To deal with this shadow, Jiang Feng found a way to deal with them.

Then he said to Xuan Xiaozi and Dingfeng: "The three of you are here to watch the battle first, and next time I will let you show your skills."

Then Jiang Feng's left hand and right hand were not idle, and he drew a piece of the same talisman paper together.

Bai Zhanxue and Wang Zaiyu were really shocked by Jiang Feng's coquettish manipulation. Jiang Feng was really amazing. One shot was two pieces of talisman paper, and his paintings were much better than the two of them.

After Jiang Feng finished drawing at the fastest speed, he threw a piece of talisman paper in the direction of the leader in black.

The leader was not weak at all. Facing Jiang Feng's direction, he picked up the sickle in his hand, and then began to mutter in his mouth.

Soon Jiang Feng felt that again, just like the man in black attacked him last time, his body began to lose strength, his head began to have other hallucinations that affected his strength, and his eyelids seemed to be particularly heavy.

Standing on the ground, Jiang Feng staggered. He didn't expect that the leading man in black was really not weak.

Wang Zaiyu, who was beside Jiang Feng, immediately held Jiang Feng up.

Chapter 621 The Secret I Heard Occasionally

Asked Jiang Feng and said, "Master, are you all right?"

Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "It's okay, they don't know what kind of weird power they used to take away my self-cultivation power and make me hallucinate. It seems that these things can't stay with them for too long."

Everyone was very surprised when they saw Jiang Feng's reaction. They didn't expect that Jiang Feng's strength was already so strong. These things could still make Jiang Feng's footsteps unstable.

After Wang Zaiyu and Bai Zhanxue helped Jiang Feng, they started to launch the complex talisman of lust in the air again.

He threw it in the direction of those black people, and soon the two sides were fighting very lively.

The scythes in the hands of the men in black radiated a slight cold light. The black robes and black robes on their bodies had a trace of black air. They were muttering something. In their direction, they sent an invisible spell.

Jiang Feng and Wang Ye felt like their heads were dizzy. This feeling was really bad. After all, they were all cultivators with advanced abilities. affected by what comes.

Jiang Feng said to all of them: "~You retreat back first."

Everyone listened to Jiang Feng's words, and they also kept away from their battle-circle in an orderly manner.

Then I felt that my spirit had just recovered a little bit, otherwise everyone would be so confused, these men in black really couldn't tell, and they would wipe out all of them.

Jiang Feng's hands were not idle, although his mind was a little dizzy, he was still drawing on the talisman paper very strongly.

Sure enough, the talisman reached the body of one of the men in black, and the other talisman reached the body of the leader. Both of them found a fire on their bodies, and a cloud of black air was floating there, howling. called.

Jiang Feng watched that black gas getting smaller and smaller, it must be because of his fire that their black gas was reduced.

A leader waved a few times with the sickle in his hand, and the men in black fled once again as if they were fleeing for their lives.

The big black black horse made a dabbling sound under them, and the sound of the black horse's footsteps was messy. It seems that they did not get a special advantage this time.

(blank) [-]

But how can we beat them?

Jiang Feng also began to put this matter first in his heart.

He is also very anxious to go back to discuss countermeasures now, and said to all of them: "Let's go, let's go back too."


Then Dingfeng and Wang Ye followed behind Jiang Feng and walked back.

On the other side of the battlefield, ordinary people are still fighting there. These things don't need Jiang Feng and the others to take care of, so they can snatch their own territory.

This is also the most correct method, otherwise if they intervene, things will be more troublesome.

When Jiang Feng and the others returned to the army, the army was unusually quiet, because almost all the soldiers went out to fight.

Jiang Feng returned to his room, and the heads of these cultivation realms also followed Jiang Feng back to his room.

Dingfeng said: "I didn't think of these things, I'm not afraid of my attack." Qian.[-]【Linglong】

Chapter 622

Dingfeng was really pissed off, his attack was so powerful, how could he not be afraid of these things?

Jiang Feng said to them: "I only know these things. I'm afraid of my fire spell. It's just an occasional discovery, but other attacks only know today that they're not afraid."

These things that live in the dark are really annoying.

The Xuanxiao disciples Jiang Feng said: "Then you can hand over the method of your "Nine Two Three" technique of bathing fire to a few of us, so that if a few of us join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat those men in black. ."

Jiang Feng nodded. He really thought so in his heart, so that as many cultivators as possible would learn how to draw his fire-fighting technique.

Jiang Feng said: "These things are nothing, I can teach you."

After all, Jiang Feng is not a particularly pedantic person. If others want to learn his knowledge, he will teach them all.

Then Jiang Feng took out a sword and began to draw the complicated pattern facing the void.

The heads of several masters are actually masters of learning cultivation methods. Soon after Jiang Feng drew it twice, they all learned it.

