The old man was very happy, but he was not happy.

Ye Cang is also a man of swift and decisive character.

Now that the affairs of Sand Village have basically entered a stable state, after handing over the village to Uchiha Madara, Ye Cang handed over a visiting letter to Konoha and prepared to go to Konoha to meet his lover.

I just don't know what her expression would be when she knew that her lover was a handsome little boy who was in the awkward period of changing teeth?

Anyway, she has been pulled into her plate by Uchiha Kage, and she will not let this delicious piece of meat slip away from her mouth!



Beside the Nanhe River.

Because of the death of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, after Minato Namikaze became the fourth Hokage, he took over the Anbu and Root organizations of Konoha very smoothly, and no longer needed Kakashi to enter the Anbu to help.

Also because Obito and Rin did not have any accidents, Kakashi did not close his heart and took the initiative to join the Anbu.

Now the three members of Team 7 still maintain their previous habits. In addition to rest days and accepting some commissioned tasks, they still practice in the woods beside the Nanga River most of the time.

And Zed, who has a project in hand, is naturally inseparable!

In front of an open space, Zed, Rin, Kakashi and Zed's good brother, the ninja dog Parker, sat outside the field to watch the game, while Zed's clone and Obito stood opposite each other in the field.

Today's Obito is still one against three magatama Sharingan, and still maintains the fighting level of "Kenji". Even if he is beaten more, his progress is extremely limited.

It is true that he only remembers to eat but not to be beaten.

"Damn it!"

"Zed! I will definitely beat you today!"

Obito waved his fist to cheer himself up, his eyes emitting a burning flame of anger.

"Don't say so much useless things. With your improvement speed, I'm afraid that in two or three years, your brother will be stronger than you in one against seven!"

The clone Zed said with disdain.

If Obito can exert his full strength, he can also reach the combat level of a jonin.

Unfortunately, the influence of 'Kenji''s combat quality is too great, and he is even worse when he occasionally makes mistakes.

But even if he performs exceptionally, he can't beat Zed's clone!

There is no need for the clone of the clone. After all, Zed's purpose is to help him train, or to put it bluntly, he simply wants to beat him!

Yesterday, I walked around the street with Xiaonan's wife holding hands for more than an hour. Uchiha Izumi acted coquettishly to him, plus the basic number of times...

Well, Obito's training program today is a total of four times.

Once in the morning, noon and evening, and wake up again in the middle of the night! (The auditor said this is the number of surname behaviors???)

"Young people are passionate and don't care about failure at all. They are so motivated every day..."

Zed shook his head and sighed while stroking the head of his good brother, the ninja dog Parker.

Thinking back to the past, he was also so motivated, and he worked tirelessly every day to find Obito and others to receive rewards. Now it is finally his turn to reward Obito!

"Yes, it is indeed sighing..."

Ninja dog Parker squinted his eyes comfortably, watching Obito, who should have failed in less than five minutes on the field, being beaten for more than ten minutes and not over, and couldn't help showing pity.

Kakashi and Lin on the side were speechless and had nothing to say.

They also knew that Zed wanted to beat Obito for a while on purpose.

But they couldn't beat him, and it was useless to say anything. Zed still beat him as he wanted, but fortunately he was treated afterwards.

Emmmm, but we cannot rule out that the purpose of Zed's treatment of Obito is to beat poor Ohbito more times a day.

Fortunately, poor Ohbito's nerves are relatively thick. After gradually adapting to the embarrassment in front of Lin, he also inherited Zed's previous mental mode of "staying in a fighting state every day".

"Genjutsu Sharingan!"

The clone Zed sensed Obito's state and felt that it was almost done.

The pupil power in the Mangekyo Sharingan, which was as bright as a broken prism, flowed, and instantly conquered Obito's consciousness, making him fall into the illusion of the illusion.

When Obito's consciousness fell into the illusion and was in a trance, the soul Zed walked in front of him and began to practice the medical ninjutsu he copied.

At this time, in the spiritual world of Obito who was trapped in the illusion, scenes of the scroll slowly unfolded in front of Obito.

From him holding a bouquet of flowers and wanting to confess to Lin, to cheering her up crazily but not daring to step forward, he could only bury his feelings in his heart in a humble manner.

Then there are the happy scenes of practicing ninjutsu with Lin and doing missions together.

And at the very end, Lin is full of happiness under the blessings of relatives and friends

to attend the wedding with that bastard!

And he himself, like a defeated dog, left only a lonely back in the audience.

At his feet, the dried petals of the bouquet that represented the boy's heartbeat were scattered, one by one, in the mud on the ground.

Just like the relationship in the illusion world that ended before it even started.


"All this is fake!!"

Obito couldn't stop roaring loudly in his heart. He had seen this scene more than once in the illusion world!

In the real world, a tear also slid down the corner of Obito's eyes, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he soon woke up.

"Asshole! Don't be too proud, I will definitely defeat you next time!"

Obito stared at the clone Jie in front of him with angry eyes, roaring in his heart.

Even Kakashi would never let Lin marry a philandering bastard like you!

For a moment, Obito's body seemed to be filled with high morale again.

However, he still didn't have the courage to confess to Lin.

"Not bad! Very energetic!!"

"I hope your performance in the afternoon battle will make me shine..."

Several figures of Obito were reflected in the eyes of the soul-splitting robber, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


One morning.

Uchiha Ying sent Xiaonan to Minato's house for a visit. Before he could play with Naruto's beard twice, he was pushed out of the house by Kushina impatiently.

"We are pests, we are pests..."

Uchiha Ying hummed a catchy tune, bought a large bag of snacks on the street, and walked home with a full bag.

But before entering the Uchiha clan, he found a suspicious guy.

Needless to say, the Mangekyō Sharingan was activated instantly.

"People from Kirigakure, are you looking for me again?"

Uchiha Kage frowned slightly.

The ability 'Eight Meanings' in the Mangekyō Sharingan is very useful in both combat and daily strategy, but it can only sense the current thoughts of the target.

So, Uchiha Kage quietly touched the back of the Kirigakure spy.

"Hey, buddy, stop staring, what are you looking for me for?"

Uchiha Kage patted the Kirigakure spy on the shoulder, and in order to maintain the sacred atmosphere of the hidden spy, he deliberately lowered his voice.


The Kirigakure spy was startled when he heard the sudden voice from behind him, and cold sweat instantly wet his clothes on his back.

Although he expected that he would be exposed sooner or later when he accepted the spy mission, when it really happened, his heart still trembled.

The price of exposure, sometimes even death is a luxury!

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