Chapter 111 Uchiha Itachi: Lord Naruto, Lord Captain, I have something to report! (1)

Ninja world.

Fire country.


on the bustling streets.

Also a little depressing.

He couldn’t possibly be angry with Bai Ye.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye did not instruct the rabbit what to do.

The reason why I complained to Bai Ye was because the Immortal Fukasaku under the Toad Immortal constellation was the teacher who taught him magic.

He doesn’t have much interaction with the big toad fairy himself.

Just gave him some prophecies.

It said that its disciple, who will save the ninja world in the future, is the savior of the entire ninja world and the child of destiny.

It is also because of this prophecy that when he sees good seedlings, he will accept them as his disciples and teach them the principles of life.

Nagato is like this, and so are Yahiko and Konan.

Watergate has sacrificed for the village.

The three in Yuyin Village, he lost contact with them a long time ago.

Recently, he thinks Naruto is good, so he has begun to teach each other.

But strange to say.

Over at Miaomu Mountain, Immortal Big Toad said a bunch of inexplicable things to him a few days ago.

For example, the calamity of the world is coming.

Konoha hides a shocking darkness.

It is necessary to dispel the disasters for the world, and let Jiraiya lead the son of destiny well, and it is best to bring the child of destiny into the Miaomu Mountain to practice.

Ha ha.


He didn’t even think about Naruto “027”.

I had planned to communicate recently, but I didn’t know that Immortal Big Toad was slaughtered directly.

Even the ashes were lifted by the rabbit.

How much hatred this is.

Zilai also sighed.

Not to mention sadness.

To talk about his relationship with Miaomushan, he is still more familiar with Immortal Shensaku.

It’s just that now he is sandwiched between Bai Ye and Miaomu Mountain, and it’s a bit difficult to be a human being.

After all, the fact that Bai Ye has a powerful rabbit in his hand can’t be hidden from others, and Bai Ye has never thought of hiding a rabbit.

Maybe Immortal Fukasaku and the others already knew the reason, and then targeted the rabbit in Bai Ye’s hands.

“I hope I’m unfounded. It’s best to persuade Immortal Shenzuo not to face Bai Ye.”

Jiraiya, who had a headache, reluctantly chose to go into the custom shop to release the pressure.

no way.

Even if it was to commemorate the death anniversary of the big toad immortal, he would have to send a few more shots.

But he understood.

This incident will not affect his friendship with Bai Ye.

A psychic beast, to put it bluntly, is a beast character.

What matters between beasts is not sophistication, but the strong prey on the weak!

The big toad immortal was killed, in the final analysis, it was also because of his lack of strength.

If Miaomushan has the ability, find that rabbit for revenge…

Forget it, don’t.

Zilai, who walked into the custom shop, shook his head and walked over to meet the young lady.

Rain country.

A place forsaken by God.

A hidden corner of Yuyin Village.

Wearing a raincoat, Hei Jue stretched out his hand and grabbed Obito who wanted to teleport.

“Actually, I really don’t recommend you go to Konoha to do things.”


This is really the truth of Hei Jue, like a liar.

He lied to everyone, but now it’s a heartfelt reminder.

As a know-it-all in the ninja world.

He already knew what happened yesterday!

Just yesterday.

Your own mother has taken action!

He even took the initiative to reveal his identity as Kaguya Otsutsuki, the goddess of Mao, and went to Miaomu Mountain to slaughter the toad pills with his own hands!


How delightful!

As the enemy of Mother Mother, Toad Maru can live for a thousand years, and it is estimated that she will be slaughtered by Mother Mother herself!

If it wasn’t for him to guide Yui Otsutsuki, how could the mother be sealed?

It is also thanks to the fact that the mother was not familiar with the immortal arts on earth at that time, otherwise it would never have suffered such a big loss in the hands of the unfilial son!

Now that Toad Maru is dead, Hei Jue has even decided.

After a while, I will find an opportunity to locate the coordinates of Miaomu Mountain, and then throw it hundreds of thousands of firecrackers and fireworks.

nothing else.


