Mina just came out from the other side at this time, and they were relieved to see that she had finally caught up. She was worried that she would not be able to catch up because she came too late.

"Master Mi, why are you here?"

Wang Ye frowned when he saw that this girl appeared here, and for a while he didn't understand what was going on.

"To be honest, after all, it is because of our sect that it causes so much trouble. I came here this time to solve this matter." Mina looked at "[-]" "Blank" They were neither humble nor arrogant, and they didn't have the arrogant aura they had just come here, so they spoke seriously no matter what.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go quickly."

Xiaoyaoxian and the others saw this sect master, but they didn't say anything. After all, there was such a thing as a traitor in the sect. In fact, no one wanted to see it. Enough is enough, and they will naturally forgive.

After they entered Peach Blossom Island, they found that there was a very strange aura around it, and there was no peach blossom around, not even a single figure was seen, and there were trees all around.

"What's going on? I've been to Peach Blossom Island before. At that time, peach blossoms were in full bloom here, and there were still many people living there. How could this place become so deserted in just a few short years? "

Wang Ye frowned when he saw the mess around here, and he couldn't figure it out for a while. Under the current situation, what was going on?

"Be careful everyone, this is all just fantasy."

Mina could see at a glance that someone had made a spell here.

After Jiang Feng came out of the cave, he saw the World Honored One. Jiang Feng was not surprised when he saw that this guy was still here. He sat on the stone bench beside him and started playing chess.

"Since it's all here, why don't you accompany me to the next game. I remember that we haven't played chess together for many years."

The World Honored One couldn't help but smile when he saw that his attitude was still so good.

"You are really the world of self-cultivation that you have built up with great difficulty. Now I am afraid that people outside are not as good as you. Once I come out, I am afraid that others will be there. I am worried, why is your uncle? It seems that everything is If it didn't happen, you're not afraid of me?"

The World-Honored One sat there and laughed when he started to play chess with him.

After all, so many years have passed, so he still needs a little time to properly integrate into what a world looks like today.

Chapter 355

He has been very busy recently, and he has finally integrated the world into it, so naturally he came to him again.Looking at her, she said thoughtfully.

"They're worried that it's their business. Isn't the situation good now, and nothing has happened."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Feng laughed there. After all, all these things were actually within the scope of his expectations. Naturally, he was not worried at all about this.

"I really admire you very much. Under the current situation, you still have such a good mentality."

The World-Honored One shook his head when he saw him.

"You are in such a good mood to play chess with me. Why don't you take a good look at what your subordinates are doing? It's not better."

Hearing what he said, the World Honored still frowned, not quite understanding what he said.

"Buddhism has been declining for so many years, but your old subordinates are loyal to you. Now that you have come out, what they will do to you is not so simple, don't you? I haven't even started to fight against me, but in the end, I didn't succeed."

The World-Honored One sees that this kid is still so stubborn after all these years,~ It's unreasonable.

"What do you mean by that?" The World Honored, after all, naturally didn't take care of his summer vacations after he came out. What they did before, then let them continue to do what they did.

"you lose."

Jiang Feng settled the last chess piece, stepped there, and smiled with satisfaction.

"I really didn't expect that, now that I have lost to you again, I really can't break your chess game."

The World Honored One looked at the game of chess, he was caught in the middle, and he could not escape at all.

"It's been so many years, you don't seem to have studied it seriously."

After Jiang Feng finished saying this, he reminded thoughtfully there, to save other troubles later.

"Forget it, I lost to you anyway, so, are you interested in taking me to the world for a spin?" The World Honored said here and reminded me earnestly.

"I can't guarantee that if you take me away, then I don't know what your subordinates are doing in the back, and I don't know very well. Then I will lose to you like this. Wouldn't it be shameful? ?"

(blank) [-]

Jiang Feng said it deliberately jokingly.

"Don't do this kid, I don't know you yet, okay, let's go."

The Blessed One looked at him and said that the two of them turned and left.

...... 0

The commander originally thought that Jiang Feng was in retreat, but who knew that people had already left Xiuzhen, and his face was still a little wrong.

"This Jiang Feng is still doing things like this without playing cards according to the routine."

"Then do you want me to go get him back?"

Shen Yue looked at the worried look of the chief commander, and asked a little seriously, after all, this matter is not a joke, since this is the case, then it can only be said properly.

"No, he naturally has his reasons for doing things, so we don't need to ask too much, just do what we have prepared before."

Shen Yue saw that the great commander had already said so, and then nodded there, so as not to have anything to do later. Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 356 Dead Enemy

"I didn't expect that the world has become like this now, but I still think that you said that you wanted to make everyone believe that this world can cultivate immortals. Now I don't know how your idea is implemented. what?"

