"It seems that they are very angry. I thought it would be fine after a fight, but I didn't expect to openly send Kunlun to solve it. The matter is so serious!"

"Five Nine Zeros" Although Wang Ye was indeed very angry, he also wanted to fight the old black. He explained it clearly, but these people still haven't seen the old black.They have already done so, which is indeed a bit extreme.

"No one can solve their anger this time. Let's wait a little longer, but I'm curious about where this old black has gone?"

After all, Xia Dong naturally did not believe that the person would disappear at such a critical juncture.Therefore, he still feels that this matter may have another hidden meaning.

"At this time, none of us could find what he could have hidden. Anyway, I think he must be hiding."

Wang Ye shook his head as he stood there, he was not joking about this.That being the case, you still have to be careful, that's enough.As for what's next, let's take a look at it.

"Little apprentice, what are you going to do on Peach Blossom Island at this time, did your master instruct you?"

When Wang Ye went to Tiangong, he just saw that he was going to Peach Blossom Island, so he asked more puzzled.

"No, the spiritual energy of Peach Blossom Island has gathered, I want to go there to cultivate and see if I can break through a little bit. It's been too long since I entered my cultivation base and stayed in the middle stage of foundation establishment, I want to break through to the late stage of foundation establishment. ."

Wang Zaiyu looked at Shi Bo and asked this question, and then said a little embarrassedly there.

"This game is not over yet. Why did you choose to leave at this time? I think this matter is not planned until after the game is over?"

Wang Ye knew that although he was also from Tiangong, he just went to steal a title. Wang Ye had already retreated. If Wang Zaiyu left again, the scene would definitely not be overwhelmed by then.

"No, the master already said it half a year ago, it must be early today, and Master, you know it, you will never refuse every time the master orders, and if the master sees it His orders will definitely be furious... 0 I dare not do this."

Wang Zaiyu just shook his head there. Obviously, he would never do this for this matter. As long as the master ordered him, of course he had to do everything well.

"You are really obedient. If that's the case, then you can go, but I still hope you can come back after seven days of self-love."

Wang Ye glanced at it, then he shook his head and turned to leave.

"You said that the Kunlun faction is completely over this time, don't drive out all those disciples, it can be regarded as a few pieces of wood for our cultivation world."

Ding Wu nibbled the melon seeds and put it away. Because of this incident, the other 4.2 sects would often gather together, but they were talking about cultivating immortals.

"It's definitely for sure, and Qianyun Pavilion now says we'll wait until it's over. We will announce it after the game is over, and that's for our own good. After all, the game isn't over yet, so let Jiang Wumen watch a wave of jokes ahead of time. , and it was a little embarrassing for a while.”.

Chapter 287 Blocking

Xu Beibei and I were nibbling melon seeds. Before I started talking, they really didn't think about this relationship. When they calmed down, they realized that they shouldn't have directly dealt with the Kunlun faction at that time.

No matter how angry they are, they should wait until the end of the competition, but it is because the Kunlun faction has gone too far, so they really can't stand it.

"Okay, let's leave it alone, the head of Xuan Xiaozi, yes, we are not sure which sect will come forward next time, but if you point to your sect, it must be your sect have a chance to win, so recently I still have to ask you to work harder for a while."

Xu Beibei looked at him and said it seriously, not joking about this.So this matter is also very serious to talk about.

"Don't worry, everyone, if you really have arrived at Shihe, I am our sect, and no matter what method I use, I will try my best to support it."

Xuan Xiaozi nodded when he looked at them. After all, he was the only person in the Jindan stage among all of them, and he was considered to be very powerful. Naturally, he couldn't let the other side bully them.

"After this time, we all have to cultivate seriously, and we can't choose to give up because of the comfort of his practice world."

Everyone is talking about it one after another, and everyone agrees very much with this matter.

"Junior sister, in fact, I think there may be a turning point in this matter."

Wu Yating saw that everyone was so angry, so she smiled. Although he was a little unsure, this time, for some reason, his intuition had already told her that this matter might not be so simple, and he could wait a little longer. first.

"Hopefully there will be a turnaround."

Xu Beibei looked at the world and said so, and nodded there, hoping that what senior sister said was true.

"Okay, everyone is gone, brother, go home." Dingshan turned and left with his brother after he finished speaking.

"Brother, you said that this is why Senior Brother Yu chose to go to Peach Blossom Island at this time. It seems that the Lord of Heaven doesn't care about this matter at all. After all, I am afraid that the Kunlun faction's practice has already broken the heart of the Palace Master."

Ding Wu walked on the road, and then he said helplessly there. After all, since they have already chosen this way, there is no way for anyone to change.

"He must be a little disappointed now, so let's not worry about it so much at this time. We still hope that there will be a turnaround in the tournament in seven days."

Dingshan shook his head. After all, there was a situation that no one thought of.It's no use trying to fix anything now.


"You're right."

"I think you still don't expect it. You have all become like this now. Who else can you fight?"

Mijie came over from the other side and was able to look at them with hot flashes and talk.

"On the contrary, for a sect like us, what you want to do is naturally upright, not like your sect. Even if you are not in harmony, it has been a long time."

