It is definitely not easy to be willing to "eight-eighty". Today's human society and the world of self-cultivation are very unstable.

Jiang Feng and the others lived with fear every day, and more and more things happened. He even felt that the two years before the invasion of ten thousand tribes had been postponed, but it seemed to be getting closer and closer to them. As it got closer, he had a vaguely bad feeling in his heart.

Jiang Feng thought about it without any hesitation, and went straight out of the temple gate, because he wanted to arrange all the next things.

And it is impossible for him to go to the battlefield of foreigners alone. It will be more convenient to have a few helpers to accompany him.

So Jiang Feng recruited Wang Zaiyu, who was on the cliff, looking for Ganoderma lucidum, and Bai Zhanxue, from the Bai family, to the battlefield.

By the way, I also called Wu Yating and Xu Beibei and asked them to come here to help.

Although Wu Yating and Xu Beibei's cultivation is very low, the two little girls are still very clever, and they often walk around. Individuals will definitely find out the first time.

Maybe Jiang Feng has never seen this thing, but Wu Yating and Xu Beibei, the two girls, have seen it.

Sure enough, Xu Beibei, who was still shooting a show outside, received a call from Jiang Feng, like a little clever ghost, and said to Jiang Feng, "What fun is there this time? I'm going to find me and Wu Yating."

When Jiang Feng heard Xu Beibei's words, he felt like a little magpie, chatting every day, and his mood improved a lot.

He said to Xu Beibei: "This time there is indeed something rather strange, so I want to find you two clever ghosts."

On the other end of the phone, Xu Beibei pouted her little mouth, as if she strongly disagreed with Jiang Feng's statement... 0

Xu Beibei said to Jiang Feng: "Where is the matter, the two of us now have a very broad vision, whether it is in the realm of self-cultivation or the human world, or any place, both of us are walking around and seeing There are a lot of things, if you need our help, if you ask us, you should use a better attitude, otherwise the two of us will not care about you."

Jiang Feng listened to Bei Bei's words, Jiang Feng knew that he was just saying some angry words, and he directly said to Xu Beibei: "There are indeed some very strange things, you know that no foreigners are fighting against the Central Plains people in the northern region of Xinjiang now. thing?"

Jiang Feng knew that Xu Beibei and Wu Yating were very well informed.

 4.2 Hearing Jiang Feng raise this question, he said to Jiang Feng: "Of course we know about this matter. Wu Yating and I are going to interview in a few days to see how the battle is going."

Jiang Feng heard that Xu Beibei and the others had already planned to interview there, and directly said to Xu Beibei, "Then you can advance this interview now.".

Chapter 573

"I'm going to go to Jiangbei when I'm ready tomorrow, and see if a strange thing happens there. I'm sure the two of you are also very interested."

As soon as these strange things were mentioned, Xu Beibei became very interested.

On the other hand, Wu Yating, who was resting, also heard Jiang Feng's voice on Xu Beibei's phone.

Wu Yating immediately snatched the phone from Xu Beibei's hand and turned on the speakerphone.

The voice reached Jiang Feng's ears along the phone, and Wu Yating's voice was even more startled, and said to Jiang Feng: "What strange thing happened, the two of us are worrying about this period of time now, no What a good press release."

Jiang Feng took his phone a little further away. The two girls were so noisy every day that their ears were almost deafened by the two of them.

He knows where big things happen. Neither of them are afraid of hard work or danger, and they want first-hand information.

Jiang Feng took the phone closer and said to them: "Commander, you just told me that there is a very strange team in the place where foreigners and people from the Central Plains have explained, and it is very abnormal, so I will go there tomorrow to see a team. Look, it's a really good press release for both of you, too, if the two of you are interested."

The two girls have never heard of this, it is indeed a very good news.

The two girls were on the other end of the phone, their voices unusually loud, and said in unison, "Of course we're going."

In fact, Jiang Feng didn't need to guess, he knew that these two curious people would definitely hear his news and rush over immediately.

Jiang Feng said to them, "Okay, then, tomorrow, we will be in the northern Xinjiang region where we fought with the people of the Central Plains, and we will make an appointment at that time."

Xu Beibei agreed immediately, "Okay, we'll call you tomorrow, and we'll meet at a specific time."

Jiang Feng said to them: "Okay, then when you two find a place to stay nearby first, then contact me."

After several people placed orders, Jiang Feng went to contact Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue again.

Tell them about going to the war site tomorrow.

Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue had a very good connection, and they had already set off as long as they were notified.

After Jiang Feng hung up the phone, he arranged things in his Heavenly Palace again. After all, a lot has happened recently. All kinds of things have to be arranged, and they have to be watched by special people under him. Otherwise, I really don't know what kind of accident will happen again.

After arranging everything, Jiang 880 Feng has already gone to the secret room of Tiangong to continue his practice. No matter how busy he is, he has never let go of his own practice.

As long as he has time every day, he will seriously cultivate and make his cultivation to a higher level. Otherwise, she is really afraid that one day ten thousand clans will invade and their strength will not be enough, which will make this world once again. Falling into darkness, this is really what he doesn't want to see.

For so long, he has always wanted all people to become cultivators, just to make everyone have the strength to resist foreign invasions, so that they will also have the ability to protect themselves.

Chapter 574 Faster

Now, whether it is the world of self-cultivation or the world of the human world, for Jiang Feng, it is just an idea of ​​his own mind, and it will soon arrive.

Therefore, Jiang Feng is not in a hurry, he sets out first, but can wait for the time to come before leaving.

As soon as Wu Yating and Xu Beibei received the place Jiang Feng agreed with them, they immediately put away all their equipment.

