Wang Zaiyu nodded, indicating that he already knew what they were trying to convey.

Then he said to the other side of the phone: "Master, you have solved it on your side, can you come back sooner?"

As soon as Wang Zaiyu said this, Jiang Feng knew that things must be very serious on their side.

He said to Wang Zai30yu: "Why is something happening?"

In the past few days, Jiang Feng has been going out every day and night to find the whereabouts of Ganoderma lucidum, wanting to quickly resolve the matter on the Lotus Island, forgetting the situation in the northern part of Xinjiang.

And their time is different. He always goes out at night to communicate with there, which is very inconvenient.

He always thought that there would be no problem with Wang Ye and Dingfeng in charge.

Since Wang Zaiyu said this, it must not be so simple. Jiang Feng was shocked. Could it be that Bai Xiong and the others have already gone to Jiangbei Land?

Just when this idea came out, Wang Zaiyu's voice came over again, saying: "It's nothing, the World Honored and Bai Xiong have already arrived in the northern part of Xinjiang, and made trouble in this place, so we have Some are invincible."

When Jiang Feng heard that it was like this, he was slightly shocked. These two guys ran fast.

No wonder there has been no news of the two of them in the past two days. It turned out that they had already gone to the north of Xinjiang to make trouble.

Jiang Feng was really angrier in his heart. He said to Wang Zaiyu, "Then see you tomorrow morning, and I'll be back in a while."

Jiang Feng needs to arrange all these things as soon as possible. If he leaves in the middle of the night, he can basically return to the northern part of Xinjiang in half a day.

Hearing him say this, all the hearts put down a big stone, as long as he comes back, then these things can be solved easily.

When Wang Zaiyu heard this, he said to Jiang Feng, "Master, you don't need to be so busy. You should pay attention to your body."

Jiang Feng said to him: "It's okay, I just need to explain a little about the things here."

After all, there is still Qing Haoran here, and Qing Haoran's ability to do things is also very good.

Wang Zaiyu listened to Jiang Feng's words, and said to Jiang Feng, "Well, let's make arrangements here, master, and see you tomorrow morning."

Jiang Feng hung up the phone. His mind was very heavy. He didn't think that the World Honored and Bai Xiong would actually go there to make a mess. It seemed really abominable.

Because Jiang Feng wanted to resolve the matter here first, he told Qing Haoran 933 to come to his room.

Qing Haoran did not expect that it was already so late, what was Jiang Feng looking for himself?

They worked with Xuan Xiaozi to find Ganoderma lucidum for the past two days. The people under Bai Xiong worked very hard every day, so they had already rested early.

Hearing Jiang Feng's order, he immediately got up and went to Jiang Feng's room.

Jiang Feng did not wait for Qing Haoran to speak as soon as he entered, Jiang Feng said anxiously to Qing Haoran: "I have something very urgent to solve here, and you can solve the follow-up matters about the Chiyan Divine Beast and Ganoderma lucidum by yourself, I will tell you. What should you do."

Afterwards, Jiang Feng told Qing Haoran where the red flame beast was being held.

Chapter 639

It must be watched closely, and there can be no mistakes.

And how should Ganoderma lucidum be preserved so that others don't know?As long as Qing Haoran himself knows where to put it, this is the safest way.

Qing Haoran memorized everything one by one.

Qing Haoran said to Jiang Feng, "Then are you leaving today or tomorrow?"

Jiang Feng said to him, "I'll leave shortly after I've ordered the matter, and you'll have to work hard for the next thing here."

Qing Haoran is really very embarrassed, because although he has worked very hard during this period, he is only running errands. All the Ganoderma lucidum grass and the solution to the Chiyan Divine Beast were solved after Jiang Feng came.

He said to Jiang Feng: "Don't worry, I will definitely take these matters into my mind, Mr. Jiang Feng, you can go at ease."

Then Jiang Feng said to Qing Haoran, "Go, call Xuan Xiaozi here."

Because Xuan Xiaozi had already returned to his room to rest early, he was really tired these days, and he and Jiang Feng were running around to do a lot of things.

Qing Haoran bowed slightly to Jiang Feng, and exited his room to call Xuan Xiaozi.

Jiang Feng wanted to let Xuan Xiaozi sleep a little longer, and then the two of them could hurry on their way. When Xuan Xiaozi came, his eyes were drowsy and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

Looking at Jiang Feng, he said to him, "You have so many things to do when you sleep. Tell me, what else is there to do~¨."

Jiang Feng said to Xuan Xiaozi, "Why are you still sleeping? The two of us are about to set off now."

Xuan Xiaozi was very shocked. He didn't think that he, who had just fallen asleep, was going to set off again. He was very tired these days, and he didn't recover at all.

He said to Jiang Feng, "I finally found the Ganoderma lucidum. I plan to get a good night's sleep tonight, but you still have something to do."

Jiang Feng explained to him what happened in the north of Xinjiang.

It was said that the World Honored and Baixiong had already arrived in the northern part of the Xinjiang region, and they started to harass Wang Ye and Dingfeng there. The two of them could not resist them very well. After all, the World Honored and Baixiong were still very powerful.

When Xuan Xiaozi heard that there was such a thing, the two World Honored people are really too hateful.

He said to Jiang Feng: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly. If we leave now, we can basically arrive tomorrow morning."

Sure enough, Xuan Xiaozi was also an impatient person. Knowing the importance of things, Jiang Feng was very moved and said to Xuan Xiaozi, "々' You have worked hard for a while."