Sitting on a chair, he said to Jiang Feng: "Thank you for your teaching today, the method of this talisman paper is really amazing. I didn't expect you to hand over the painting method of this advanced talisman paper to a few of us, really It's to impress a few of us."

Jiang Feng was not afraid that a few of them would learn this knowledge from themselves.

After discussing with a few people for a while, I went back to my room to practice.

Everyone is in their own room, learning the painting method of the technique of bathing fire, and several of them are masters of cultivation, so they have learned to be very proficient very quickly.

The night wind was blowing coolly, the troops were quiet, and everyone in the camp had already slept, but Wang Ye was usually restless. Looking at today's battle scene, he wanted to go back to the place where the battle was fought and have a look. Are there any clues.

So he quietly left the camp and went to the fighting place.

Wang Ye walked around and found nothing. It was getting dark now. Just when he looked around and found nothing unusual, Wang Ye was about to go back.

At this moment, he heard a voice that seemed to be speaking from a distance. If it weren't for his very strong sense of consciousness, he could hear voices from far away, and it would have been impossible to find these two people. So he stopped and listened carefully... 0

Wang Ye was very surprised. He didn't expect anyone in this place, so he walked towards that place very carefully, hiding his strength.

It didn't matter what Wang Ye heard, it really made him hear a particularly important news.

This person is none other than one of their old acquaintances, the Blessed One.

The World-Honored One has blocked the actions of these people on many occasions.

Wang Ye listened to this voice, and there was an unfamiliar voice, so he hid behind a big tree and stretched his head slightly forward to see who he was, with a big bad guy. Together, we discussed some kind of bad idea.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, it turned out to be the man in black in black and robe that they saw during the day, and that person should be the leader they saw today.

I didn't expect that these two villains would be combined, and nothing good would happen.

Wang Ye continued to listen, only listening to the conversation between the two people standing in the dark.

Chapter 623 The man behind the ghost

The World Honored One said, "You stupid things, you haven't solved them today."

And the black qi of the black robe and black robe drifted in the air, and said to the World Honored: "Those people are very powerful, we are afraid of their fire-type attack."

He is also very puzzled by the man in black. Usually they are not afraid of any attack, why are they afraid of this kind of thing?

The World Honored said to him: "It turned out to be a fire-type attack? It may be that Jiang Feng has obtained some powerful exercises. 30 million must not let him pass on these exercises."

The man in black said, "He even passed on the exercises to others, is that a fool?"

The World-Honored One continued to say to him, "You don't know that he doesn't know that these exercises should be kept in the inheritance by himself, but as if they are worthless, they can be taught to all people."

The man in black really didn't understand Jiang Feng's approach.

He said to the World Honored: "What should we do next? It seems that the march into the Central Plains is not particularly smooth."

The World Honored's current matter also made him very regretful. He didn't expect that it was a very simple matter. Now that there is another Jiang Feng matter, it is really not easy to solve.

The World Honored said to the man in black: "The matter on my side has not been resolved, and the Ganoderma lucidum has not been found, so you still need to persevere here. It is best to solve that Jiang Feng here."

However, the man in black shook his head. He strongly disagreed with the World Honored One's statement, because Jiang Feng already felt that their current strength could not be defeated at all.

The World Honored One seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. He said to the man in black, "Don't you want to enter the Central Plains, don't you want to turn all those people into your puppets?"

"Don't you want to absorb the power of self-cultivation from them?"

After saying this, the man in black seemed to strengthen his confidence and said, "Okay, don't worry, I will definitely not make it easier for them."

After the two discussed it, they flew out in two different directions.

Wang Ye didn't expect to come out and heard such a big secret. He walked out from behind the big tree and looked at the direction the two were leaving.

Wang Ye was very fast, and Yu Jian flew in the direction of the troops. He didn't stop at the gate of the troops and walked in, but flew directly to Jiang Feng's door.

Knocking on Jiang Feng's door, Jiang Feng has started to rest now, who will knock on the door at this time?

He said, "Come in."

Then Wang Ye hurriedly walked into Jiang Feng's room.

Sitting on a chair, 923 placed a water glass on the table, poured himself a glass of water and swallowed it, as if he was someone who was very anxious to come back, and was very thirsty.

Jiang Feng looked at him very puzzled and asked Wang Ye, "Did you go to the wrong room?"

Wang Ye broke it with his hands, told Jiang Feng that he should not speak now, and let him take a few breaths.

After all, Wang Ye ran back in just over 10 minutes. He was really anxious.

Jiang Feng didn't speak either, just sat there quietly and waited for Wang Ye.

After a few breaths, Wang Ye said to Jiang Feng: "I heard a very important news tonight.".

Chapter 624

Then, without waiting for Jiang Feng to start asking him, he started talking about what happened, and then told Jiang Feng about the black man and the World Honored One.

Jiang Feng did not think that behind this incident, there is still the existence of the World Honored.

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