So the three of them just took a while to catch a hare, and there are really a lot of these small animals here.

Wang Zaiyu grabbed the hare and found a small river, and cleaned it up very neatly.

Then Qing Haoran had already lit a fire, and the two of them cooperated very quickly.

In a very short time, there was already a burst of fragrance.

And Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi also caught some game, cleaned up by the lake, and barbecued there.

The meals were the same on both sides, both hares.

Xuan Xiaozi rubbed his "four, two, three" hands. Seeing that the hare was about to be roasted, he said to Jiang Feng, "It feels like I haven't eaten such barbecue in the wild for a long time."

Jiang Feng nodded and said, "Yes."

Because every time they solve various matters of various sects, although sometimes the food they eat is also found in the forest, but such a leisure time is really not easy.

The two of them looked at the hare that had been slowly roasted, and looked tender on the outside and tender on the inside, which really made people feel a little hungry.

Jiang Feng took down a rabbit leg and sent it to Xuan Xiaozi, and said to him, "Hurry up and eat."

Xuan Xiaozi was not polite, grabbed it and took a bite directly on it.

He stretched out a thumb in Jiang Feng's direction and said to Jiang Feng, "If you are not the boss of the palace, I think it would be very good for you to be a cook."

Jiang Feng also pulled down a rabbit leg and took a bite. He looked at Xuan Xiaozi and said to him, "How can it be as simple as you said, I also want to live that kind of particularly happy life."

Two people eat a roasted hare.

Xuan Xiaozi patted, his stomach was full, and then he walked under a tree and lay down very comfortably. The thing is, I feel really relaxed at this moment.

After a while, Jiang Feng packed up a bit, put out the fire fist, and sat under the tree with his eyes closed a little bit, waiting for the two divine beasts to return.

Sure enough, when it was completely dark, I heard the voice of Sissoso deep in the forest.

After a while, I saw two huge figures, one red and one green. I didn't expect that the two of them would meet in the forest in the back mountain, and they came back together.

Jiang Feng opened his eyes and looked at the two of them in high spirits. He knew that there was no problem with the two bodies, so he felt relieved.

Jiang Feng stood up, watched the two mythical beasts walk to his side, and said to them, "The body is completely fine now."

Ginseng Teng saw the red Scarlet Flame Divine Beast stopped, as if sitting on a slide, and slipped off the Scarlet Flame Divine Beast very smoothly.

Then he walked to Jiang Feng's side, and his half-meter-high body looked like a little doll, looking up at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng touched his head and said to her, "Have you eaten too?"

He nodded to Jiang Feng very solemnly, and then he was like a child.

Jiang Feng was thinking at this time, if he eats the shape-changing pill for the ginseng and turns into a little doll, I don't know if it will be a very cute child.

Then he looked at the two mythical beasts and said to them, "How is your body?"

The blue-eyed python said to Jiang Feng, "It's been much better, but there is still some discomfort. It should be better in a few days. There is a faint upward trend."

When Jiang Feng heard what he said, his heart really began to feel completely relieved.

He said to the two mythical beasts: "If you have any problems during this period of time, you can come to me immediately."

The divine beast was also really shocked, because when Jiang Feng let them in, he let the two of them cultivate in this place honestly, and did not let them leave the place of Houshan. Now they can leave for their own body. This place went to the big brother Jiang Feng for help.

Although they have always been very cold in their hearts, deep in their hearts, they really have a very good impression of Jiang Feng. After all, if there is no Jiang Feng, the two of them would not be able to have the current treatment, and they themselves His strength has been rising vaguely, even if he stays in this place and doesn't do anything, he will feel the changes in his body.

But the two of them have always been the cold existence. Hearing Jiang Feng's words, I was very moved, and said to Jiang Feng in unison: "I don't need to do it myself."

"No, I can do it myself."

The two voices suddenly came out, and Jiang Feng really felt that there was some kind of harmonious existence between these two divine beasts inexplicably.

Jiang Feng didn't speak and said to them: "Well, these days, I will check your own physical condition from time to time. In this place, you must take care of yourself. If there is any accident, you can also Ask Xingshento to find me, and he shouldn't have any surprises in the Heavenly Palace."