Xuan Xiaozi was very disdainful of Jiang Feng, and rolled his eyes at him. The friendship between the two was so good, and he even said these polite words.

He said to Jiang Feng: "You're not mushy, the two big men said these hardships, if it's not hard work, don't be long-winded, hurry up and let the two of us set off, (Nuo Hao Zhao) let's go."

"Otherwise, I don't know when I will arrive tomorrow morning?"

After speaking, the two of them walked out of their room.

Jiang Feng stood up in the air again, looking at Xuan Xiaozi handsomely and said to him, "Then I'll take a step first."

Not to be outdone, Xuan Xiaozi took out his long sword and stood on top of his long sword. As soon as his cultivation ability was blown, the long sword rushed behind Jiang Feng.

Chapter 640 Anger

The two went hand in hand, very fast, and galloped towards the Qiangbei area in the dark night.

After all, the distance from south to north is still very far, and the two of them did not stop at all along the way.

Although the two of them felt very tired and had no words along the way, at the fastest speed, in the early morning of the second day, the two of them still arrived at the army camp.

All the soldiers in the barracks just got up and watched Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi walking towards the door of the army camp.

The soldiers saluted them, and Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi entered the army camp.

Watching Wang Ye and Dingfeng, who had just woken up in 937, were exercising in the yard.

Xuan Xiaozi said very loudly to the two of them: "I've already come back, haven't you two dogs seen me?"

"I'm exhausted this way."

Wang Ye and Dingfeng heard the sound and looked at the wind, and saw Xuan Xiaozi and Jiang Feng.

Walking in their direction, they did not expect that Jiang Feng and the others said that they were back today, but they came back so early.

It seems that the two of them are really rushing back to the "blank" at a very fast speed this night.

Wang Ye turned towards Xuan Xiaozi, patted Xuan Xiaozi on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect you to come back so soon. It must have been a very hard night."

Xuan Xiaozi nodded and said to him, "Yes, I didn't rest all night, I used all my spiritual power, and I was exhausted."

And Dingfeng listened to the few of them talking there, and knew that the two of them had just rushed back, so he poured a bowl of water on the table next to the yard and gave it to Xuan Xiaozi.

Yun Xiaozi sent a thankful look to Dingfeng, and drank a large bowl of water, feeling as if he suddenly came alive.

After drinking the water, he took a deep breath and said, "I've been thirsty to death this night. I'm really tired when I'm thirsty and hungry."

While muttering, he looked at Jiang Feng and the others, and said to Jiang Feng, "Okay, I'll go back to the room to rest first. If you have anything, please discuss with Jiang Feng first."

Jiang Feng nodded and said to Xuan Xiaozi: "Thank you for your hard work, head of Xuan Xiaozi, go and rest."

Xuan Xiaozi ignored them. After all, he has been very tired these days.

He is not as perverted as Jiang Feng, and there is still a certain gap between the two in terms of physical fitness, so he must have worked harder than Jiang Feng.

Xuan Xiaozi turned around and walked to his room. He didn't wash up at all. He lay on his cot and started to fall asleep.

Although Jiang Feng was also very tired, he still had a lot of unresolved matters. He looked at Wang Ye and Dingfeng and said to the two of them, "How is the battle these two days."

Wang Ye and Xie Feng explained to him that it was similar to what Wang Zaiyu said on the phone, but it was more specific.

Jiang Feng's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled. He didn't expect that these two people would do damage, but they have already come here. It really is where there are bad things, there are them.

Jiang Feng said to them: "If these people are attacking today, they must be left without food."

Wang Ye was very angry, he slapped his hand on the table, and the table trembled slightly because of his anger.

Chapter 641 Preparing for the Live Battle

He cursed: "If these bad guys don't let them suffer a little, they will always be doing damage everywhere. We must teach them a deep lesson."

Dingfeng was also very angry. He didn't expect that these people would not be able to obtain benefits in that place on Lihua Island, so they came here to make trouble.

He said to Jiang Feng, "Of course we must find a way. It would be better if we could eliminate him in one fell swoop, otherwise they would always make trouble everywhere, really like a toad."

Jiang Feng and Wang Ye discussed it. If they start a battle today, Jiang Feng said to them: "If they attack again today, Xuan Xiaozi and I will observe your situation from the back first, and then Give them a surprise."

Several people fully agreed with Jiang Feng's statement. After all, if Jiang Feng stood on the facade, they might have fled beforehand, or had other countermeasures.

But if it is unexpected, it will definitely have a very good effect.

After some discussion, Wang Ye said to Jiang Feng, "Go back to your room to rest first. I don't know if there will be a battle today. If there is a battle, I will call you again."

Jiang Feng is really very tired now, and feels that his spiritual power has been decreasing little by little. He must adjust himself to the best state and go back to the room to rest and practice.

Jiang Feng said to them: "Okay, if you have anything~ you can call me again."

Then he took his long, slender legs and walked in the direction of his own square. Although he was very tired now, he still walked with a gust of wind, and he was very imposing.

Back in the room, Jiang Feng was lying on the bed alone. Suddenly, he felt that his whole body softened. He was really tired all day long. He slowly closed his eyes. First of all, he had to rest himself before he could To deal with - the next thing.

In the army, there was nothing to do, Xu Beibei and Wu Yating, neither of them went to the live broadcast these days.

Because the fighting situation on the spot was so intense, the two of them were afraid that all the people would not care about their lives and didn't make trouble.

Hearing that Jiang Feng was back, the two quickly rushed towards Jiang Feng's room, wanting to start the live broadcast.

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