao saints face the Houtuzu Wu at the same time, and the odds of winning are not great.

This is a huge gap in strength, which cannot be filled by quantity…

In the battlefield, the Demon Emperor and the Twelve Ancestors looked at the battlefield like a meat grinder, and their faces did not show the slightest worry as usual.

Because it is not these clansmen who decide the victory or defeat.

It is the top combat power of the witch race and the demon race.


“I have become a saint, what are you fighting with the Lich?”

Di Jun sneered, in a good mood, as if he had foreseen the scene of the twelve ancestors kneeling and begging for mercy.

Under the saints are all ants!

“I hope you can still laugh later, my sister Houtu has long been a Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and she is even a shot to kill the saint, and the heavenly dome weeps blood!”

“It’s just a Heavenly Dao Saint, and it’s not that he hasn’t killed it!”

Xuanlu Ancestor Wu snorted coldly.

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately echoed by Zhurong and other ancestral witches, Di Jun was just a saint, he dared to be so arrogant, I am afraid that he had not been educated?


Hearing this, Di Jun was not afraid, but laughed.


“Are you counting on the back soil? I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you, and you can’t wait today! ”

Di Jun stared down with a sneer on his face.

“What do you mean?”

Di Jun’s words made the twelve ancestors below suddenly have a bad feeling, could it be that something happened over there in the prefecture?

Can make the Houtu sister troublesome.

There are only Heavenly Dao Saints!

“Don’t think about it, you can’t imagine it, let alone imagine the strength of the saint!!”

“Let’s make a conclusion!”

Di Jun did not say any more, his eyes were cold, and a burst of true fire burned on his body, and when he was quasi-saintly, he had the ability to burn the sky and boil the sea.

Now after being sanctified, the power of this Sun True Fire has also increased countless times.

The whole flood famine seemed to be scorched.

Terrifying temperature.

Di Jun waved his hand casually, and the Sun True Fire turned into a three-legged golden crow shadow in the void, and bombarded the twelve ancestral witches below.

Without the slightest hesitation, without the slightest reluctance.

The power of a saint.

Even if it is a Heavenly Dao Saint, it is far from being comparable to a quasi-saint, nor is it an existence that can win by numbers.

If there is no accident, under this blow, even if the twelve ancestors do not fall, they will be seriously injured and lose their combat power.

This battle.

The one who wins can only be the demon clan!

Feeling the power of this blow, the faces of the twelve ancestors were very solemn, and they naturally knew that they could not resist by themselves.

Then only…

“Knot the Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array!”

With the roar of Di Jiang, the twelve ancestral witches unleashed their true bodies one after another, and boundless blood qi rose up into the sky, and the calamity qi in the sky condensed.

The next moment.

A large array appeared, and a huge Pangu true body condensed by endless blood qi and calamity qi appeared in the flood waste.

Although it was not the first time to see it, every time Pangu’s true body appeared, it shocked the bulls of the flood waste.

This may be the only moment they can witness the Pangu Great God.

“Axe come!”

Pangu’s true body stretched out his hand and grasped the void, and an axe condensed by the qi appeared, clenched his hands, and slashed down violently.


The axe slashed fiercely on this sun true fire, bursting out a blazing light, and the aura of destruction filled the flood.

After a few moments, the turmoil slowly subsided.

Unexpectedly, the Twelve Heavenly God Formation unexpectedly took this attack unharmed.


“There are some means, but that’s all!”

Seeing this, Di Jun just sneered and didn’t care.

The next moment, Di Jun sacrificed the River Tuluo Book, and with just a movement of his mind, the sky full of stars fell and surrounded it.

Then, with a big wave of his hand.

These stars turned into meteors and fell towards the Second Ancestor Wu.

This blow contains great terror!!! Zero.

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