"We don't need to be so polite at all, and you have helped us, so we are just helping each other now, so you don't have to worry about it."


Seeing her like this, Xu Beibei only laughed twice. As for this other matter, it is enough for them to figure it out now, just in case something happens again.

"Actually, I know why you have to appear here this time, Junior Sister Bai. You must be for your brother, right?"

Xu Beibei really admires this girl. She has only just entered the cultivation world for a few months, and her cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds. Although her cultivation is a support, it is much more powerful than their spells.

"how do you know?"

After Bai Zhanxue asked this sentence, he felt that he was a little stupid, because the last time my brother and the others did, it was Qian.[-] in the area of ​​​​the two brothers and sisters [Linglong]

Chapter 453

Moreover, brother and the others also stopped these two ten sisters. If it weren't for brother, I'm afraid these two are sisters, and they would have almost lost their lives. Now he didn't think that this matter was really too stupid.

"Don't worry, I know you are a good person, and your brother is just being deceived, so you don't have to worry too much, I will try my best to help you." "

Xu Beibeixue looked at him and said it seriously. As for what happened this time, what would happen to the alcohol now, he really didn't want to shut it down again, so he had to say it seriously, Hope he can understand.

"Thank you."

Bai Zhanxue never thought that these two were sisters, and it was a little surprising that he would come here to help him at this time.

"Everyone, be careful, these Scarlet Flame Divine Beasts have been demonized, and now we must work together to get them. The seal has been strengthened so that they can't move for this month. We are here to find the mastermind behind the scenes. Everyone must be very careful, but absolutely not. Enough, except for any accidents, understand?"

Yun Yi had just come in for a while, and already felt the atmosphere around him, something was getting more and more wrong, so he reminded him very seriously, it seems that this time, the other party has already made preparations. .Otherwise it wouldn't be here now.

"Don't worry, we know what to do."

Those few people had already nodded their heads at this time. As for what will happen later, no one really knows. After this point, we still have to be careful.

This time, Elder Wang Ye also hopes that his apprentice will never let them down, otherwise there will be a situation later, this is true, no one knows, after this point, he still wants to Be careful.

"I hope this time things can really be as you said. As for the other situation, we still have to figure it out, just in case."

Looking at the two of them, Wang Ye still felt that something was wrong. In this case, he still had to be careful. I'm afraid something went wrong in the back of the province... 0

"Let's just leave a few people out, if we are found out later. It's probably a bit worse, so be careful this time."

Wang Ye looked at them and reminded them very seriously, what was this incident like?They can only wait here for a while, just in case something happens.

"What the elder said is indeed quite right. Since that's the case, then let's wait a little longer."

Yun Yi arranged a few people and said it very seriously. As for what the situation will be in the future, he is indeed a little unclear.

"Let's do it, Aunt Bai 4.2 will stay here, and you will stay here as well. If something happens to the two of you, you can also have someone who will inform you. As for Miss Bai, if we go out at that time. In any accident, we can be rescued as soon as possible."

Although Yun Yi hasn't come out for many years, no matter what he is doing this time, he has a very clear division of labor.

Chapter 454

"Okay, you must be careful when you go in this time."

Yun Yi took a look, and they had already started talking seriously. If it weren't for this matter, how could he have stayed there, so after this time, he must talk about it.

"Don't worry, we will meet you outside."

Bai Zhanxue really wanted to go in, but just in case, there was nothing wrong with them guarding the connection here.

"Well, okay, now that everyone has a clear division of labor, let's go quickly."

Yun Yi took a look, and everyone was reminded very seriously. As for this one thing, what will it look like now in 30, that doesn't matter, they should do the next thing.

"However, do you really think there will be people on this pear blossom island? I'm still a little anxious now."

Xu Beibei looked at him and asked very seriously. I am afraid that this time, one thing will only get worse. After this point, he must go and ask carefully, just in case. .

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, no matter what this thing is like, we'll just do it according to the time, I believe. It can be solved no matter what, it's clear, don't worry too much. "

Yun Yi looked, this girl just came here, and suddenly said this sentence inexplicably, no matter what, she must have a good talk with him.

"I'm just asking casually. After all, what will happen this time, none of us know, so I'm just a little worried."

Of course, Xu Beibei knew very well that the surrounding area of ​​the Pear Blossom Island was very large. Although the Chiyan Divine Beast was locked up, none of them knew what kind of environment it was inside.

"Okay, everyone, don't talk so much, in short, don't get lost, you must be careful in everything."

Yun Yi saw that the trees nearby were getting denser and denser, and they also felt that the surrounding abrasives were getting more and more wrong. No matter what, this must be figured out first, otherwise, there will be a Anything, I'm afraid it's a little worse, so I still have to figure it out.

"Everyone, we have now entered one of the most dangerous places in the world of self-cultivation, Lihua Island, you must give me some attention!"

Just when Xu Beibei wanted to call her senior sister, she found out that senior sister was still broadcasting live not far away. He couldn't help but walk over and gave him a 787 glance.

"I said, you're a bit too much, it's too late, you're too embarrassed to run over here, now it's so dangerous, you should just follow us honestly, don't wait a moment, come It was lost in time, and we couldn't find where you were."

Xu Beibei looked at how long it was in the world, and still had the heart to do such a thing, so she reminded him solemnly there.

"Okay, okay, Junior Sister, I know, I'm not going to broadcast live now, I just want them to help me click, pay attention, after all, I haven't broadcast live for a long time." .

