Wu Yating just stayed aside and shook her head. If it weren't for this, how could he be staying here now?After what happened this time, it is indeed necessary to take a good look at it first, so as to avoid any accidents at the end.

"Okay, things have come to this point. Under some circumstances, we probably don't know what the situation is now."

After Wu Yating said this, she shook her head. If it weren't for this matter, he would have never thought of it now. Faced with this matter, he had to say something.

The few of them just stood there and spoke seriously. If it weren't for this matter, how could they be waiting here now, so the other thing is probably not good.

Xu Beibei had already discovered this matter long ago, and something was amiss, but at that time he really didn't think so much about it. Yes, now I still have to make it clear first.

"If the white bears deal with us again and again, then at the back, for us, I am afraid that things will only get worse 823, so after this point, we must be careful in everything, no matter what. As for what the other thing will look like, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with us."

Xu Beibei patted him on the shoulder and said seriously, if it wasn't for this one thing, how could he stay here now?After these things, this must be explained first, so as not to end up in the end.

After Bai Xiong went back, he already felt that something was wrong this time. If he continued to waste time here, no one could be sure what else would happen.

Chapter 500

"No matter what, this time we still have to find a way as soon as possible, if there is another accident, it is not very easy for us to deal with now, so this time Things are probably going to be bad."

After Xu Beibei said this, he laughed twice. If something happened this time, it would have been bad. After all this, he really understood.

"Okay, let's go quickly, and we really don't know what the situation this time is now. No matter what, we must be careful this time."

Jiang Feng sat on the side and looked at them. In fact, each of them now has their own ideas, but they haven't said them. It seems that in the next situation, this is really not easy to handle. It is.

"Senior, what do you think~¨?"

Mina looked at what happened tonight, and he actually couldn't understand what was going on, so now she asked the old man a little curiously. No matter what happened to the old man, he must know. something, but I don't want to say it now.

"Since this matter is already an experience for you all, it means that no matter what this time, there will always be a solution to it, so you don't need to worry about it at all."

Jiang Feng looked at him, if the head of the Wudang sect could not solve even a little thing, then he is not qualified to be the head of this sect, so today is just a test for him. That's it.

"Why do you seem to know everything, and I feel that you always seem to be a little familiar, but I can't feel where I have seen you."

Jiang Feng's intuition when looking at this girl was really accurate, and he just smiled there. As for what happened to him this time, he didn't want to worry about it anymore, so at this time it was just, I had a good look at the good show there first, so that nothing happened later.

"You haven't seen me before, why, are you really curious about me now?"

Jiang Feng saw that he just laughed there. She is now hidden very deeply. Whenever he is needed, of course he will appear there.So this guy suddenly said this now, it made him feel a little funny.

"々' I can't tell you, but it gives me the feeling that you are really too familiar, but I really can't see through it for a while, where have I seen you."

Jiang Feng looked at it, and then he shook his head. If it weren't for these things (money to Zhao), how could he be staying here now?After this point, no matter what, this time he really has to go and explain it well first, and then things will happen later.

"It's nothing, maybe it's just my illusion, I'm just a senior, something will happen everywhere you go, but you seem to have paid and everything is under control, which makes me have to admire.".

Chapter 501 Secretly shot!

Jiang Feng looked at this girl but that's the same thing. Jiang Wumen's best thing is to see people's hearts. Now this little thing, for her, if she wants to detect something wrong, of course she can already see it at a glance. He had already noticed it, so this time he was a little surprised.

"Okay, I'm just a wandering expert. Besides, why have you forgotten all the things I helped you before? So don't think too much here, just do as I say, Don't worry, of course I won't do anything to you."

Jiang Feng took a look, and he suddenly smiled there. If it wasn't for 827, how could he stay here now? So after this situation, he must be here first. Say it, just in case something goes wrong.

Bai Zhanxue has been taking care of Qing Haoran, although he did have a little accident last time, but after this time, his whole person seems to have gotten better. It made him a little unexpected.

