""Sure enough, he is very strong!"

Gai She narrowed his eyes slightly, and his fighting spirit rose.

Since Ying Zheng put down the Lao Ai Rebellion, he basically has not taken action.

Today, when he met a master like Huo Qubing, he naturally wanted to fight happily.

By the way, he wanted to vent his negative emotions.

Huo Qubing looked at Gai She coldly and glanced at the Plum Blossom Spear without leaving a trace.

There was a clear sword mark on the spear where the Qingshuang Sword hit it.

Although it did not have any effect, it also showed how powerful Gai She was.

"bring it on!"

""A quick fight, a quick decision!"

Huo Qubing raised his plum blossom spear, and his internal energy surged wildly.

The invisible internal energy wrapped around the spear, stimulating all the spear intent, making the surrounding air tremble wildly.

"Is this your special skill?"

Gai She did not dare to be careless. He tightly grasped the hilt of the Qingshuang Sword with his right hand, and his internal force also surged out, wrapping around the sword.

The powerful internal force made the sword emit a series of hissing sounds.

It seemed that it could not withstand such a powerful force.

"What a terrifying spear intent!"

Ying Zheng had seen Gai She's sword intent, but had never seen spear intent.

Being able to practice spear skills with spear intent shows how terrifying Huo Qubing's spear skills are.

""Hundred-step flying sword!"

With the sword's power in full swing, Gai She grabbed with his right hand, and the handle of the Qingshuang sword rotated half an inch in the air in his palm.

Gai She stepped on his right foot, and the whole person rushed towards Huo Qubing like a flying sword.

The powerful sword energy tore through the air, causing the black stone ground under his feet to explode inch by inch. It was so terrifying.


Huo Qubing shouted, and his right leg retreated half a meter, forming an exaggerated bow step.

Then, his right arm muscles suddenly bulged, and his sleeves burst.

The violently shaking plum blossom spear was thrown out with all his strength.


With a crisp sound, the ground beneath Huo Qubing's feet exploded, and the surrounding ground sank more than three inches.

"call out~!"

The flying plum blossom spear seemed to be faster than the Hundred Steps Flying Sword, making the air emit a miserable hissing sound.


In the blink of an eye, the Qingshuang Sword and the Plum Blossom Spear collided with each other.

The violent collision of internal forces pushed away the air, causing a group of civil officials to fall off their horses. Even Ying Zheng, who was standing far away, felt a strong gust of wind coming towards him, causing the black royal robe to stick tightly to his body.

"He was able to take on Gai She's Hundred Steps Flying Sword, he is indeed powerful."

Ying Zheng looked at Huo Qubing who was still in a bow stance, his eyes flashing with light.

He was already thinking whether he should dig Huo Qubing over.

Wouldn't it be a waste of such a talent to stay in a small Lantian County?

"Tap tap tap~!"

Just as he was thinking, Huo Qubing suddenly jumped up.

His left foot broke through the ground, and his not-so-strong body shot out like a cannonball. His right hand formed a claw and slammed heavily on the end of the plum blossom spear.


Following this heavy blow, Gai She's Qingshuang Sword suddenly made a slight crisp sound.

Then, a piece of silver-white debris the size of a soybean fell from the tip of the sword.

Everyone, including Ying Zheng, was dumbfounded.

The Qingshuang Sword was actually broken?

The sword of the Sword Saint was actually broken?

Although it was only a small part of the sword tip, it overturned everyone's cognition.

After all, the Qingshuang Sword is a famous sword!

The person who used the sword is the Sword Saint!

Being able to break the Sword Saint's sword shows how powerful Huo Qubing's attack just now was.

"......"Gai She narrowed his eyes, his expression did not change at all, but he was very shocked. He broke his Qingshuang sword with one blow. Huo Qubing's move was not much worse than his Baibu Feijian.


Gai She took a deep breath, and his right arm suddenly swelled up, and the internal force in his body unexpectedly surged out again.

Huo Qubing was stunned, and suddenly felt the pressure on his palm suddenly increased.

Then, the whole person was knocked back two feet by Gai She's sudden increase in strength.

Obviously, Huo Qubing was at a disadvantage in this attack.

However, Gai She did not stop. A light flashed in his eyes, and his figure burst out and rushed towards Huo Qubing again.

Huo Qubing narrowed his eyes, raised his spear, and prepared to fight.

Although he was at a disadvantage with one blow, he still had the strength to fight.


At this moment, Ying Zheng suddenly spoke from a distance.

The Tianwen Sword had already been unsheathed, and the sword light shone a hundred meters around.

Gai She was stunned, slowly retracted his internal force, and stopped in front of Huo Qubing.

"The result of the competition is clear, there is no need to compete again."

Ying Zheng walked slowly, his voice was very calm, but unquestionable.

This is the unique kingly demeanor of Ying Zheng.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Qin Dynasty has gained another top expert."

Gai She said with a bow, his face a little solemn.

Huo Qubing's strength was not much worse than his.

If Ying Zian was really as powerful as Huo Qubing said, the Qin Dynasty would definitely be even more powerful.

By then, maybe even he would not be taken seriously by Ying Zheng.

"Haha, no matter how powerful other masters are, they can't compare to Mr. Gai She."

Ying Zheng smiled faintly and turned his gaze to Huo Qubing.

The admiration in his eyes was not concealed.

"He is indeed a pillar of talent!"

"Are you willing to follow me?"

Ying Zheng asked, already unable to resist poaching people.

""Reply to the king!" Huo Qubing slowly stood up and said,"My order was given by the county magistrate."

"I will only follow the county magistrate in this life."

"However, the county magistrate is dedicated to the benefit of the Qin Empire, so I am naturally also devoted to the Qin Empire."

"Very good!"Ying Zheng nodded, and the Tianwen Sword slowly sheathed.

"After hearing what you said, I would like to meet your county magistrate as soon as possible."

"I am very curious about what kind of person your county magistrate is, and how he could have trained such a powerful master like you."

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