Wu Yating said to Xu Beibei, "Hurry up, the two of us are going to leave now, otherwise we might not be able to arrive tomorrow."

After all, the place where they interviewed this time is still a little far away.

Xu Beibei cleaned up more quickly after hearing Wu Yating's words.

Xu Beibei said to Wu Yating, "Don't watch there, hurry up."

"Wouldn't it be faster for the two of you to be together? You're still there to see if your hands won't freeze."

Therefore, Wu Yating, Xu Beibei, and other staff members gathered all their equipment and things, and rushed to the place agreed with Jiang Feng.

Wang Zaiyu staggered using his sword-fighting flying technique, and rushed towards the spot Jiang Feng gave him at full speed.

The same is true for Bai Zhanxue, who started from the place of the Bai family.

Among the few people, only Jiang Feng is the most leisurely, and he is still cultivating there. There is no imminent influence. The difference in strength is such a big difference.

All the people rushed towards the Qiangbei area overnight.

Jiang Feng sat cross-legged very leisurely and practiced all night.

He got up in the morning on the second day, ate breakfast in a hurry, and packed himself up. He didn't wear a long robe today.

Instead, he was wearing casual clothes, with a white half-sleeved t-shirt inside, light gray sportswear on the outside, and light gray sportswear on the bottom trousers, and a pair of white sneakers. The whole person looked very refreshing and young. handsome.

Wearing such clothes, it looks very normal in the human world. If he wears clothes like ancient costumes, then they may think he is filming a TV series.

Jiang Feng felt that he had not worn this kind of casual sportswear for a long time. Now, when he put it on, he was really uncomfortable, but looking at his current style, it seemed that he was very handsome.

Then Jiang Feng was in the palace, and when he used his mind to change his mind, he had already disappeared in the palace.

Appearing in another place, the place Jiang Feng chose this time, although the Qiangbei battlefield is a little far away, it will take a little time for him, but it will be much more convenient than others.

In a few breaths, Jiang Feng had already arrived in the northern area of ​​Xinjiang. Looking at the desert and desolate scenes around him, he now knew why foreigners would start wars against the Central Plains. The land in this place is indeed special. barren.

Jiang Feng swept the (money and money) with his own words. There was no one in the surrounding environment. It seems that the location of his landing this time was not particularly good. Although it fell in the area of ​​northern Xinjiang, Didn't see any creatures, and didn't see any people.

Jiang Feng once again dodged and disappeared. This time he came to a town in the northern region of Xinjiang. There is some popularity here, but there are not very many people. It may be due to the impact of the war on them.

Chapter 575 The Jiang Feng Squad Meets

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone, dialed the video, and the other end of the phone picked up quickly.

Looking at the scene, there were also a lot of people. Jiang Feng saw Wu Yating and Xu Beibei on the other side of the video. The other side was also very lively. It seemed that the two of them had reached the place.

Jiang Feng said to them, "Send me a specific location where you are now, and I'll go look for you."

Xu Beibei's chattering voice came over and said, "We have arrived at the place you mentioned. This place is quite lively. I will send you the location in a while. Have you arrived now?"

Jiang Feng nodded and said to him: "It is true that I have already arrived. I will find you in a while. Send me a location first."

Xu Beibei said to Jiang Feng, "Then you wait to hang up the video, and I will send you a location right away at 880. We will now find a place to sit and wait for you to come."

Jiang Feng said to them, "Okay, just wait there for me to wait for a while, then I will ask Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue to go to your place to meet up together."

After Bai Zhanxue and Jiang Feng hung up, Jiang Feng quickly received a location.

The location of the positioning is a nearby town not far from Jiang Feng.

Jiang Fengqi took a look and was not in a hurry. He turned around with his mind and went to meet Xu Beibei and Wu Yating.

Instead, he used his mobile phone to send another video call to Wang Zaiyu, and Wang Zaiyu picked it up quickly.

Judging from the current situation, he should still be in the car, not using his crappy flying skills.

Jiang Feng said to Wang Zaiyu, "Where are you now?"

Wang Zaiyu said: "I have now reached the northern area of ​​Xinjiang, but I have not found a town."

Jiang Feng said: "I'll send you a video location in a while, you [-] "blank" to that place and we will meet together."

After listening to Jiang Feng's words, Wang Zaiyu agreed quickly and said, "Okay, send it to me, and I will ask the driver to go to that place immediately."

Jiang Feng sent the positioning information he had just received to Wang Zaiyu, who told the driver to go to this place.

Now, Bai Zhanxue has not arrived yet, so Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and broadcast the video to Bai Zhanxue, but Bai Zhanxue picked up the video very quickly.

Similar to Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, they were also in a very lively place. Jiang Feng said, "I will send you a video location. Look at the location of this place. If you dare to go to this place in a while, we will meet there."

Bai Zhanxue said, "Okay, I'll go as soon as I receive the location."

Jiang Feng hung up the video, clicked on the phone, and sent Bai Zhanxue a geographical location.

Bai Zhanxue received the geographical location and smiled when she saw it. It turned out that the place she and Jiang Feng were talking about wasn't particularly far away, it was just a few streets away.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Jiang Feng, saying, "Your choice of this place is really good. It's only a few streets away from me, and I can get there in about ten minutes."

Jiang Feng did not expect that this time Bai Zhanxue touched the place very accurately, not far from the place where they met.

He sent back a message to Bai Zhanxue saying:

Chapter 576 Strange

"There are Xu Beibei and Wu Yating in that place. You can chat with them first when you go, and I'll be there soon."

Jiang Feng wanted to see Jiangbei again to see if there was anything strange, so he was not in a hurry to meet with them.

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