The World Honored and Jiang Feng came to the top of the tallest building.Looking at the busy traffic above, I couldn't help but say it out of curiosity.

"You didn't see "June [-]" coming. Back then, there were only a few of us in the cultivation world, but now we have entered so many people. They are not my achievements."

"You mean that all these people are from the earth you let them into the cultivation world to cultivate immortals?"

When the commander saw him say this, he was even more shocked. After all, what he said at the moment really made him a little bit unbelievable.


Jiang Feng looked at this guy and laughed there.

"The relationship between the two of us was originally mortal enemies. Who would have thought that we are standing together now, and we are still talking so boldly. If others see it, I am afraid that my jaw will be shocked."

The World Honored One smiled when he said, "Even if we are in an antagonistic relationship, it's not that we can't be friends, and I appreciate you more."

Jiang Feng was noncommittal when he saw his appearance.

"But now I have changed a lot about you. It seems that you have done a good job for so many years. Now those rookies who have entered the cultivation world for the last time have already cultivated to the golden core stage, which is already It's very good, it seems that there is no so-called strong belt, everyone is just doing their own thing."

After so many years, the World Honored One has actually improved a lot.

"Everyone, let's find a place to stay first. There are no people here, and it's very late for coloring tonight."

Wang Ye saw that this Peach Blossom Island was actually a city. They have now come to the edge of the city, but all the geographical environment here has changed. He really made him a little bit unrecognizable. What is going on?

"The elder is indeed right, everyone, let's take a break first."

Hao Jian saw that there was an inn not far in front of them where they could live here. No matter what, they knew that they could only live here first, as for the rest... 0

"But I think if we didn't confirm that this is Peach Blossom Island before, I have some doubts. It seems that we are not coming to Peach Blossom Island, but somewhere else."

Hao Jian took a look around the place before speaking seriously. After all, this place is really too strange. No matter what, he still needs to figure it out first.

"Maybe it really isn't."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? If it wasn't for Peach Blossom Island, then the paths we took were not all wrong. How is this possible?"

Xiaoyao first listened to what he said before saying it in disbelief.

"Okay, everyone, let's rest first."

Wang Ye frowned after Xiaoyao said this first. After all, this fact is a little too wrong. No matter what, this must be clarified first, just in case something happens again.

Chapter 357 Bai Xiong's Territory

"Sect Master Mi, this Mai Ertian has now come to Baixiong's territory, what do you think of this matter?"

Wang Ye saw that everyone had fallen asleep, only Mina was still sitting there, looking worried, he walked over and asked seriously.

"Mai Ertian is also very clear. He is the target we want to capture. This time, he will definitely be well protected by the white bear, so we naturally have to be careful in everything."

Wang Ye saw what the girl said, and felt that the game he was talking about was too strange. Since that was the case, he was too lazy to say anything.

"Elder Wang Ye, I don't think this is Peach Blossom Island. We may have gone the wrong way."


30 After Mina said this, Wang Ye stood aside, completely stunned, how could this be possible?

"I have been to Peach Blossom Island before, and I originally wanted to catch a few red flame beasts, but I came here later. I can be very sure that this is where our authority is going, so we went wrong. ."

Mina looked at the elder before speaking seriously.

"How could this be? Then, if that's the case, how can it be good?"

Wang Ye saw that several other people had fallen asleep, and she was still walking back and forth. After all, this fact was too unbelievable.That being the case, we must first find out what happened in the back of the province, which is really bad.

"Then you see, should we go back now, this place is full of weirdness."

Wang Ye naturally knew that if they really went wrong, then they might have walked into someone else's trap now.It's probably not that simple.

"If we really went wrong, then it means that Bai Xiong, you may have already discovered us, so we must be careful."

Wang Ye saw that everyone else had fallen asleep, and he naturally understood that this matter might not be as simple as they thought, and he had to be careful about everything.

"it is good."

Mina originally thought that they were going to quit this time, but now they are going to leave from here. It seems that this matter really surprised him.

The next day, when Xiao Yaoxian and the others woke up, they found that the city gate here had been opened.

"It's really strange. When we came here yesterday, it was still closed. How can it be opened so quickly now? It's really strange."

Hao Jian saw that there was no one guarding around the city gate, which showed that things were not as simple as they thought, so it was better to be careful at this time.

"640 Shall we go in to the elders?"

Hao Jian glanced at the way he was at the side, and had to speak seriously.This thing is indeed a little too wrong.Still have to figure it out first.

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