Chapter 455 Divine Beast

Wu Yating saw that he was suddenly very angry, so she hurriedly lowered her head there.Now if he says anything more, then it's probably not very good.In any case, this must be figured out first, just in case something goes wrong.

"Okay, everyone must be careful, I always feel that the surrounding environment is getting more and more dangerous."

Xu Beibei took a look, and they said it very seriously. As for what happened this time, he had to talk about it carefully, just in case.

"What's that sound?"

After a while, Xu Beibei heard a very strange voice coming from the other side, and he couldn't help but gasped.

"Isn't all the Chiyan mythical beasts locked up by us? Why is there such a strange sound here? Could it be that the mythical beasts are still around here, haven't they been caught?"

Wu Yating took a good look around, and then said in disbelief. If it was like this, it would be a lot worse.

"Okay, okay, let's all stop scaring ourselves~¨."

Wu Yating looked a little wrong when they said this. No matter what, she must go and talk about it first. If there is any trouble later, it is not a good thing for them, it must be Be careful with everything.

Yun Yi frowned when he looked at them like this. In fact, many of these individuals here have not practiced it personally. This is also the first time.

"Senior nephew Haoran, are you alright? I think you look a little weird."

Xue Yunyi looked at Qing Haoran standing aside, in fact, there was something wrong with his expression, so he asked a little strangely what happened to him now?

"Nothing. After all, this is the first time I have come here to see a situation nearby, so I am a little nervous now, but I will adjust it, there is no problem."

After all, it was the first time for Qing Haoran, so I was a little worried now, so I had to take a deep breath there and speak deeply.

"We also understand that your disease is very likely to be in danger. So you must follow closely. When an accident happens, I can't guarantee it."

Qing Haoran took a look, and she reminded her very seriously. As for what happened this time, no one knows what it looks like now. After all this, he still has to figure it out.

"々' You are going to be the head of the Wudang Mountain sect in the future. Since everything has been decided this time, you should know what the consequences will be."

Yun Yi is very clear, he has said so with oath before, but now it has reached this juncture, and suddenly (Zhao Nuo's) son relaxes, which is replaced by everyone will be very proud, if this If you don't force her, she may never know it.If you go forward, then go straight back and go back, then it will be a waste.

"I see."

Qing Haoran saw that he had been encouraged now, and he nodded.As for what happened this time, what will this look like now, he shouldn't be locked up anymore, just in case something goes wrong.

Chapter 456

"What? There are two paths here. Which one should we take?"

Xu Beibei looked at the intersection in front of him, and there was actually an intersection, and he said in disbelief. This is too strange, so anyway, this time, we have to go first. It's not very good to ask a good question to prevent any trouble from happening.

"It doesn't matter which way we go. In short, let's be careful now. Under the circumstances of this time, why don't we all move 790 separately now."

Yun Yi took a look at the crowd. There are so many people here. No matter what happens, they must be careful. Since this is the case, after this time, it seems that they can only go there first. Did it to prevent any trouble.

"Well, although I'm still very unhappy, at this time, as you said, it's the best choice for us to separate now."

Xu Beibei looked at it, and they nodded there, thinking that what they said was very reasonable, no matter what, this time, they can only do it first, and save trouble later.

"The two of you are separated."

Yun Yi looked at the Qing Haoran and Xu Beibei on the side, and said very seriously, he is not joking about this matter, and now he may have to do it first, and then what will happen? Trouble, none of them know how to deal with it, this time in a situation, it is indeed a lot easier for them.

"Remember when the time comes, you must use this meeting, no matter what happens later, you remember, no matter what happens, you must not panic, otherwise it is very likely to happen. Trouble, understand?"

Yun Yi took a look at everyone here and seriously reminded the "blank" of [-]. Now no one knows what will happen next. In this case, if it is true If you can keep a low profile, then try to keep a low profile, just in case there is trouble.

"And we will meet at the highest place in front of you. Have you seen that place? Anyway, remember, you must appear there when the time comes. This time is also a test for you."

Xu Beibei nodded when he saw what he had said. It seems that under all the circumstances this time, they still want to cut corners, which is absolutely impossible. No matter what they are doing this time, they are all By your own true ability.

"Anyway, this time, you better be yourself."

Yun Yi said and took Wu Yating away.

Qing Haoran is usually very stable no matter what he is doing.It was because of the sudden occurrence of such a big trouble this time that he panicked for a while. If he were to do it normally, it would be such a simple and trivial matter for him. Everything has already been dealt with clearly.

"Okay, Senior Sect Master, I think you should know your current identity. If that's the case, then you can just do as I say. Don't worry, since you and I are already divided. Well, then I believe that nothing will happen this time, so don't be too anxious.".

Chapter 457 Make a big fuss

Qing Haoran took a look, and she patted him on the shoulder and said comfortingly. Regarding this matter, he certainly hoped that he would not think too much here, there are some things.Everything will always be resolved clearly, so don't worry too much at all.

"No matter what, it's really like what you said now. I'll do what you said. You don't have to worry too much. This time, everything was not in our plan."

Qing Haoran also nodded at this time. He was really too timid before. After this point, no matter what, he must be careful in everything, instead of coming here timidly and saying it, he will be laughed at by others. .

"Don't worry, I believe this matter will be resolved clearly, no matter what, after all this, we'll just wait for a while, as for the rest~ don't worry too much."

When Qing Haoran said this, he suddenly laughed.

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