"I really want to thank the two immortal friends for this matter."

Bai Youmu looked at Jiang Feng in a white robe. Although he looked like he was just a young man, the aura he exuded made him have no doubts about what they said.

"Xue'er, Mu'er, why are you all here? What happened?"

At this time, the old lady Bai's expression has long since recovered.

"Grandma, you're finally awake, it's great."

Bai Zhanxue watched her grandma wake up, and naturally knew that the two people in front of her had really helped them just now.This also shows that these two people are not lying.

"々' I don't know the two Gao surnames?"

Bai Youmu looked at the two of them so powerfully, and smiled there. Sure enough, this person can really help them, so when he thought of this, he couldn't help but ask curiously.

"You can call me Mr. Jiang, this is my little nephew, Wu Yating."

Jiang Feng originally decided to block the opening of the mine (Wang De's), but now it seems that this matter is a little more troublesome than he thought, so it is not that simple.

"So that's the case, Chief Jiang, please."

Bai Youmu said and brought them into the living room.

"Mr. Jiang, how could something happen only in my house, and just now everyone around here didn't find you, this is enough to show that you should have come in by other means.".

Chapter 309

Bai Youmu is indeed a little curious. If these two people are really so powerful, then it seems that he may be able to ask them to help him.Get things sorted out this time.

"Actually, it's very simple. Didn't my uncle say everything, this time we are here for this matter."

Wu Yating thought he didn't believe what they said, so Yi continued to say it again.

"It's just this fox, what should I do?"

Bai Youmu didn't expect that grandma was actually possessed by a fox. At this time, he still felt a little guilty. After all, this kind of non-existent thing is completely unbelievable, but since it has already appeared at this time. In front of him, he could only take a good look.

"To be honest, it is not an accident that the fox possessed 610 on the body of the old lady. Do you know why your ancestors have been for so many years, but your mines have never had any accidents, and you have always been able to dig out treasures. What's the reason?"

Jiang Feng looked at him before he spoke seriously, and naturally he was not joking about this matter, so he reminded him very seriously at this time.

"I heard my grandfather say this too, saying that our place seems to be connected to this place called Tianmo Mountain, and the treasures we dug up from the ground also came from there."

Bai Youmu became even more curious when he saw him ask such a question. Why did he ask this at this time?

"That's right. Originally, your family should not have this disaster this time. It's just because there was a little trouble in another time and space, so it became the situation like today. I came this time to solve this problem. thing."

Although Bai Youmu still didn't understand, he also understood what was going on.

"But Mr. Jiang, is there really an immortal demon in this world, how could this fox be possessed by my grandma? Could it be that he has already cultivated into a master?"

After all, Bai Youmu never believed in these things, so he still asked very seriously at this time, why is this alcohol [-] "blank"?

"It's not convenient for me to explain too much to you. In short, if your family wants to prevent such a thing from happening again this time, then you should block the hole."

When Jiang Feng said this, his face became serious. He was not joking about this, so he kindly reminded him.

"I mean the entrance to the mine."

When Bai Youmu said this, he immediately understood. If this is the case, then it seems that things are definitely not so simple, and if this entrance blocks their mining industry, they will not be able to operate. Now, thinking of this, he was still a little hesitant.

"I'm not joking with you about this matter. Do you want your family to be safe, or do you want to keep killing more people like this?"

Jiang Feng frowned when he saw that he hesitated there.

"Brother, what time is this? Naturally, it is for the safety of everyone. It must be blocked. Now if more strange things are released and more people are harmed, then it will be true. It's not good, so I agree to plug that hole.".

Chapter 310 Bai Zhanxue

Bai Zhanxue looked at the big brother who was still there seriously, and reminded very seriously, now is not the time to be joking, they must find a way to solve it, otherwise if something else happens, no one can do it at all. .

"This... well, it seems that this is the only way to do it now."

Jiang Feng was a little surprised at this time. If he were an ordinary person, how could he have agreed to shut down his own industry directly. It seems that the Bai family has been circulating for more than 400 years, which is not unreasonable.

"But don't worry, there will be losses, and there will be losses. Although you blocked the hole this time, the mine can still be mined, and the antiques and jewelry you stepped on are exactly the same as before. But in the future, we will not Another situation like this happened again."

Bai Youmu nodded when he heard that this person had promised him. He still believed a little bit about what he said. After all, he also believed that he would definitely not lie about this matter.

"I really want to thank you sir for this."

Bai Youmu saw that the matter was settled like this, and Ali nodded there, with a happy look in his eyes, which was a good thing for him.

"But for those who have died before, I will let them all come back to life. It's as if this matter never happened. At that time, this matter will not have much to do with your family."

Jiang Feng smiled when he said this. Originally, this matter should not have affected the earth, so he just tried his best to make up for the mistake made by that guy Wang Ye.

"Which sect of kung fu did you cultivate, and you actually have this ability?"

At this moment, Wang Daochang suddenly walked in from the outside, looking at her in disbelief, and reminded her seriously.

"You don't have the right to speak. Who was he who was so frightened just now? And I heard that you are a disciple of the Xiaoyao faction. Why haven't I heard of your character in the Xiaoyao faction?"

Wu Yating glanced at the old man before frowning there.Obviously, he doesn't believe that this old man is actually a member of the Xiaoyao faction. At this time, he has no choice but to frown and ask seriously. He doesn't believe what he said at this time.

