Can’t even see his face.

And that man, he was also holding a fishing basket and rod, and it seemed that he was here to fish.

come yet?

Concubine’s will incarnate.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Bai Ye’s mouth.

But Hui Ye in his arms suddenly became cold, and glanced at Hei Jue calmly.


The person here is Black Jue!

At this moment, his heart has set off a storm!

What did he see?

His mother, in the form of a soul incarnation, became a rabbit!

And honestly squatting in the arms of that man named Uchiha Hakuya!

Black was never an adventurous person.

If he wasn’t careful, he wouldn’t have gotten to where he is today.

After planning for a thousand years, how could he choose to appear recklessly in front of a stranger?

But today.

He had to.

Because since Kaguya came to Earth, she has released a trace of her own breath, intentionally or unintentionally.

Hei Jue is the product of Kaguya’s consciousness, how could he not feel it?

As long as he passed Kaguya’s previous position, he would definitely be able to perceive this, and then slowly track it.

This is Kaguya’s contact information with her children.

You can think of this thing as a message board.

But even so, Hei Jue was still worried.

Tracking down to Konoha, he did not dare to go in and observe.

without him.

The man Uchiha Baiye is too mysterious to predict whether he has a way against him.

After all, the pupil skills of the Uchiha family are very strange.

So he didn’t dare to approach it rashly.

But everything changed when Bai Ye brought Kaguya out to fish today.

Far away, Hei Jue discovered the man and the rabbit!

And at that moment, he couldn’t even help exclaiming!

Why is the rabbit so familiar?

No, the breath is exactly the same as the mother!

Is that the fuck?

That’s fucking!

This is the power of the same source, and Hei Jue confirmed the identity of the rabbit in just an instant.

Just like now, the rabbit looked at him indifferently with an aloof attitude.

Familiar look!

That is the pride of the mother in memory!

It is the aura of the ancestor of Chakra and the respected goddess of Mao!

Black must be very excited.

Mother is out!

Although he only appeared in this way, he could feel that Mother Mother was regaining her strength!

So now, he appeared here as a villager who went out fishing in a certain village in the country of fire.

He wanted to get in touch with his mother further.

Let’s see if Uchiha Baiye is the one who forced his mother to keep her by his side.

If it is, he has to find a way to solve this further!


Available in the next second.

Hei Jue was dumbfounded.

What did he see?

There was an extra hand on the butt of the rabbit transformed by the proud Goddess of ?.

“What’s your look?”

Bai Ye said to his rabbit.

“People are just here to fish, what are you pretending to be?”

“Didn’t I tell you last time, do you have to report to me before you want to pretend?”

God gave you a report!

Hei Jue was furious, and wanted to go up and beat the man who was holding the rabbit’s butt on the ground.

Is that what you can hit?

you beast!

Let go of my mother!

But something even more shocking happened to him.

At this moment, Mother Mother actually chose to compromise in humiliation!

The arrogant goddess, she even nodded to Bai Ye, and then the grievance was in Bai Ye’s arms.


You are not a real rabbit!

You are the ancestor of Chakra!

What about your pride?

Hit him!

What are you afraid of him doing?

Hei Jue was stunned.

He even forgot his purpose of approaching Kaguya rashly.

But even remember.

Those are not important now.


Uchiha Baiye did not use any technique to imprison his mother.

He even hated his own mother.

For example now.

A slap was not enough, so he threw the rabbit on the ground and made an inviting gesture to Hei Jue.

“Come fishing? Together? I’ll tell you the story of Nanhe River.”

Did I fucking come to fish with you?

Hei Jue shivered and looked at his fishing rod.


At this moment, he felt the same emotion as his mother Kaguya.


Completely bewildered.

Why did things turn out this way?

What about unlimited monthly reading?

To do or not to do?

Looking at the rabbit in Bai Ye, Hei Jue struggled frantically in his heart.


If you are being coerced, just hint me!

I tried my best to destroy Obito and Nagato, and I rescued you right away!

How easy is it to deal with Uchiha Baiye and let Akatsuki meet him?

For Heijue, he only needs to tell Obito that Uchiha Baiye will inevitably become a resistance to the Moon Eyes plan in the future.

In fact it is.

After all, in Bai Ye’s hands, he can handle the strength of these two Yumu people.

Sooner or later, he will meet Akatsuki.


In Black’s anticipation.

Kaguya just glanced at him indifferently, then licked her face and jumped into Bai Ye’s arms.

no way.

She was used to absorbing the breath he leaked from Bai Ye.

That feeling made her extremely dependent.

Between the shit shovel officer and the pet, their relationship is gradually deteriorating.

Maybe one day, when Bai Ye hugged the rabbit and shouted for me to change, Kaguya really transformed on the spot.

After all, she is the goddess of Mao 017 who can change in size anywhere!

Sin ah.

Black is full of sadness.

Mother, you have changed.

The proud goddess of Mao had changed.

turned into what he hated the most.

How can you be a licking dog!

You are a rabbit!

Black Jue thought angrily.

“Do what you need to do, and don’t disturb my peace.”

A cold voice suddenly resounded in Hei Jue’s mind.


As an orthodox soul incarnation, wanting to send a message to one’s own ideology, at such a close distance, this is just an easy matter.

They are the same source of power.

Besides, Kaguya’s strength has recovered a bit now.

do the right thing?

You mean… fishing?

Hei Jue opened his mouth, looked at his fishing rod, then silently chose to squat on the stone beside Bai Ye.

“I asked you to…”

“Nan Hechuan… do you know what happened here?”

Kaguya’s voice transmission was suddenly interrupted because of Bai Ye’s words.

Hei Jue also instantly became nervous because of Bai Ye’s actions.

“Uh, I don’t know.”

He was cautious, adhering to the mentality of less talk and less exposure, and just responded with a simple sentence.

“It has to start from the Warring States period.”

Bai Ye opened his mouth leisurely.

“You know the god of ninjas, right?”

“And the guy Uchiha Madara.”

“The two of them have urinated in this river, and they have urinated farther than anyone else.”

Hei Jue remained silent, thinking in his heart what the hell did this have to do with him.

“Their love was originally young and heavy.”

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