"It turns out that you already knew about this matter, no wonder I thought it was a bit strange before, but now it seems that this time it is one of the most important things for us. It's true that everything has been resolved now, and I don't need to waste time here."

Bai Zhanxue looked at him and smiled suddenly, if it wasn't for this, how could he stay here?After this one situation, it is true that there is no need for this at all.After all this, a lot of things were really bad for him.

"By the way, don't worry. Although I almost told this matter before, I didn't tell it at the end, so you don't have to worry too much now."

Bai Zhanxue took a look, and she said seriously that this time, of course, she also hoped that nothing would happen again. If she stayed here, I am afraid it would only be worse. All right.After what happened this time, he really understood.

"As long as we can stop such an accident, then in the next situation, all this can be solved clearly, so after this point, it's also just in case I'm still worried. down."

Bai Zhanxue looked at her like this, and said it very seriously, if it wasn't for this one thing, how could he stay here now?After all this, he must first explain it clearly. If it weren't for this situation, how could he waste time?

After lying in the room, Qing Haoran already felt that all the previous matters seemed to be almost resolved now. He was still a little worried at first, but now this time it seems that there is no need for that at all.

"Junior sister, don't worry, of course I know what to do this time, so you should hurry back this time, don't wait here for too long."

Qing Haoran took a look, and she was talking seriously there, if it weren't for this matter, how could he still stay here now?So in the face of this situation, the value must be made clear first, in addition to other dangers behind the province.

Chapter 502 Faith

"Since this is the case, we still have to be careful. As for the situation this time, it is probably not good. After these things, it is indeed very bad for us. deal with it."

They said that this was already there and shook their heads. If it weren't for this situation, they wouldn't be waiting here any longer. After this point, he felt that he really had to go and make it clear first.

"Okay, then you remember, you must have a good rest, although this time I am indeed a little worried about what will happen, but now it is really not very good for us, After this point, you still have to be careful about everything, and you will save trouble later."

They said that this was there and nodded. If it wasn't for this situation, they wouldn't be here anymore. After this incident, he would have already known about the province. Something happened later.

Jiang Feng saw that he was left in the room, and a person quickly walked over from the other side. If it weren't for this situation, after this time, he really didn't think about it at all, so this time Still have to be careful.

"Senior, do you have something to do?"

When Qing Haoran saw this old man walk in, he still felt a little surprised, so after this point, he must also ask carefully if something happened this time, otherwise, he would never do it normally. will stay here.

"It's nothing, it's just one thing this time, I'm just a little worried, what should I do if an accident happens here, so I'll come here now to take a good look at what happened to you. "

Jiang Feng looked at him and smiled awkwardly. If it wasn't for this situation, this time, it would have been a little bad for him. After all this, he was indeed very sick. It's clear, it's time to save ~ what happened again.

"Young man, do you know that you are here now, and you are carrying a responsibility-?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Jiang Feng saw that he suddenly didn't say a word, so he said something meaningful there.If it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now, so in the face of this, you must ask carefully first, so as to save trouble.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, senior."


Qing Haoran looked at the way he suddenly said this, so he had to stay in one plate for a while, and suddenly felt that he didn't know what to say, so he had to hurriedly ask there, trying to figure it out, otherwise If so, no one is sure what the outcome will be.

"I didn't really have any interest in this matter, but after this point, I still think that you must first think about this matter here and understand a lot of situations. In fact, it has really been It's not that easy anymore, after this point, of course I hope you can figure it out, otherwise something will happen again at that time." Qian.[-]【Linglong 】

Chapter 503 Warning

"The result, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Jiang Feng stared at this guy and shook his head there. If it weren't for this, he would never have asked her so much here. No matter what, he must go and remind him first. , so that one thing this time is now staying here again, that is already it.Not so good anymore.After this incident, he has already understood all "[-]".

