"The anchor must be fine! The anchor is going to have an accident, I... I beg you, the anchor, don't have an accident."


Finally, there is only one minute left in the countdown.



This time, no one in the live broadcast room posted a barrage.

Their eyes were fixed on the live broadcast room.

Waiting for the final result.

Just when the countdown showed [00:45], Su Ming's voice finally sounded again in the live broadcast room.

"Not bad, half a minute earlier than I expected!"

Hearing this, an audience member asked cautiously before the General Administration could ask a question.

"Anchor, you... have you succeeded?"

Millions of people in the live broadcast room pricked up their ears and waited for the final result with bated breath.

At this moment, even the General Administration was a little nervous.

For him, the anchor was discovered before, and this time he only hoped to get out of his body and was satisfied.What secrets are not secret, we will talk about it later!

Glancing at the barrage, Su Ming smiled and said, "Success? Is this enough without a hand?"




After hesitating for a while, the General Administration was still confused.

[Anchor, what happened? 】

"Hahaha!" Su Ming laughed a few times and said slowly, "Actually, it's not a big deal. It was done four minutes ago."

"As a result, I found out, oh, I actually only invaded the intranet! Deeper in the intranet, there is also a core network database!"

"Entering Treasure Mountain and returning empty-handed? How is that possible!"


Chapter 125

After listening to Su Ming's explanation, the netizens suddenly became curious.

They wanted to know what kind of secrets Su Ming brought back.

"...So, I started hacking the core network database!"

After a slight pause in his tone, Su Ming changed his words and said.

"Fortunately, when I was halfway through the crack, I was discovered by people at the Toyo Spy Headquarters."

"Before, I quietly invaded, and this was all discovered. Naturally, it is as violent as it is!"

The General Administration was heartbroken when he heard it.

Even if he had never experienced it, from Su Ming's understated tone, he could feel how dangerous it was at that time.

"Anchor, you know how dangerous it is! Why don't you quit and think about the future?"

Glancing at the barrage of the General Administration, Su Ming said calmly.

"Retreat? The wild goose doesn't pluck its hair, can I bear it? I definitely can't bear it!"

"My backhand is a set of tricks! Those fools thought they found my real ip, and they all went crazy!"

"Then I went straight to Huanglong! I grabbed the top-secret information and ran away! Hahaha, they must be dumbfounded now!!"

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately excited.

"The anchor's bull pen! Hahaha, I can imagine that those people in Toyo must be crying!"

"Hey, wait for them to react and be tricked by the anchor, I'm afraid they will be so angry that they will scold their mother!"

"The anchor is too bad, hahaha! By the way, the anchor, did you steal those secrets?"

"How do you talk on the third floor? Can you call a scholar's business stealing? This is called borrowing! Borrowing, do you understand?"

"My fault, my fault! Borrowing! What did the anchor borrow?"


The General Administration was also very curious as to what secrets Su Ming had stolen.But because of face, he didn't have the nerve to ask.

"very many!"

Su Ming said mysteriously.

"I stole most of the secrets of the intranet! I stole all the secrets of the core network database from him!"

"Attention, it's a direct grab! Not a copy!"

"This kind of confidential documents, I took a look inside them, they are all unique!"

"This meeting, Toyo Spy Headquarters, I'm afraid it's not going to fry the pot!"

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

"Quan... what a steal... no, borrowed it?"

"I'm giao! The anchor, you are a real genius!"

"Anchor, my admiration for you is like a surging river! I've 'borrowed' so many secrets, but I'm still the only one, Mom, Dongyang has nowhere to cry this time!"


At the headquarters of the Military Aircraft Division, Ding Muyu looked at the headquarters in astonishment and trembled.

"General...General Bureau, the anchor said just now that he...he looted the Toyo Spy Headquarters???"

The General Administration did not speak, and at this moment, a storm had already set off in his heart, and he just nodded stiffly.

This news is too shocking for him!

He thought that Su Ming just robbed the entire list of the elite plan.

Who knew that Su Ming had seized the home of the Toyo Spy Headquarters!

This is how much courage, how much courage, to be able to do it!

After a long time, he sighed with emotion: "It's amazing! The anchor is amazing! I am ashamed of such courage!!"

"This credit is too great!"

Ding Muyu's mind continued to roar. From this moment on, her view of Su Ming changed completely.

What Su Ming has done, the heights she has reached are beyond the reach of her in her entire life!

Instead of looking at Su Ming from a condescending attitude, she looked at Su Ming from a level-headed, even upward-looking attitude.

The General Administration did not know about the evolution of her heart.

This news obviously shocked everyone.

It's fine to invade the Toyo Spy Headquarters, and they'll just raid the house!

So cool!

Brother Dao and President Bao, who have been following the live broadcast room, also stood still.

Mr. Bao said with emotion: "Xiao Wu, this anchor is so bold!"

"Yeah, copying the nest of Dongyang spy headquarters, most people have the heart but not the courage! Anyone who dares to take action will be arrested!"

Doug was shocked.

"The anchor, it's incredible! I'm really into him!"

"Compared with the anchor, I... alas, it's far worse!"

Brother Dao smiled casually and took his own shortcomings calmly.

"Whether in terms of technology, or vision, temperament, pattern... I can't compare to him!"

Mr. Bao looked at Brother Dao in amazement, he knew that Brother Dao was arrogant in his bones.

Unexpectedly, he could say such a thing.

Patting Brother Dao on the shoulder, Mr. Bao comforted him.

"Xiao Wu, you are not bad! After all, you are also a milestone in the eyes of many young generation network technology enthusiasts!"

"Besides, you brought your team to block billions of attacks from overseas hackers, and ensured the property safety of hundreds of millions of users of Facaibao!"

"This is also a credit!"

"How many young people take you as their idol!"

"Idol... what kind of idol am I?"

Brother Dao looked at President Bao and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Mr. Bao, this is different! This is my job."

"Find a job in this position! I am the network technical director of Fa Caibao, and I am responsible for the security of Fa Caibao. This is what I should do!"

"I just did my job well!"

"But the anchor is a free man, without any kind of shackles! He can do whatever he wants, hack us today, hack them tomorrow, make some money, we can't do anything about him..."

"But the anchor didn't do it. As the saying goes, as much as you have the ability, you have as much responsibility! I saw this in the anchor!"

"He has the ability that I can't match, and he also took the initiative to take this responsibility!"

"All the top-secret information from the Toyo Spy Headquarters, this is a great credit!"

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