"What's your business? I was originally a member of the Xiaoyao faction, and I was just following the orders of my master to act as a chivalrous person outside. What's wrong with this?"

Wang Hezi was only there when he saw what he said, and he said it very seriously all of a sudden. He was not joking about this matter, and he reminded it very seriously at this time.

(blank) [-]

"Well, then let me ask you who is the big guy in the cultivation world?"

After Wu Yating finished saying these words, seeing how hesitantly appeared there, she couldn't say anything at once.

"Looking at you like this, you are clearly teaching you to sway and deceive under the banner of Xiu Xianjie. Today, if you don't say it, then I will definitely take you back to the Xiaoyao faction. I will see what you will do when the time comes. ?"

...... 0

Wu Yating didn't expect that this person didn't even know the big guy in front of her, and she still pretended to know herself here.Very powerful, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"Okay, okay, I'm recruiting, in fact, I'm a Buddhist, because I know a little Buddhist magic, so I made a magic talisman, because before my master and the Xiaoyao Xian of the Xiaoyao sect are also friends in the mortal world, Because my master entered Buddhism, and my master hated Xiaoyao first, he first entered the cultivation world. So every time I came out to swindle and cheat, I would slander them in the name of Xiaoyao sect.”

Where did Wang Hezi think that he would meet a real master here, and this is like shooting himself in the foot. [-]【Linglong】

Chapter 311 Buddhism

"Yuheng is like this. I think you have a talent for cultivation, but you have practiced Buddhism. I really can't figure out what you think."

Wu Yating looked at this guy and shook her head helplessly, her face was speechless.

"There's no way, since it was already good at the beginning, then even if I want to regret it later, it's too late."

Wang Hezi "[-]" sighed loudly when he said this, but at this time there was absolutely nothing to be done about this matter.

"Then let me ask you, since you are swaying and cheating, you have some real skills. I am afraid that you are really not suitable at all for the way you are now."

Wu Yating glanced at it, he just casually threatened him twice, but he didn't expect that he had already recruited everything in just a few words.

"Okay, let him go, then let his master come to the cultivation world in person."

Jiang Feng felt that the somewhat amusing Buddhism had already kept a low profile since he was repelled by him before, but he did not expect to start acting recklessly now.If she didn't appear here today, I'm afraid I still don't know what these guys will do.

"Then I'll go first, thank you."

After Wang Hezi finished speaking, people already ran away with a stinging sound.

"You two must be gods."

Bai Zhanxue came over and looked at Jiang Feng with a look of admiration, "Actually, I always believed that there are gods in our mine who are blessing our family with good weather, and you must be the one who has been blessing our family with good weather. "

Jiang Feng frowned when he saw the girl's innocent look at him.

"You guessed it right, in fact, my uncle has been protecting you all the time, because your mines are connected to the devil realm of our cultivation world, and this time it is also because of our cultivation realm's Elder Zhang, if you are not careful, you will All those monsters in the demon world were accidentally released."

Wu Yating looked at the way he asked, and then said it very seriously. She was not joking about this matter, so she also said this matter very seriously.

"So it is!"

Bai Zhanxue was even more curious about how powerful these people are now, so he smiled there and looked at them seriously... 0

"Immortal, a fortune teller once told me that I would apprentice and start practicing when I was 20 years old. I'm just 20 years old this year, so I've been waiting, waiting for you to come, but I haven't been able to. I saw your business, but today it seems that you are finally here, I finally did not wait in vain, it is worth it."

Bai Zhanxue looked at them and said happily at this time.

"Master has not accepted an apprentice for a long time. How could he accept you as an apprentice now, and you are just a mortal. 4.2, those fortune-tellers are naturally unbelievable."

Wu Yating laughed when she saw the girl suddenly said that. After all, she had to go through many tests in order to enter the cultivation world. Now, how could he possibly say that he entered, so he was also smiling at this time. I got up and felt unrealistic.

Chapter 312 The Test of Bai Zhanxue

"But I really want to practice. Moreover, our family's mine is actually connected to your cultivation world, which is enough to show that my opinion is definitely not something that cannot be considered."

Seeing the girl's seriousness, Wu Yating had no choice but to shut her mouth and say nothing more.

"Xue'er, what are you making a fool of? Since people have already said that they are immortals, how could they bring you such a mortal person? The two of you are really sorry for my sister. I have offended you a lot. I hope you can forgive me."

It's been 20 years since Bai Youmu looked at his sister, and he was still thinking about the words that people fortune-telling said to him when he was a child. With such a confident appearance, Bai Youmu had to shake his head, feeling helpless for a while.

"All right,"

Bai Zhanxue watched her brother say this, and naturally looked at it too. They didn't seem to want to accept him as a disciple, so he sighed a little pityly there. He really wanted to play the man of this song. as a teacher.

"You come here."

Jiang Feng suddenly opened his mouth at this time.

Bai Zhanxue was told this by him, although he still didn't understand why he had come over suddenly, he nodded and walked over quickly.

Jiang Feng used magic to probe the girl's spiritual roots, and found that the girl actually cultivated the foundation of immortals, which surprised her slightly. It seems that the Taoist priest said it was very good.

At this time, he asked the girl to come with him and came to the yard. He directly took a tree stick from a branch on the side and gave it to Bai Zhanxue.

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