"Since Wang Ye has already valued you so much, you should not let them down now. If you let them down at this time, then I'm afraid you will fail his hopes later. "

Qing Haoran did not expect that this old man actually already knew about this matter.Immediately, they all bowed their heads hurriedly.Faced with this, he was indeed a little unsure of what the situation was. Thinking of this, he had no choice but to smile with a guilty conscience.

"I didn't expect it to look like this. In short, after this point, I still think we must be careful."

Jiang Feng tapped lightly, and he input part of his internal strength to him.

He can see that this young man is indeed very talented. It would be a pity if it was wasted in vain, so he also hopes that this young man will come to the back, but he must not disappoint himself recently. A painstaking effort.

"Young man, I believe that your current situation is actually not a problem for you at all, but the key is that you haven't figured it out yet, so after this point, I also hope No matter how it ends, don't let me down."

Jiang Feng took a look, and she said seriously, if it weren't for this matter, how could he stay here now?So after this time, I must go and talk about it first, so that something will happen later.

"Thank you for your help, senior."

Qing Haoran was actually a little discouraged about this time. He didn't expect that he would do so many things at once, so he didn't know what to do for a while, but after his help this time, he Suddenly I feel full of confidence... 0

"Don't worry, your body is indeed much better now, so in the next situation, I hope you will show some skills to remember, this time don't let me down."

Jiang Feng said that the person had already turned and left. If it were normal, he would never help ordinary people, but it was this young man who really made him a little admired.That being the case, then he just gave a good reminder here.

Qing Haoran used to feel that there were many wrong places in his body before, but after this incident, he found that there was nothing wrong with 4.2 in his body, which made him feel a little strange. up.

He also felt that everything in his body had almost recovered. Before, he felt that something was wrong, but now it seems that everything he did before has been completely gone. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that this time the senior has personally helped him.

Chapter 504 I can't hide things

Fairy Peach Blossom is actually very clear that after these events, many situations can no longer be concealed, so no matter what, he must find a way as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible, otherwise this matter will only get worse. bad.

"Peach Blossom Fairy, I don't think it's necessary to hide all the things you've done here. In any case, I already know all the things you've done before."

Looking at this person, Qing Haoran didn't want to dismantle it so quickly.

But if he doesn't reveal it now, no one knows what will happen next 30, so now we must talk about it.

Fairy Peach Blossom looked at such a young boy who had never experienced anything, yet dared to come here to question him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile. If it weren't for this, he would have How could it possibly be waiting?

"Anyway, no matter what, this time you just do as I say."

Qing Haoran looked at this guy before saying it seriously, if it wasn't for this matter, how could he stay here now?After this point, it must also be made clear.

"As long as you stop everything you are doing now, then this matter will be resolved at that time. I believe you are a smart person and should know what this incident means."

Qing Haoran looked at this guy and shook his head there. If it weren't for him, how could things have become like this now, so he still felt that he had to talk about it.

Fairy Peach Blossom, I didn't expect him to have such a great ability, and dared to come to him to challenge him.

I didn't expect the courage to be so big.

"I warned you, you have to think about what happened this time, young man, although it is a good thing for you to have confidence, but you have come here now, and you are here to challenge me, you already know my truth. I've lost my identity, so do you think I'll let you go at this time? Are you underestimating me too much?"

Fairy Peach Blossom looked at him and suddenly smiled there. This person is too capable. After this time, he really wanted to see how capable he was. As for the other one Things, he didn't bother to say anything here.

"I think I've already told you, there are some things, you should not be too arrogant here, it's not a good thing for us to each other."

He just stayed aside and laughed, if it wasn't for this situation, he would never have stayed here any longer.After all this, you must first remind him that he was born and wasted some songs here. If there is no necessary time, then it is probably not good.

"Even if you know about me, what can you do? In this situation, will you still solve me?"

He just stayed there and then suddenly smiled. In the face of these things, he has not passed through so many good-tempered things, so let's talk about it here first.

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