What. "

"My intuition tells me that it must be related to the World Government."

"There are also the actions of the World Government some time ago. Those damn guys, contact them and ask them to tell me personally, what exactly do their World Government want to do?!"

Shiki's death.

Ordinary pirates are shocked.

The top experts all had bad premonitions.

And because of this bad premonition, he took action.

World Government Headquarters.


Wulaoxing's conference room.


The Five Old Stars discussed this.

Throwing a document on the table in front of him, the old man with a mustache picked up a cup of tea and took a sip, then sneered. "Those guys in the New World have begun to be unable to sit still, and have begun to put pressure on us with arms deals, hoping to take this opportunity to understand our purpose.


"It's just some arms deals. If they don't want to continue, then just stop it."

The blond old man next to him also sneered. "How do they know the greatness of His Highness and the bright future of the World Government? If it were in the past, they might still be threatened by these arms transactions and the Sea Tower Stone in Wano Country, but now, it doesn't matter."

"With two worlds in hand, next, it's not that we need their arms, but they need our arms.'

"As for the Sea Tower Stone? It's really necessary to get to the Windless Zone. Let's continue the deal with Kaido using new weapons. He won't refuse."

Hearing this, the old man holding the knife had a cold voice. "They're just a bunch of dregs on the sea. Who do you really think they are? If these dregs weren't useful (aeab), they would have been cleaned up long ago.

The bearded old man shook his head and said with a smile. "No need to be angry, it's just a group of ants. In the past, you might have to pay some price to deal with them.

"But now, there is no need for that."

"As long as we continue to wait, we will become stronger and stronger, but they will only stay in the same place!"

"Yes, under the leadership of His Highness, the world government will become more and more powerful, and in the future, it will establish the Kingdom of God and become a true descendant of God.'

“It’s just a bunch of pirates, why worry?


"Reply as you like. If Lingling wants to refuse the arms deal, just refuse it directly. If Kaido doesn't know what to do, he can refuse it as well. Sea Tower Stone is not a necessity, and new warships are not unusable."




For these messages,

Bai Ye naturally doesn't know.

East China Sea,

At this time, Baiye's cruise ship had already arrived.

On the deck, Bai Ye was sunbathing, lying on a chair, letting Stussy and several maids apply sunscreen on his back.

Bai Ye, on the other hand, looked at the two Devil Fruits in front of him with a look of satisfaction.

Two devil fruits.

One of them, a wine-red one, came from the body of Vince Moggaji.

That's right.

It's the bat fruit.

After someone takes the Devil Fruit, once the person with the ability dies, if there is a fruit nearby, the Devil Fruit will be reborn directly nearby.

Bai Ye's luck is very good.

This fruit was directly reborn back into his own hands.

Not just bat fruit,

The same is true for Piaopiao Fruit.

Compared with bat fruit, fluttering fruit has more strategic significance.

After a long pause, Bai Ye ordered. "Put these two devil fruits into my treasure house.

At this stage, there is no suitable candidate to reward, so you can keep it for now.

If you have good goals in the future, you can reward them.


The servant nodded and accepted the order, turned and left.

Then, a furry little guy ran over with a glass of juice in his hand and a happy smile on his face. "Master, master, here, this is my newly made concoction, apple flavor, it tastes delicious, and it can also strengthen your body. I added ice cubes to it, master.

How about giving it a try? "

"Oh, Chopper, will there be a new formula so soon?"

Looking at the little reindeer in front of him, Bai Ye took it with a smile and took a sip.

Don't tell me, it's really good.

Very high in nutrients.

And the taste is very good.

I have to say that Chopper is indeed talented in this area.

That's right.

Chopper has recovered.

After being treated by Bai Ye, he regarded Bai Ye as his benefactor.

Perhaps he had never been treated so tenderly by a human before. Without Bai Ye opening his mouth, Chopper suddenly decided to follow Bai Ye and become Bai Ye's pet.

And under Bai Ye's suggestion, he got the name Chopper, and began to learn medical skills, making rapid progress.

Of course, this is also because there is no shortage of experimental questions on Bai Ye's side, allowing Bai Ye to experiment as much as he likes.


After finishing the drink, Bai Ye praised him without hesitation.

Chopper immediately scratched his head and smiled sheepishly, but he said happily. "As long as the master likes it, I will make more delicious and nutritious drinks."

"Well, go ahead, I believe you."

Just a few words, but Chopper showed a moved expression, burst into tears, turned around and ran back to his room on the cruise ship.

Bai Ye continued to enjoy himself.

After a while, he stood up and walked toward the room with Saya, who looked shy.

This trip lasted two or three hours.

When Bai Ye came out, Gao Cheng Saya was already lying in Bai Ye's arms limp, without any strength.

"Looking at your good performance recently, let me give you a reward.

Bai Ye said with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Shaye had a look of surprise on her face.

Bai Ye gestured to Stussi.

Stussy immediately smiled and nodded, and said to Shaye. "I will order someone to send your parents back."

"Thank you, Your Highness." Shaye immediately gave Bai Ye a mouthful of joy on his face.

Bai Ye shook his head and laughed.

Tap tap tap.

Footsteps sounded.

A servant came over and reported. "Your Highness, there is an island nearby. This island is the territory of the Mox Kingdom. Do we want to log in?"

Kingdom of Mox?

It seems that it is a kingdom that has never appeared in the original work, and Bai Ye has no impression of it.

But after thinking about it, he nodded. “Go ahead and take a look.

The majesty of the Celestial Dragon travels.

He hasn't experienced it yet.

Although I know what it is like, I still don’t mind experiencing it.

Get orders.

The entire cruise ship immediately set off towards the island under the escort of warships.

And at the same time.

On the island, in the royal palace.

A figure also logged into the island in advance, found the king of this country, and informed him of Bai Ye's identity and his upcoming arrival.


The entire kingdom was in a state of chaos.

The king was a bloated fat man with a look of ecstasy on his face, and he immediately gave the order.

“Quick, quick, take out all the best food in our country.

"There are also all kinds of precious drinks, treasures, and beauties.'

"Go and bring the queen and princess.

"I want to dedicate all of this to the Lord Tianlong. As long as His Highness is satisfied, it will be the opportunity for the rise of my Mox Kingdom!"

Just a message.

It affected the entire kingdom.

It can be seen that in this world, the influence of the Celestial Dragons on ordinary people! ,

78: Gaining a believer again, the king’s filial piety!

When the luxury cruise ship docks at the port.

A large number of civilians have gathered throughout the port.

Some people are confused.

There is fear.

But there are also some with gratitude.

There is also the king of this country, who is also leading his queen and princess, looking at the cruise ship with excited expressions.

Waiting for the appearance of a noble figure -.

"The Celestial Dragons actually came to our country."

"I heard that everyone has to kneel down when meeting a Celestial Dragon. Will we have to do the same later?"

"For sure, if you don't kneel down, you will be killed by the Tianlong people."

"Oh my god, you'd better be obedient later, I don't want to die."

"That's a Celestial Dragon, a world noble, protected by the entire world government and navy. Who do you think it is? Didn't you see that His Majesty the King is here? He's still looking respectful. We ordinary people, it's best to wait. Just kneel down obediently and don't care about anything, otherwise who

I know if it will cause any trouble.

"But I heard that the Tianlong who came this time is His Highness Bai Ye? If it is that His Highness, he should be very friendly, right?"

"Who knows, we haven't really met.'

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