"They actually understand wolf warriors! It's interesting!"

Su Ming was amused by Hatotaro.

"I haven't gone to them to settle the account, but they actually took a bite in advance! These people, I'm afraid they're crazy."

Later, he noticed that the Ministry of Rites also sent a message to fight back.

[What the truth is, I think some people in Toyo know clearly!Want to reach out to the celestial dynasty and destroy it?I'm afraid you are thinking too much!Such a hand, come and chop one!Get a pair, chop a pair!Advise some people in the East to be cautious in their words and deeds! 】

Seeing the post from the Ministry of Rites, everyone screamed with excitement.

"Toughness! Just be so tough! Come one, chop one! Come one pair, chop one pair! Nice job!"

"The Ministry of Rites is our external facade, and it must be domineering and tough! After all, a big country must have the majesty of a big country!"

"Our current Ministry of Rites spokesperson is getting more and more domineering! He's getting tougher and tougher! I like it!"


At the same time, in the capital, Dongyang was stationed in the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Chinese Empire.

The person in charge, Hatotaro, looked at the latest news released by the Ministry of Rites and was very angry.

"No reason! These Celestial people are getting more and more arrogant!"

As a far-right member of militarism, how could Hattaro endure such threats?

"This thing, I didn't play!"

With an angry shout, he dialed Daqiaojiu's confidential phone.

"Hisashi Ohashi-kun, I'm Hattaro, the deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Department! At present, the Chinese side has a tough attitude, what should we do next?!"

Ohashiji sneered and said, "Hattaro-kun, you represent Toyo's face, do you need to ask me about such trivial matters?"

"In a word, don't give up until you reach your goal!"

"The peacock can be abandoned, the hunter can abandon it! Ichiro Kawaki can also abandon it! But—"

"The anchor must be brought back to Dongyang for punishment! This person has ruined Dongyang's face! Inside the military, there is a lot of opinion on this!"

"And this person is too threatening, either serve us or die."

This is where Ohashijiu is different from his master.

He was far more radical than his master.

After receiving the instructions, Hattaro made a few words in his mind, and then sent another message.

[Ultimatum, my Dongyang lawyer was slandered and slandered by a certain Chinese anchor!I urge the Heavenly Dynasty to hand him over to the Eastern Court to try him!If the Heavenly Dynasty protects this person, it is a pity, everything is brought about by you. 】

In response to Hatotaro's threat, Ge Kai, who was backed by the Minister of Rites, did not hesitate to fight back on his official account.

【You know what crime Toyo Da-Lawyer committed!No matter who he is, if he commits a crime in the Celestial Dynasty, he must be punished by the laws of the Celestial Dynasty!As for the 'anchor' you mentioned, he has made great contributions to assisting the relevant departments in destroying the spy organization and will be officially commended!If you are not satisfied, then let's see the real chapter under our hands! 】

· · Flowers · ·

As arrogant as always, as extremely ferocious!

Soon, there was a lot of uproar over the matter.

After angering Hattaro, Ge Kai brought people to the press conference.

Along the way, he saw many foreign media rushing in.

When these people heard that the Ministry of Rites of the Celestial Dynasty was going to hold a press conference, they were immediately excited. They all wanted to get first-hand information!

After all, only give them 10 minutes!

Therefore, after many people received the news, they ran all the way and finally caught up.

At the same time, Su Ming, who was shopping around on Twitter, also noticed the press conference held by the Ministry of Rites.

Immediately, he hacked the backstage of the press conference and shared the picture to the live broadcast room.

The originally indignant netizens suddenly became quiet, and they watched quietly.

Standing in front of the podium, Ge Kai said in a serious tone.

"It took Dongyang several years to bury many spies! Now, with the cooperation of a mysterious anchor and official forces, they have been successfully uprooted!"

.... 0 0

"That's it, he wants me to give him an explanation? Explain what? Explain how the anchor forced these spies into a corner? Explain..."

"In a word: if you want people, it's impossible! If you want an anchor, it's even more impossible!

After Ge Kai explained briefly, the foreign media below asked.

"Mr. Ge, this anchor helped the relevant departments catch the spy? Is it so powerful? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"Yes, you haven't seen it, it means you have little knowledge. The next one!"

Nodding, Ge Kai motioned to another foreign media who raised his hand to ask questions.