For Jiang Feng to say this, Pedestrian Ginseng is very excited. After all, it is always in this place and wants to go out to see and recognize the scenery.

But the Chiyan God immediately disagreed. He bit the small body of the ginseng vine directly into his mouth, and then threw it on his back without any special force.

This action was done in one go. It seems that this kind of action was often done before. It said to Jiang Feng: "It's fine without him here."

When he said this, it was very jerky, but Jiang Feng also knew that the beast's concern for the ginseng vine was not talking.

Jiang Feng looked at Xuan Xiaozi who had been silent all the time and said to him, "Since the two of them are all right now, don't worry, let's go back first."

Xuan Xiaozi stood up, patted the dust on his body, then looked at Jiang Feng and said to him, "These two guys are really disrespectful."

Jiang Feng shook his head helplessly and said to them, "Take care of you."

Then he and Xuan Xiaozi were already standing in the air, rushing back towards the distant direction, the edge of the Immortal Mountain in the Back Mountain.

Xuan Xiaozi said to Jiang Feng in the process: "I didn't expect that although these two guys seem to be very cold, they still have a certain amount of care for each other."

Jiang Feng was noncommittal about Xuan Xiaozi's words, and she also saw it. She didn't expect that although Xuan Xiaozi was usually very lazy, he didn't particularly care about anything, and she could already see that the two of them cared about each other.

When the two of them landed on the edge of the back mountain, they saw that Bai Zhanxue was circling in a hurry. After all, it was completely dark now, and a few of them even made a fire.

Bai Zhanxue wanted to enter the deep mountains and went to Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi. The two of them were still arguing with Qing Haoran and the others, but they didn't expect that these two senior brothers would not talk to him at all. The dull performance really made Bai Zhanxue very angry.

She was there like a blown-up cat, yelling at the two brothers and drawing pictures.

When Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi fell, Jiang Feng was really helpless and said to Xuan Xiaozi, "Look at how your apprentice doesn't look like a very civilized girl."

Xuan Xiaozi smiled and said to Jiang Feng: "If he were that kind of ordinary girl, I might not accept him as a disciple."

Jiang Feng thinks about it, maybe Xuan Xiaozi is really this kind of person, people do not usually do anything in the usual way, but an alternative maverick... 0

When the two walked over, Xuan Xiaozi bent up with his hand, gave Bai Zhanxue the back of his head, and said to him: "You little girl, what are you doing jumping around? of."

Suddenly, Bai Zhanxue felt that she had been hit on the back of the head. It was really painful to cover the back of her head. Seeing Xuan Xiaozi and Jiang Feng come back, she couldn't care about her pain. He directly hugged Xuan Xiaozi's arm.

Bai Zhanxue said to him, "Master, you guys are back, and you're worried about me this afternoon."

Seeing this little girl sincerely worrying about herself, Xuan Xiaozi was not blaming her for not being a girl.

Instead, he said to Wang Zaiyu and Qing Haoran, "You guys are fine here all afternoon."

After all, there are many mythical beasts appearing in this place, and I am afraid of what kind of accidents will happen to them.

The two looked at Xuan Xiaozi and said to him, "Master, we are all well."

Jiang Feng looked at Wang Zaiyu and said to him, "put out the fire here, we are going back."

Wang Zaiyu listened to the master's words very quickly, and already put out the surrounding fire.

The moon hangs high above the sky, with a few stars beside it, but in the dark night, Jiang Feng feels that the air here is really very comfortable, and there is a feeling of peace of mind.

Jiang Feng looked at everything, and said to them, "Let's go, let's go back now."

After all, when it was already night, it was still cold in the wild.

Several people stood in the air and disappeared very quickly in the back mountain. I wonder if the two divine beasts would change at night.

When Jiang Feng and Xuan Xiaozi returned to the Tiangong Palace, they all returned to their rooms. During this afternoon, Jiang Feng still felt a little uncomfortable about the ability of his body to consume, so he Back in his palace, he slowly lay on the bed, not in the mood to continue practicing, but let himself rest a little to nourish his spirit.

