After a while, he opened his mouth.

"We want to get in, but don't rush in!"

Hearing this, everyone was excited.

You must know that the North Bear Country is the first country in the world to form a hacker culture, which is still before the Free Country.

In North Bear Country, hacking is not a shady profession.

Under such circumstances, the hackers of the North Bear Country, both in quality and quantity, are an extremely terrifying force!

If they enter the venue, they can disrupt the situation and get a piece of the pie!

The Druid just opened his mouth when suddenly, the confidential phone in front of him rang.

Looking at the caller ID, Druid motioned for everyone to mute, and then answered the phone with a serious expression.

In just ten seconds, the Druid who hung up the phone breathed a sigh of relief.

Power on the bear king, whoever is wrong, will be Alexander.

"The news, the North Bear King already knows, he just said something on the phone."

Hearing this, everyone became curious.

"The North Bear King requires us to enter the market on the premise of maximizing our interests!"

The Druid looked serious.

"There are not many benefits that Dongyang can bring us! Celestial Dynasty, a lot!"

"When all the countries have entered, let's take action!"

"As soon as the countries enter the field, it means that the defeat of the Celestial Dynasty has entered the countdown. At that time, they will be able to draw benefits from the East Ocean and the Celestial Dynasty!"

"And let's enter the game at this level! First, we will get huge benefits from the Celestial Dynasty, secondly...thirdly..."

After listening to the Druid's speech, the supervisors were full of admiration.

Three birds with one stone, wonderful!

"The Celestial Dynasty is determined to do Dongyang this time, to prove its hard power, and let's fight the autumn wind by the way!"

"Okay, let's all get ready!"


All the countries are preparing, and the Kangaroo country, which was slaughtered by Su Ming, is no exception.

The Kangaroo National Secret News Bureau, a group of people are getting together to discuss the issue of the Internet war between the East and the Celestial Dynasty.

"Originally, I was still thinking, when will we be able to get back the [-] million US dollars we lost from the Heavenly Dynasty!"

".¨It's good, they fought with Dongyang! The fight is in full swing!"

"After this battle, even if we don't intervene, it will be difficult for both sides. People's livelihood and the economy will be affected!"

"But, we just want to intervene!"

"Pay close attention to the battle between the Celestial Dynasty and the East, and aim for the right moment!"

"Yes!" The relevant persons in charge of the Secret Reporting Bureau at the bottom responded one after another.

For a time, the international situation was turbulent.

On the surface, the nations are calm, but secretly they are sharpening their knives and guns, trying to make a fortune by taking advantage of the chaos!

A loss of tens of millions of dollars is nothing, but a gain of hundreds of millions of billions is what they want!

At the same time, a series of good news in the live broadcast room made countless netizens happy.

"My Cao! Nearly half of Dongyang's Internet has been hacked, and Dongyang netizens are afraid that they will cry!"

"Anchor, you guys did a great job! That's what you want to do, clean them up!"

"His grandma's, dare to do damage in the Celestial Dynasty! Don't weigh how many pounds and how many taels of yourself!"

"I'm all ready for fried chicken, beer and popcorn. I won't go anywhere tonight, just wait for the anchor and their triumph!"

Although the live broadcast room was applauded, the General Bureau of the Military Aircraft Division couldn't relax.

The Military Aircraft Office has already learned that Toyo has been recruiting hacker talents and is preparing for a full-scale war.

"The situation is going to get worse!" The General Administration sighed.

At this moment, Su Ming said.

"At present, we have won the first stage of the war! However, according to the information I intercepted from the Toyo intranet, Toyo is preparing for a full-scale counterattack!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart suddenly twitched.

It turns out that Toyo didn't go all out before!

At this time, many people began to worry.

Su Ming's tone was calm and false.

"But don't worry too much, we are ready to attack the Toyo official!"

"Just look, who is faster and more ruthless!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

This... is too hard!


Chapter 158

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Su Ming's tone is too crazy!Simply arrogant!

Knowing that Toyo is preparing for a full-scale counterattack, not only did he not panic, he also said aboveboard that he would attack Toyo's official website!

Who is faster and more ruthless than anyone else!

Just ruthless.

For a time, the live broadcast room was full of "Anchor 666"!

Not only those netizens, but the General Administration was taken aback by Su Ming's words.

Although, he had already guessed in his heart that this moment would come, but he did not expect it to come so quickly.

"To start with Toyo's official, the anchor's courage is really great."

The General Administration sighed with emotion.

At this moment, Captain Sun ran over quickly.

"General Administration, there is a situation!"


"According to the secret report we received, many countries are currently spying on this operation! After big data analysis and calculation, we have reason to suspect that those countries are planning to disrupt the situation and take advantage of the fire!"

The General Administration frowned, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and said, "What are there?"

"Empire on which the sun never sets, the kingdom of Shiva, the kingdom of kangaroos..."

"Good guy, nearly half of the countries that have been cut leeks by the anchor have come directly!"

"Also, North Bear Country!"

When he heard the words "North Bear Country", the General Administration's face turned slightly cold.

Although I haven't heard of the Free Country, the North Bear Country is also not a good stubble!

After all, 423, being able to compete with the Free Nation for so many years, the strength of the North Bear Country is unfathomable.

"How about the free country? Is there any news?"

Captain Sun shook his head: "There is currently no Free Nation! According to reliable information, they have been divided into two factions at this moment, and they are fighting infighting!"

"The cyber war between us and Dongyang should be out of their hands."

"Infighting? Good infighting!" The General Administration gave a wry smile, "If you add a free country, the situation will be really turbulent!"

"I knew they wouldn't be able to sit still, but I didn't expect to show their fangs so quickly!"

"You send someone to keep an eye on it, and if there is any movement, notify me as soon as possible!"

As soon as the head office finished speaking, Ding Muyu walked in with Hattaro.

"General Bureau, Hattaro is here! The Foreign Affairs Department has been blocked, and the people in the Foreign Affairs Department are now separated and arranged for interrogation!"

"Very good!" The General Bureau nodded, looking at Hattaro with his hands in handcuffs, and said with a bad expression: "Hatataro, the good person in charge of the foreign affairs department will not do it, and you have to do these stealthy things!"

"Spy? Instigate? Is it honorable?"

"Humph! It's the glory of my Great Eastern Empire, you don't understand!" Hatotaro threatened.

"Don't be too complacent, Toyo will never let you go!"

The General Administration shrugged casually and said, "Really?"

"You may not know that our hacker army has hacked [-]% of Toyo's network."

" fart! This is impossible!"

"Here." Pointing to the list listed in the live broadcast room, the General Administration said: "See for yourself."

Hattaro stared straight at the list, from top to bottom, his eyes ranged from shock to fear.

"Toyo TV, Toyama TV..."

"This this……"

Hatotaro was trembling all over: "This must be the anchor's doing, right?"

The General Administration nodded and acquiesced.

"Baga Yalu! The anchor is really damned! Ya Ya Ya Ya…"

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