Mina looked at them so useless, she had to frown a little there, I really don't know what these guys are thinking... 0

"If you don't hurry up and arrange for someone to look for it, if something happens, I'm afraid it will only get worse."

Mina didn't expect that after all this, things had become so troublesome.

Mijie has now been brought directly to Buddhism. Now that he has decided to cooperate with others, of course this is the best at this time, so as to save what happens later.

"Elder, what are you bringing me here for?"

Mijie didn't expect that the elders had already betrayed his sister. He suddenly felt that something was not right, so he had to frown there.

"You'll know 4.2 in a while."

Mijie looked at the elder, and his face became a little wrong.

"Why don't we go back."

Seeing him like this, Mai Ertian suddenly ordered his acupuncture points. It might not be so easy for him to go back now.

"I'm sorry young master, if you didn't lie to you like this, how could you come here?".

Chapter 347 Bai Xiong

After Si Ertian finished saying this, Bai Xiong had already walked over from the other side. Seeing that he couldn't move anymore, he couldn't help laughing twice.

"what do you mean?"

Seeing that he was trapped here like this, Mi Jie had to frown, and his face became a little wrong.

"Thanks to you hiding for so many years, I finally caught a decent one!"

Bai Xiong glanced at Mi Jie who was beside him, and immediately stopped him, he couldn't help laughing, and he was very satisfied with this matter.

Mijie didn't think that this guy had already betrayed him. Thinking of this, he still couldn't believe that the elder was actually a liar.

"Get him 30."

When Mu Ertian said this, he couldn't help laughing twice. If that's the case, then arresting them at this time wouldn't do him any harm, so he really wanted to take a look today. How big of a deal does this man have.

Mai Ertian is actually another elder of Buddhism, but since the decline of Buddhism, he has chosen to take refuge in the world of self-cultivation, in order to wait for this day.

"You do this, does the World Honored know?"

Zhao Ming saw that all these people were arrested, so he reminded him very seriously. He is a little unclear about this matter. Since this is the case, then he must go and talk about it at this time. a bit.

"He doesn't have to understand, he just has to do as I say."

Bai Xiong got up in the afternoon after talking about this. After all, since he has already decided on something, there will be no change, so at this time, he must go to remind him first, and save it later. What danger arises.

"Anyway, keep this matter a secret. When the matter is over, I believe he will be able to understand all our painstaking efforts later."

Bai Xiong glanced at this person and reminded him very seriously. He naturally hoped that he could think clearly about this matter, so as to save any trouble later.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Zhao Ming is really too lazy to care so much about the battle between them now. Anyway, since everything has already happened here, he is now going to care about some other things. He really doesn't understand too much Much more.

"I really didn't expect that you are such a person, you are so disappointing to me."

Midge watched him believe this guy, but the last guy.He chose to betray him. He had no idea about this, so he had to say it in disbelief.

637 "Master, now you'd better shut up obediently, otherwise, if something else happens again, I can't promise you."

Seeing what he said, Mu Ertian also understood that if he continued to talk nonsense like this now, he would only bring more trouble.Since this is the case, he can't control so much now, so he has to stay there and choose silence.As for others such as Jin Ye, it really doesn't have much to do with him.

Mina naturally knew that this matter might be more difficult than they thought. Now, if you waste too much time here, things will only get worse.

Chapter 444 Showdown

"How is this possible, who is controlling the Pear Flower Island now, tell me."

The World Honored looked at this guy and asked very seriously. I am afraid that this time a matter is not as easy as he thought, no matter what, it must be made clear first.

"I don't know who is in charge. In short, I really don't know one thing this time."

According to the World Honored, Bai Xiong has been back for almost a month, but he seems to be still there, as if nothing has happened, it really makes him a little unable to remember what happened.

"World Honored One, you should know that in fact, everything I've done is for our sake. No matter what, I hope you can understand this."

When Bai Xiong said this, he hurriedly lowered his head, no matter what, this matter should not be continued for them now.This is probably only going to get worse.

"Bai Xiong, I know that you are very loyal and loyal to me, but I have been sealed for so long, and I have seen how the situation outside has changed. The overall situation is set. Neither do you. You can force everyone to believe in you. It's impossible~¨."

The World Honored looked at the old man, and he thought he could figure it out, so the old man should have figured it out after going through these things.

But this time, he really wasn't quite sure what it was like. No matter what, he had to figure it out first.

"World Honored One, I thought you could figure it out, but why are you doing this now, I really don't understand a little bit, is it already this time, and you still don't want to do anything for our Buddhism at all? what?"

Bai Xiong looked at him. As for what the situation will be this time, it is probably even worse. No matter what, this must be figured out first.

"Whatever you want to believe, then believe it, and it's so old now, it's a bit strange that you are still talking so much nonsense here."

The World-Honored One looked at him for a moment before laughing there. As for what the next thing would look like, he could only figure it out.

"々' In short, I hope that no matter what you are doing, it is best to stop your nonsense as soon as possible, otherwise if you let me know again, I will never forgive you."