But on this day of celebration.

Bring the soil to die again.

“Don’t worry, Danzo and I are connected outside Konoha Village. As long as we don’t enter the sphere of influence of Uchiha Baiye, there will be no problem.”

Obito adjusted his mask, then deliberately coughed a few times, adjusted his voice to the same style of Uchiha Madara, and said solemnly.

He is not happy!

Just like Danzo asked him that question.

Why hate Konoha?

That’s not easy.

In the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he complained that his teacher was always one step behind at a dangerous moment.

Of course, he forgot that Minato Minato had saved him countless times in danger. Obito only remembered that Rin was in a dilemma. Minato came a step late and Kakashi had to kill Rin.

Uchiha clan?

It’s easier to destroy them.

He needs a lot of writing wheel eye reserves, either to save his life and release Izanagi, or to prepare for the future.

The main thing.

It’s revenge for Uchiha Baiye!

There are so many members of the Uchiha clan, although they are all from the guards.

But his younger brother’s family is also the Uchiha family.

Killing them should make Uchiha Hakuya uncomfortable, right?

that kid…

With a murderous look in his eyes, Obito squeezed his fist.

The last time he went to Konoha and was beaten, he had already remembered this hatred.

But in addition to this incident, what made him even more angry was that the fourth generation of Mizukage of Kiriyin Village was killed by Uchiha Baiye!

This is just great.

There is no way to continue torturing Wuyin Village, let alone waiting for the resurrection of the three tails for several years, which is a waste of Akatsuki’s time.

He wants to create a world where Lynn likes him!

For this goal, he can give up everything!

The new top five-generation Mizukage is not easy to mess with. He tried to control the opponent, but every time he appeared, Terumi Mei would find that he would attack mercilessly.

And what makes Obito even more incomprehensible is that.

In the past three years, Terumi Mei’s strength has been improved visibly to the naked eye.

Three years ago, he was even able to pretend to be unharmed under the attack of Terumi Mei.

Today, three years later, Terumi Mei can even block the space for a short time, so that his divine might cannot be exerted!

Isn’t this bullshit?

How can a mortal without blood become so strong?

Even more outrageous.

One day, he took advantage of Uchiha’s white night to go fishing and wanted to enter the Uchiha family’s clan to investigate the situation.

God knows what he saw.

The two Yukito were walking Erwei, and then Uchiha Mikoto was watering the flowers with a kaleidoscope.

Tsunade planted a tree with a wooden scorpion, and Uzumaki Kushina used the King Kong blockade to play with Naruto Sasuke skipping rope.

Isn’t this bullshit?

What’s wrong with this world?

Really can’t afford it.

So this time, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him!

You don’t have to go out on your own, let Itachi do it!

He is a member of the Guard, or Uchiha Mikoto’s son, if he does enough to make you Uchiha Baiye uncomfortable, right?

Take action to kill, your woman will wash your face with tears all day long.

That feeling will definitely make Bai Ye very sour!

Obito smiled sinisterly.

“Seriously, I beg you, don’t go to Konoha.”

Hei Jue couldn’t persuade Obito, so he eagerly raised his voice…

“You believe me, you believe me!”

“If you go to Konoha this time, you will definitely be beaten!”

It’s not just Uchiha Baiye who can’t be messed with there!

His mother is still there, and now he is completely unsure of what his mother is going to do.

It can be seen from the fact that Mrs. Mother killed Toad Maru at will, the current Mrs. Mother’s strength is probably almost restored.

Looking at it from a distance before, he felt terrified.

But his mother was too lazy to communicate with him, just let what he brought to go and do what he should do.

no way.

Eye of the Moon continues.

What should I do with the act of taking the soil to death?

If Tendai died there, who pretended to be Uchiha Madara at Nagato?

He can’t go to steal Orochimaru’s filthy reincarnation, really go to resurrect the spot, right?


It seems okay.

Obitu is so disobedient, it seems nothing to be beaten to death.

“Okay, you go.”

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