Ding Wu looked at this nasty ghost, and now he actually dared to come here to sneer and sneer, his face suddenly became wrong, and he immediately wanted to hit him, but was stopped by his brother.

Chapter 288 Jiang Wumen is very arrogant

"Why do you want to come to me at this time? I just asked you. You must know that we can't do it during this period."

Mi Jie couldn't help but laugh when he saw how they wanted to do something but couldn't stop it.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."

After Ding Wu finished speaking, he held back and turned and left with his brother.

"Master, we all know the result at the end anyway, why are you here to find them?"

Bazatan finally found him and frowned there, and said something incomprehensible.

"It's nothing, I just see him upset, let's go."

Mijie naturally felt that he didn't need to think about it this time. Now the world of self-cultivation is in chaos. At that time, the winner this time will naturally be him, so there is no need to think about it.

"This borderless border is getting more and more excessive. If you don't teach it a good lesson, won't they become more lawless in the future~¨."

When Ding Wu was on his way back, he was still angry about this matter. After all, what the other party did was really too much. If he didn't teach him a good lesson at this time, who could guarantee what they would do? Thinking of this makes me even more angry.

"Okay, let's leave this matter alone for now. The most important thing for us now is to endure, otherwise if one accidentally offends them in the future, things will not be so simple."

Dingshan looked at his younger brother's worried appearance, so he reminded him solemnly. He was not joking about this matter. In this case, he still had to remind him carefully.

"I just don't like him a little bit."

Ding Wu said a few words indignantly before choosing to remain silent. He also knew that if he had just fought with him, he might arouse suspicion from others.

"Let's go back first."

Dingshan reminded him well, and hoped that he would not think too much about this matter.

"Why is Xuan Xiaozi joining the WTO now?"

Dingshan came to Baiyuguan, and he couldn't help being a little surprised when he appeared here and was cultivating seriously.

Xuan Xiaozi would naturally not practice in such a place, so he was a little surprised at this time.

"Ashamed, I still consider myself an expert, and I have always been reluctant to care about the popular name. I went to Mahua Town last time, and I only realized how inappropriate I was thinking about things at that time."

Xuan Xiaozi smiled when he saw him coming here, and it was naturally true for what he said.

"々' So you're not going to retreat in the future."

Dingshan asked him seriously after seeing what he said. If this is the case, then it seems that some of Xuan Xiaozi's original deep-rooted ideas have now changed.


When Xuan Xiaozi said this (Li Nuo is good), he smiled. He had already figured it out, so he naturally didn't want to worry too much about other things.

"It turns out that it makes me a little surprised by you."

Dingshan knew that the person who sang the white jade crown really had some real skills, so naturally no one dared to target him after all these years.Now, since he has already appeared here in person, it means that the next thing is really not that simple.

Chapter 289 Retreat to a Lonely

"Actually, even if you are cultivating earnestly here at this time, whether you can choose to value you in the end is not necessarily the case when you leave the station."

Although Dingshan was really anxious, he was also very worried when he saw the current situation, so he spoke very seriously at this time. I'm afraid this matter is not so simple.

"Why don't I go to Qianyun Pavilion to help you find out the news, maybe there may not be any news at that time."

Dingshan saw his upright appearance, so he deliberately jokingly said it there.

"Brother Dingshan, you can't say such things in the future. After all, even if we are not very good in the cultivation world today, we 597 naturally rely on our strength. If we cheat directly, I am afraid. It will also arouse suspicion from others. I don't think you want to see such a result, right?"

When Xuan Xiaozi said this, he suddenly laughed. After all, what he said was naturally unrealistic.

"You're still the same as before."

Dingshan remembered that he had such an attitude in retreat back then, but he didn't expect it to be the same now, so he couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

"I'm really ashamed to say it. After all these years, I've only closed the library and I've been lonely."

When Xuan Xiaozi said this, he was naturally looking forward to it. He also hoped that Qianyun Pavilion would really allow their sect to choose to fight Jiang Wumen.

"By the way, several of our other sects have jointly signed a letter to expel the disciples of the Kunlun Sect, but your sect did not participate in this matter."

Dingshan kindly reminded him when he said this. After all, the Kunlun faction has now become the target of public criticism. If he does not participate, it will probably cause panic among others, and things are not so simple.

"In fact, many things are not what we see on the surface."

Although Xuan Xiaozi also felt that it was indeed very difficult for the Kunlun faction to do this, but at this time, he really did not have much interest in participating in this kind of thing.

"Forget it, I already knew that you would have such an attitude. Since this is the case, then I will not force you."

Dingshan laughed when he said this.

"I'm here this time, in fact, I just want to see how your cultivation is going, and if I can help you in any way."

Dingshan smiled when he said this, and these disciples were indeed too embarrassed to say it. In the end, none of the sects won, and they all lost to Jiang Wumen.

"Actually, it's better to do your best in this matter." Xuan Xiaozi smiled when he said this, and then chose to close his eyes and rest, and said nothing more.

"Since you are already cultivating here, then I will not disturb you."

After Ding Shan finished speaking, he turned around and left.

After seeing that he had left, Xuan Xiaozi stepped there and laughed.These things are true and false, false and true, who can tell the difference?

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