The bridge changed color for a long time, and the whole person stood up all at once.

He rushed over in three steps and two steps, grabbed the other party's collar, and asked.

"What did you say! Say it again!"

"Big... Ohashijiu-kun. The intranet has been invaded, and the confidential information has suffered heavy losses!"

"This... this is impossible!"

The bridge shivered for a long time, and subconsciously loosened the other party's neckline.

"No no, absolutely impossible!"

"Ohashi-kun, I didn't believe it at first! But then..."

The bald-headed man told everything that happened, exactly.

After listening to this, the bridge fell for a long time (Zhao of you) and took a few steps back.

"Find out who didn't?"

The bald man shook his head.

"Has the data been recovered yet?"

The bald man still shook his head.

This time, the already angry bridge had been irritated for a long time, and he raised his hand and slapped it.

"Shake, shake your head!"

"The data can't be recovered! Just wait for the funeral!"

With a slap in the face, the bald man was slapped on the spot, stunned that he didn't dare to let go of a fart.Facing the angry bridge for a long time, he didn't dare to say a word.

"A group of unsatisfactory people, do they think that I am easy to bully when I just took the position? So they are passive and sabotage one by one?"

"If I catch evidence of your sabotage, you're doomed!"

After speaking, he tidied up his clothes and said coldly.

"Let's go, follow me to the Cyber ​​Operations Department to see the situation! I want to see who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head!"

The three of them just walked to the door when they saw a man running quickly from a distance.

As he ran, he shouted: "Daqiao Jiu-jun, the sky... the sky is falling!!".

Chapter 123

The bridge's face sank for a long time, looking at the other party with a bad look, and asked, "What collapsed?"

Running to the front, the man didn't have time to take a breath, and said directly.

"Jiujiu Daqiao, the sky... the sky is falling! Someone has invaded our intranet database!"

"Baga! I have already made so many arrangements, and the force of martial law has doubled, so why is it still being invaded? Are you all passive and slack?"

The bridge stared angrily for a long time and shouted sharply.

"I really can't blame us, Ohashi Hisa-kun! Besides, this is just one of them!"

"What matters is the core network database."

Hearing the core network database, Ohashijiu's heart twitched.

"What happened to the core network database? Say it!"

"The other party invaded the core network database, and we found out... After a fierce battle, the other party successfully broke through the core network database firewall..."


Daqiaojiu's eyes were round, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

He wondered if he had stepped on shit today, and what was wrong with him!

"The firewall of the core database was broken?"

The man nodded heavily with a sad face: "Yes."

The bridge lingered in place for a few steps, and said solemnly, "Have you checked it out? What data are you missing?"

407 "lost...lost..." After trembling for a long time, he still couldn't say: "Oh, Daqiaojiu-kun, you should go and see for yourself! For a while, I can't tell."

After speaking, the man buried his head deep in his chest, as if he would not say anything after being beaten to death.

He knows very well that whoever talks too much will be finished!

"Everyone come with me!"

Angered, Daqiaojiu, with a livid face, walked quickly towards the Network Operations Department.

The other three looked at each other in dismay, feeling that something was wrong in their hearts, but they still followed suit.


Hearing a loud "bang", the angry bridge kicked open the door of the network operations department for a long time.

The people who were at a loss at first, after seeing the bridge for a long time, suddenly had the backbone.

Xiaobayakawa walked over quickly, full of guilt.

"I'm sorry, Ohashi-kun-kun! It's my fault for this matter, and I'm willing to bear..."

"Bear it, can you afford it?"

With a cold smile, Ohashi asked for a long time.

"Tell me, what happened, tell me everything!"

The reason why he asked more is because he felt that Xiaobayakawa must know more about the situation than that person before.

Xiaobayakawa wiped the sweat from his forehead due to his nervousness, and apologized.

"We found that someone had invaded the internal network database, and after investigation, we found that the other party was planning to attack the core network database..."

Kobayakawa spoke quickly.

After listening, Bridge took a deep breath, suppressed the volcano that was about to erupt in his heart, and said coldly.

"So, tell me how much top-secret information inside is lost!"

"I'm sorry, Ohashi-kun! All the information in the core network database has been lost."

"What! All... all gone!"

The moment he heard this sentence, Ohashijiu felt that his soul was lost.

This news was a huge blow to him!

The core network database is absolutely confidential!

Even though they have several such core network databases in Toyo, the secrets in each database are unique!

There is no second archive!

For this level of secrecy, a single copy is the norm.After all, each additional archive means several times the exposure risk.

Unfortunately, the entire list of his elite plans is in the current core network database!

In his rage, Ohashijiu ran to the podium and pulled out the samurai sword stuck on the table.

He held the samurai sword in one hand, pointed at Kobayakawa, and shouted.


"That's the hard work that we have paid for decades and generations! Is it all lost?"

"Behind the names in those top-secret documents are the sacrifices of countless people!"

In the end, Daqiaojiu's eyes were full of bloodshots.

"For the rise of Toyo, they have been incognito and have been devastated!"

"As a result, Xiaobayachuan, you are telling me now that these top-secret files that can prove their identities are all lost!"

Xiaobayakawa didn't say a word, bowed his head, and stood there quietly.

The members of the ghost team, like him, bowed their heads and said nothing, like a group of children who did something wrong.

The long knife pointed horizontally, and the bridge's long-sharp eyes swept across the crowd: "A group of rice buckets!"

"Let you go to invade the Celestial Dynasty, not let you accept others to invade us!"

"Failures are more than failures! Decades of hard work are in vain!"

A ghost team member stood up and explained: "Hashijiu-kun, we resisted, but we couldn't stop it!"

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

This is a young man who looks eighteen or nine years old, and he has a lot of momentum.

Ohashi glanced at each other for a long time, and slowly walked over with the samurai sword in his hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone secretly thought that something was wrong.

The bridge stood in front of the other party for a long time, looked at the other party, and said calmly.

"Blocked? Didn't block."

"Yes! No..."

Before he could speak, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen.

Looking down, he found that he did not know when to check and insert a samurai sword in his abdomen.

He covered his abdomen with one hand and pointed at the bridge for a long time with the other, trembling.

"Big... Ohashi-kun-kun, you..."

"Trash, don't deserve to live! Ghost troops, don't need trash! Especially the trash who will talk back."

Ohashijiu said a word indifferently, and then suddenly pulled out the samurai sword.


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