As soon as this thought emerged, Su Ming's mind sounded the system's prompt sound again.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the emergency mission - the resurgence of the storm! 】

[Mission description: 71 years ago, Toyo was defeated by the hands of the Celestial Empire! 71 years later, the radical militarism has not given up their ambitions and fantasies!They are planning a series of big events to recover the losses they suffered under the host!Please host, before dawn, to thwart Dongyang's conspiracy and shock Dongyang! 】

"Urgent mission? It seems that it is another mission with rich rewards."

"I didn't expect that this matter is still related to me!"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Su Ming said.

"Looking at the barrage you posted, I came up with two points. First: The time points of these people's disappearance are very similar! Second: These people are high-end talents in the future!"

"There are many people with lofty ideals and high-level talents who will come back to serve the country in the future. If these people are coerced and dragged into the water by Dongyang! For me, this is a great shame! Price!"

"I just destroyed the Oriental spy headquarters with my forefoot. They turned around and began to win over and force these people with lofty ideals to enter the Oriental nationality, or train them as spies and release them back! Isn't this a provocation to me!"

After speaking, Su Ming said while searching for information on the Internet.

"I want to see, what the hell is Dongyang doing!"


Chapter 143

The headquarters of the Military Aircraft Division and the General Administration are presiding over the counterattack against the Toyo Cyber ​​Combat Forces.

"Nightmare teams, report the situation."

"Report to the General Administration, our team has already fought against Toyo hackers! Their strength is not weak, they should not be stragglers! It is very likely that they are regular troops!"

"Report to the General Administration, our second team is restoring the major servers that were hacked by Toyo! It will take some time!"

"Report to the General Administration, the other party did not fight us directly, the other party attacked without purpose this time! They aimed to destroy our Internet..."

"Report to the General Administration, our four teams have detected that many official platforms are being attacked by hackers! At present, we have contacted the local network police, and we will cooperate with the local network police to implement a sniper plan!"


Listening to the news from each team, the General Administration's heart was heavy.

Just Toyo, that's all.However, the international situation is turbulent, no one knows, who else is staring at the other end of the Internet!

"Nightmare teams, in addition to being careful about Dongyang, have to keep a hand. So as not to be robbed by other countries and organizations! Understand?"


Immediately, the General Administration looked at the other personnel and said.

"How is the intelligence deciphering work?"

"Report to the General Administration. Some of them have been deciphered. It will take some time to complete the spy's identity information."

"Very good! Everyone gave me a 12-point spirit!" The General Administration said in a serious tone: "I am very suspicious that Toyo sent a cyber combat force not only for revenge. It is also possible to involve us and run away for those senior spies. Roads create opportunities!"


Also busy with espionage and dealing with the endless hacking incidents across the country, the General Administration is still very big.

After all, both are related to national security, national interests, and people's livelihood, and neither should be sloppy.

After learning about the progress of the two parties, the General Bureau's face did not look much better.

There is also a live broadcast room, which is also on his mind.

While he was in charge of hosting the overall situation of 417, he also had to pay attention to the situation of Su Ming's live broadcast room.

For others, he is a hundred hearts!But for Su Ming, he was completely uneasy, for fear that he would do something wrong again.

He was too busy on his own side. If something happened to Su Ming's side, the Directorate General would be dizzy.

Immediately, he casually glanced at the live broadcast room.

At a glance, the head office's face was slightly condensed.

"Students in Toyo... lost contact?"

"Forcing talents to join Toyo?"

Looking at these barrages, the head office's brows jumped.

"What's the situation? I didn't pay attention to the live broadcast room for a few minutes. Why did so many things happen?"

"What is Toyo doing?"

Before he could understand, he heard Su Ming's voice in the live broadcast room.

[…First: The time points of these people’s disappearance are very similar!Second: These people are high-end talents in the future...]

[...A person with lofty ideals who came back to serve the country...pulled into the water...a provocation to me...]


"The anchor... is going to do something again??"

At this moment, the General Administration has one head and two big.

The two major issues at hand have not yet been resolved, and here is another major event.

It really is……

"Captain Sun!"

"Here, Headquarters!"

The General Administration pointed to those barrages and urged: "Go check it out immediately, what the hell is going on!"


Captain Sun took his team members and began to search the Internet.

Soon, a lot of news came together.

"General Administration, we checked, so far, at least more than [-] international students have confirmed that they cannot be contacted!"

"This can still be confirmed, there are more, there is no news for the time being!"

"In addition, by screening the network data, we found a group! It is the group of a parent named Wu Ling, Wu Xiongjian. At present, there are more than [-] parents in the group who have experienced the same thing."

"There are many graduate students and doctoral students here!"

The Headquarters frowned, and felt something was wrong in his heart.

"Has this happened before?"

"No! This is the first time that this kind of collective loss of contact is involved! Moreover, there is more than one university involved here!"

Captain Sun explained.

"Inaza University, Toyo University, Hondo University... These are all famous schools in Toyo!"

"Especially Toyo University, it ranks among the top in the world! Its physics and chemistry are ranked first in the world! And these two majors, there are many students from our Celestial Dynasty who have lost contact!"

"Showing through the data..." Captain Sun handed over the information in his hand and said.

"Our high-caliber international students should have all lost contact!"

The General Administration took over the information, and after looking at it a few times, his face gradually became solemn.

"General Administration, I suspect that Dongyang is targeting our high-end international students! Especially those talents who are unwilling to stay in Dongyang for development!"

"This is talent suppression!"

The General Bureau frowned slightly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Perhaps, I guessed wrong at the beginning! Toyo sent a cyber combat force not only to destroy our Internet ecology and create opportunities for senior spies to escape..."

"Similarly, it is also to distract us, so that they can take the opportunity to instigate those high-level talents!"

"Toyo, this is challenging our bottom line!"

Captain Sun asked, "General Administration, what should we do now?"

"Is there Wu Xiong's contact information? I want to chat with him!"

"Yes!" After speaking, Captain Sun shouted to his subordinates not far away: "Iron pot, contact Wu Xiong, and import the communication into the main console!"


After a while, the phone went through.

"you are?"

"From the military plane!"

"What... my Cao, Jun..."

"Long story short, we know you set up a group! Tell us about the parents, we need to know what's going on!"

"Okay, thank you so much."

Wu Xiong told all about his daughter's situation and the feedback from other people in the group.

After learning about the situation, the General Administration hung up the phone.

"Captain Sun, give me a call from the Minister of Rites!"

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Jiang Shangshu, there are some things I need to know about you..."


Just when the General Administration contacted the Minister of Rites, the Ministry of Military Defense of the Celestial Dynasty issued a notice to the entire network in response to the comprehensive invasion of the Toyo hackers.

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole network was boiling!

Everyone had a hunch that something big was going to happen!

At the same time, Su Ming said in surprise after doing some online research.

"Huh? It's not just the international students who have an accident!"

"Someone is wreaking havoc on our internet!"

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