"Mr. Ge, you said that Dongyang spent several years in the Celestial Dynasty, burying spies? Is there any evidence?"

"The proof is that they were caught! Alright, next!"

At this time, an Asian female reporter stood up and asked.

"Mr. Ge, I noticed that the spokespersons of the Ministry of Rites of the Celestial Dynasty are very strong recently! It was even called by Mr. Hatotaro - the Wolf Warrior Wind! What's more, you are called 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy' in private. May I ask Ge Sir, what is your opinion on this?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Ge Kai.

They also really felt that the speeches of the Ministry of Rites on various occasions became more and more tough!

Ge Kai straightened his spine, and there was a hint of strength in his serious tone.

"Taizu once said: If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If others offend me, I will offend them! We don't take the initiative to cause trouble, but we're not afraid of trouble, and we won't be coerced and blackmailed."

"Others maliciously smeared, attacked, threatened, and even tried to judge my meritorious official - the anchor, but I just fought back and explained the truth, so I called us 'Wolf Warrior Diplomacy'."

"Then, in order to safeguard the safety and interests of the country and the people, why not be a wolf warrior?"

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!


Too strong!


Chapter 110

No one would have imagined that the Ministry of Rites of the Celestial Dynasty would be so powerful.

This result exceeded everyone's expectations.

After replying, Ge Kai turned and left the press conference.

Leaving a group of shocked foreign media.

Some foreign media who do not understand Chinese looked at other media and asked.

"Excuse me, did I hear it right? Mr. Ge said, why not just be a wolf warrior?"

"Yes, you heard it right! The Ministry of Rites of the Celestial Dynasty has completely changed, becoming strong and domineering!"

"Who is the anchor they are talking about? It actually caused a diplomatic dispute between Dongyang and the Celestial Dynasty."

"It's unbelievable! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the East and the Ministry of Rites of the Celestial Dynasty, for the sake of one person, no one took a step back! This anchor must have something extraordinary! Unfortunately, we have no news."

"I just don't know if Toyo is stubborn, or is he really making big moves! It always feels like something big will happen."


Until Ge Kai left, the excited audience in the live broadcast room could not calm down for a long time.

"Mr. Ge's great pen! This domineering, this strong, I am proud of it!"

"Tongyang is also shameless enough to actually speak through the Foreign Affairs Department, calling for the anchor to be arrested! Fortunately, our Rites Department is not a vegetarian, so you are rude and rude!"

"Anchor, you destroyed the Jinling group and successfully attracted Dongyang's attention. Now they are going to deal with you. Be sure to protect yourself!"

"Anchor, Dongyang is going to use you for surgery, what should I do? Keep a low profile recently, safety is the most important! I'm afraid that Dongyang will use means to force the Ministry of Rites to hand over people! Then the trouble will be big!"

Seeing that everyone cared about him so much, Su Ming felt warm inside.

Immediately, he said.

"A man should have Ling Yunzhi, and he can live up to his body! A mere Oriental Foreign Affairs Department dares to trouble me, and they don't even look at how much he weighs!"

"As the saying goes: it is not rude to come and go!"

"They sent spies to operate in our territory. Originally, I planned to go to the East to show them some color!"

"Since the Toyo Foreign Affairs Department jumped up first..."

While speaking, Su Ming's tone paused slightly, and then changed the subject.

"Then let's start with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!"

As soon as this statement came out, the live broadcast room was instantly boiling.

"I'll go, anchor you... I love you! Hahaha!"

"Anchor, we support you!"

"Anchor, play it! Give Toyo some color and see!"

"Tigers don't show their power, we are sick cats! We must give Dongyang a head-on attack! Otherwise, anyone can jump out and shout! Is this okay?"

"Anchor, hard!!"

"I'll talk about it later." Su Ming sneered and said, "I've already checked it out. The person in charge of the Toyo Foreign Affairs Department is Hattaro!"

"The extreme right-wing elements of Oriental militarism! The extreme right-wing elements represent radicalism and war! They are haunted by the failure of World War II, and they always want to step into the territory of the Celestial Empire again!"

"There's no good explanation for such a person! Just do it and you're done!"

After he finished speaking, Su Ming stopped talking.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rapid keyboard tapping sound in the live broadcast room.

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