But the content of the words.

But it doesn’t feel right.

“The concubine is pimping.”

Hearing this, Ye Cang turned pale in shock.

After she died, what happened in the ninja world?

Why does a rabbit get pimped?

No, this rabbit means, use her to pimp?

“He seemed reluctant to compel behavior.”

After thinking about it, Kaguya held back the idea of using illusion and stared at Ye Cang.

“Give you a chance, would you like to serve the concubine’s master’s side?”

Ye Cang smiled.

Who is your master?

Feeling the slow malice of the ninja world now, Ye Cang, who seemed to be abandoned by the whole world, was surrounded by scorching fireballs in grief.

In order to achieve the political purpose of Hewuyin Village, Sand Ninja Village took the initiative to choose Ye Cang, the hero who sacrificed the village, and sent Ye Cang to the door to be killed.

It was not until the death Ye Cang that he suddenly realized this kind of behavior.

Perhaps her appearance threatened the position of the adult?

But she never wanted to be Fengying.

The darkness of the ninja world is everywhere.

The same is true of Sand Ninja Village.

If the ninjas reincarnated in the original book were all relieved before they were sealed.

That Ye Cang was sealed with anger and regret.

“Your emotions seem to be complicated.”

Kaguya shook the hair on her body, and then pointed her paw at the scorching fireball around Ye Cang.

Something weird happened.

The burning escape was like finding the real owner (Li Hao), and flew in front of Kaguya, and then the fireball magnified hundreds of times under Kaguya’s control.

An astonishing scene suddenly appeared, and then, in Ye Cang’s stunned eyes, Kaguya threw the sun-like scorching escape to the army of reincarnated soil.

The mushroom cloud took off, joined by a deafening blast of coffins.

In an instant, there was nothing left on the battlefield except Ye Cang, not even the soul!

“That’s it, first follow the concubine as a maid.”

“If he likes you, you shouldn’t be able to run.”

After thinking about it, Kaguya finally chose a compromise.

Anyway, none of the maids in Bai Ye’s house were innocent, and they were all captured by that man.

Start from the first step!

“But other people’s bodies are not good, it can only be yours.”

Kaguya’s cold voice came.

The eyes of reincarnation radiated rays of light full of vitality, and the soft rays of light gradually covered Ye Cang’s whole body.

Do you have to pay your life when you run out of reincarnation?

That is your lack of strength.

Like Kaguya resurrecting a person now, it basically consumes no vitality.

When the light fades away.

Ye Cang, who was blocked by the light of a paladin, stared at Kaguya with a wide-open mouth.

She was completely bewildered.

But when she was put on a maid costume, carried by a rabbit, and thrown into Huangquan Hirazaka.

She heard only one sentence.

“You were caught by Otsutsuki Xiaobai, remember to say so when you go back!”

Ps, thanks for subscribing.

Chapter 163 Hui Ye: Hei Jue, cooperate with me, someone will arrest you later.

Center Tower.

Bai Ye looked at Ye Cang, who was dressed in a maid outfit and stood in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

Mikoto and Kushina looked at each other, and then looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki in disbelief.

good guy.

As a woman of Bai Ye, it’s okay to have to compete with other women.

A rabbit turned out to be an accomplice!

But looking at Hui Ye’s face full of invitations and rewards, they couldn’t get angry, instead they felt that this rabbit was cute on your face.

Tsunade is relatively calm.

She just glanced at Ye Cang and looked back.

Judging from Ye Cang’s equipment, this is a basic maid suit.

There is still a difficult process to grow from a maid to one of the hostess.

Seeing this Burning Escape Ye Cang’s face filled with confusion and a little overwhelmed, it was obvious that she had not yet entered the state.

Therefore, it is not worth mentioning, and it cannot be regarded as an opponent at all.

As the women of Bai Ye, Tsunade and the others knew in their hearts that as he had more and more women in the future, the position of the main palace would be very important.

Of course, they can’t interpret the harem xx biography in harmony.

And they have already agreed that when the time comes, who should do it or what to do, just treat it with an ordinary attitude.

What she was curious about was Ye Cang’s character.

The women in Bai Ye are different, but basically they all get along well.

If you add a provocative person, the atmosphere in Bai Ye’s mansion will become discordant.

But apparently Tsunade now thinks too much.

Ye Cang stood there dumbfounded, and his head was overwhelmed at the moment.

who is she?

Where is she?

Why is she wearing this?

The person in front of him is the owner of that magical rabbit?

So he caught himself?


The rabbit just said that the person who caught her was Xiaobai Otsutsuki.

Probably the name of the bunny.

A series of complicated problems hit Ye Cang, who couldn’t turn around.

She was resurrected.

And the resurrection is easy.

This is a flesh and blood body that can feel the fresh air.

It feels so good to be alive.

053 Obviously.

After some people were reincarnated from filth, they didn’t want to be sealed so willingly.

Who can live and want to die?

Probably those people in the original work completed their regrets under the arrangement of Master Yuanmeng, so they died willingly.

What is the regret of Ye Cang?

As a ninja of Sand Ninja Village, he was betrayed by his own village and went to Wuyin Village to die!

To say hate.

She only hated Luosha.

Hate that scum who betrayed his own people!

But he is Kazekage. If he dies, what will happen to Sand Ninja Village?

Ye Cang was full of confusion.

“Forward battle report.”

At this moment, Uchiha Izumi came over again and said.

“The fifth-level Ye Squad has already found out who is bewitching Xiandaiying to fight with all their strength, and has locked down the conspirator’s fourth-generation Fengying Luosha.”

Having said that, Uchiha Izumi glanced at Temari who looked as usual over there.

“Now, Luo Sha has been bombarded into scum by Tian Tianyi.”

“The angry Sakura resurrected him again.”

“Ino felt that the torture was not enough, and he used the enhanced version of the heart-turning technique to make him take eighty-one knives.”

“Hinada felt that Ino’s actions were too cruel, so in order to prevent him from seeing his own misery, he broke his eyes.”

“Afterwards, Xianglin seemed to have sealed him in the mask of death, and planned to pull it out and whip the corpse when he was fine.”

“Anyway, the predecessors have already solved it.”

Kind of violent.

Bai Ye’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

But he was also pleased with the phenomenon.

The wives have grown up.

I know I’m angry with my man.

This is a good thing.

He was very calm.

He still knows the abilities of his own disciples.

Even if they just send the five of them to face the army of reincarnated filth, the odds of winning are still 100%!

This is an impossible war to lose.

So he didn’t panic at all.

“Luo Sha… dead?”

But after the battle report was finished, Ye Cang suddenly looked at Bai Ye with trembling.

Rosa is dead!

And died quite tragically.

It seemed that he had died before, but this time he was reincarnated by the dirt.

“Then who is Fengying now?”

Taking a deep breath, Ye Cang’s obsession seemed to decrease with this moment.

“It’s me, Luo Sha is my father.”


Temari said calmly.

“Just now you said your name is Ye Cang? The former scorching hero of Sand Ninja Village?”


Where does this start?

“I don’t dare to be the hero of Sand Ninja Village.”

Ye Cang sneered.

She gave everything for the village, but what she got was betrayal.

Although Luo Sha is dead, who knows what her mind is like as Luo Sha’s daughter.

“Don’t expect me to go back to Sand Ninja Village with you, I am now…”

He hesitated.

Ye Cang looked at Xiao Bai.

She didn’t understand her identity for a while, whether it was Xiao Bai’s sidekick or this strange man’s maid.

“I know that you are Captain Bai Ye’s person, and I don’t have the idea of calculating you. You can rest assured.”

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