But when Jiang Feng was lying on his bed, he really thought why he didn't feel sleepy at all. He was thinking about the two divine beasts. Because of their physical fitness.

Jiang Feng had one question after another in his heart, and he was really worried about the two, so he prepared to go in and inquire about the two divine beasts by himself after the night had passed, without affecting anyone tomorrow.

Thinking about it like this, and thinking about things far away, when people can't fall asleep, there are many things that will jump into their eyes, whether they are in the past or in the future.

Jiang Feng slowly closed his eyes, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when Jiang Feng woke up, he walked out of the room and saw the sun hanging high outside. It was another sunny day. The sound of crisp birdsong had begun to sound outside. Two little birds could fly not far from her side.

Jiang Feng decided to enter the fairy mountain in the back mountain after breakfast.

After the simple breakfast, Jiang Feng walked along the long corridor towards the back mountain, and saw that Bai Zhanxue seemed to know that he was going to the back mountain, so he had already waited there early.

Jiang Feng said to the little girl, "Why are you here to wait for me?"

Bai Zhanxue nodded and said, "Yes, I'm also very worried that those two divine beasts don't know what their bodies are like. I know that Jiang Feng might be there today, so I'll go take a look too."

Jiang Feng looked at the little girl and said to her, "You are not very afraid of the two of them, you have to decide to go with me."

Bai Zhanxue scratched his nose and said to Jiang Feng that he was a little scared, but also very curious.

Jiang Feng was also very speechless and said to Bai Zhanxue: "Well, then you can go with me once, but everything has to be obedient, or else they will eat you up, I don't care."

Hearing Jiang Feng say this, Bai Zhanxue felt as if a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back all of a sudden, thinking about those bloody mouths, he was like a meal on their plate.

Chapter 1202 I have no malice

My own goosebumps, I feel it, it's really scary.

He was still very courteous and said to Jiang Feng: "With Jiang Feng here, I have nothing to fear."

But when I said this, I had some lack of confidence, and I really felt that I was still a little scared.

Jiang Feng rubbed her head. After all, when this little girl was also his apprentice a lot, she would go to various places with them.

Jiang Feng said to her, "If you want to go, let's go."

Bai Zhanxue followed behind Jiang Feng. When the two rushed to the back mountain, Jiang Feng did not call out the names of the two divine beasts.

Instead, he led Bai Zhanxue and said to him, "Be careful when you enter, and follow me closely."

Bai Zhanxue nodded, and knew that he entered the deep mountains, but it was a very dangerous thing. He followed Jiang Feng closely, and the two of them quickly arrived near the blue-eyed python cave.

When Jiang Feng fell, he said to Bai Zhanxue, "Wait here or go in with me."

Bai Zhanxue saw the black hole inside, stood at the edge of the hole and said to Jiang Feng, "Then I'll just wait for you here."

Jiang Feng also knew that this little girl, who had just entered the black hole inside, might be a little scared, and she didn't say anything, but stepped on her own legs and walked into the depths of the cave.

Sure enough, as soon as the blue-eyed python heard someone approaching, it opened its huge eyes, looked at Jiang Feng blinking those green eyes, and said very deep words to Jiang Feng: "Why are you here again? ?"

When Jiang Feng heard this, he didn't think he had any special thoughts. Instead, he looked at the blue-eyed python and said to him, "How is the time of the night? Is there any change in the body."

It turned out that Jiang Feng was concerned about his own body, and he had already told Jiang Feng not to come to see them again, but Jiang Feng still came.

The blue-eyed python was still very happy in his heart, he looked at Jiang Feng and said to him: "It's been a lot better, and although I was a little uncomfortable last night, I feel that my strength has begun to rise vaguely, I believe in myself OK."

When Jiang Feng heard her words, he felt relieved and said to him: "When you should go out to find food, don't hover in the cave and go out to find food quickly, so that your body can get more energy."

Jiang Feng's tone was really caring. He spoke to the blue-eyed python, and the blue-eyed python slowly shrunk his body a lot to the size of Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng looked at her and said, "Thank you. This elixir for me."

Because he felt that the medicine he took yesterday had really changed his body a lot, so Jiang Feng was really a human being who was very kind to them.

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