The World Honored has always opened one eye to him before and closed the other, but after this incident, he felt that opening one eye again was unbelievable at all, and he had to find a solution as soon as possible.

"Don't you really have the heart to watch it like this, this time I just really want to ask you (Zhao Wangzhao) well."

Bai Xiong saw that after he came back, he really gave up completely, so he said in disbelief, no matter what, he must explain it clearly.

"I hope you give up, then you should give up as soon as possible, instead of waiting here for so long, you should know what the result will be."

Bai Xiong listened, the World Honored has already threatened him in such a way.

Chapter 445 Showdown

Immediately, he knew that if he did a little more here, it would be of no benefit. It seems that this time he still has to figure it out first.

"Why don't you forget it, you have seen it, it has become like this, no matter what, this time is actually not a good thing for us, if we continue to stay like this, the situation will be It's only going to get more and more troublesome, so I hope you're still thinking about it."

Bai Xiong watched his apprentice say so, and suddenly felt that he didn't know how to do it well.

"Okay, you don't need to say too much. I know what to do with this matter. In short, you can handle it according to the 767 I taught you. As for the rest, you don't have to worry too much."

Wang Hezi glanced at him and had to bow his head. Maybe what he said was right. In that case, he shouldn't continue talking nonsense.

"Master, I think what he said is somewhat reasonable. Since the World Honored has given up, why are you still so obsessed."

After Wang Hezi looked at him for a while, he said something strange, in the face of this incident, he really didn't know what was going on.

"This is my business, what does it have to do with [-] "Blank"?"

Bai Xiong looked at this kid, he just joined him, and now he has dared to use such a place not to speak, which really made him a little disappointed.

"I'm just telling the truth."

Wang Hezi saw that he was already so angry, so he had no choice but to quickly dare not say anything more. If he continued to talk here, this person would only get more and more angry, and this time the matter would be even more troublesome. .

"World Honored One, you already have such an attitude, is it really my fault?"

Bai Xiong looked at it, and he suddenly felt a little strange. If this time things are really like what he said, I am afraid it will only get worse and worse. Thinking of this, He was also a little anxious.

"I think it must be your fault."

Zhao Ming saw that he really didn't look back at the south wall at all, so he reminded him very seriously there.

"I don't know what the matter this time is like, so now you let me do it like this, and I really don't have that ability."

Zhao Ming looked at it, and he started talking seriously. No matter what, he still felt that he had to think of a solution for this time.

"What's the use of you talking about this matter now, this time everything has already appeared here, what can you do to me?"

Zhao Ming took a look, and the guy said it very seriously. As for this incident, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with him. In any case, he must go and understand it first, just in case. one.

"Just hurry up and be an assistant, this time none of us can guarantee what will happen, so when it comes to you, I'm afraid things will only get worse, you stay here, this will come to you Saying it doesn't do any good at all."

Zhao Ming saw that even if he wanted to use this matter to threaten him, it was already impossible. Some things were not as easy as they thought, so after this point, he still felt that he had to figure it out. Well, in the face of this situation, this is indeed not easy.

Chapter 448 A long way to go!

Yun Yi looked at how they had all signed there, and couldn't help but jokingly said.

"I said, you kid, are you too busy, why can't I cultivate such an excellent disciple, you must look down on me too much."

Wang Ye has been looking at this guy for so many years, and his mouth is still so open. "Seven-eighty" is very serious when he says this guy's words, but it makes him a little bit.Felt very unhappy.

"I'm just telling the truth. Why, do you have any opinion on what I said?"

Yun Yi looked at it, and he suddenly smiled there. He already knew exactly what his current attitude was like.

"Okay, okay, no matter what, I can't talk about you today."

Wang Ye didn't want to argue with them too much here. As long as the matter can be resolved this time, as for the rest, he doesn't have to deal with it.

"Wait a minute, and me, I also want to follow the experience this time. If you are injured somewhere, or something happens, I can treat you at that time."

Bai Zhanxue came over with the medicine box on his back, and smiled when he saw them.

"Could it be that Bai Yuguan also wants to participate in Miss Bai this time? I'm afraid your master is still in charge of this matter. You are here suddenly, does your master know?"

Shen Yue looked at it, and he said it very seriously. He was not joking about this matter. If something happened, I'm afraid it would be a bit bad.

"Of course my master doesn't know about it. If I let my master know, I'm afraid I won't be able to come here this time."

Bai Zhanxue stuck out his tongue mischievously when he looked at them. He actually came here secretly this time. No matter what, he absolutely couldn't let the master know about this, otherwise he would want to leave at that time. , which is probably a bit bad.So we have to figure it out first.

"Since your master doesn't agree, you sneaked here like this, I don't think it's appropriate. Miss Bai, after all, you came to the cultivation world. If you came here suddenly in a few days, I'm afraid It's still a little bad. I think you'd better go back."

Shen Yue looked at this girl. In just a few months, her whole person became more radiant. Thinking of it, in the White Jade Temple, Xuan Xiaozi showed great love to his apprentice.

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