"In order to successfully win the East Ocean, the Celestial Dynasty did not hesitate to drop two nuclear weapons. It can be seen that the high level of the Celestial Dynasty attaches great importance to this cyber war!"

"We are invading the Celestial Dynasty at this juncture, doesn't this touch their inverse scales!"

"Furthermore, although your empire on which the sun never sets has nuclear weapons, the number is too small, and its power is not comparable to that of the Celestial Empire!"

"I suggest that the plan be cancelled!"

Isabella looked at her two pig teammates and almost fainted.

But let her fight the wrath of the Heavenly Dynasty alone, she can't stand it!

What's the matter, two cannon fodders have to be pulled!In case of overturning, it can still be pulled out to cushion the back!

Just as she was thinking about a countermeasure, suddenly, her cell phone rang.

Picking it up, it was a message from Lanxi.

After reading the content, Isabella smiled and said, "Two, I have good news for you."

"The head of the Lanxi State Intelligence Service - Henry Philippe Pétain, will join our small group!"

"The number of nuclear weapons in Lanxi is still higher than that of our Empire on which the Sun Never Sets. Although the two of us together can't compare to the Celestial Dynasty. But, at least we have confidence!"

"You two, don't think about it. Form a four-nation cyber combat coalition with us? Reproduce the prestige of the coalition?"

As soon as they heard that Lanxi would also be involved, Kangaroo and Canada were obviously moved.

The four-nation network alliance is very attractive!

On the eastern border of Shiva, Jayant Patel's palms are still sweating, and before people calm down, they see the sky in the distance illuminated again!

This time, the brightness is stronger than before!

It was hundreds of kilometers away, but the breeze blowing from a distance made him wonder if it was caused by a nuclear explosion.

Those soldiers who stopped in place and waited for the latest combat instructions were stunned by the shocking scene.

"What is that! Lights up half the sky!"

"Shiva is above, this is the most incredible scene I have ever seen in my life!"

"The sun is bright, I don't know why, I have a kind of trembling from the heart! Is that the secret weapon of the Celestial Dynasty?"

A well-informed non-commissioned officer said: "I heard that a few minutes ago, China dropped a strategic nuclear weapon in that direction! It was also the scene at that time! This time, it is estimated that it will be the same!"

"What? Is the Celestial Dynasty throwing nuclear weapons over there?? Shiva! Who is the Celestial Dynasty fighting? Even nuclear weapons have been dispatched? It's terrible! I dare not participate in this battle!"

Soon, the news spread among the soldiers.

As soon as I heard that the Chinese government was throwing nuclear weapons there, those soldiers with firearms looked at the firearms in their hands, the motorcycles under them, and the thin combat uniforms, and they were all scared.

"I lost it! Just this equipment, let me fight against nuclear weapons?"

"What! Let's fight nuclear weapons!!"

"This battle can't be fought! No more!"

Knowing that there may be a nuclear war ahead, who dares to go, isn't this a death sentence?

So, the crowd started to riot.

Facing the noise of his soldiers, General Jayant Patel was no longer in the mood to deal with it.

This kind of thing, seeing it once, is already scary enough!Not to mention, even after watching it twice, my legs are soft.

He trembled to the seat and sat down slowly.


After taking several deep breaths in a row, he said.

"Notify the Foreign Intelligence Agency and tell them that China has thrown another strategic nuclear weapon!"

"Our armament is too poor! I don't want my soldiers to become dust in the nuclear explosion! I hope they will carefully consider the plan to send troops!"



Guo Shouguo and others in the Combat Command Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Celestial Dynasty looked at the picture displayed on the big screen and felt a sense of pride.

Guo Shouguo looked at the last group of researchers and said, "Five minutes later! Start the express May [-] ICBM silo launch test!"


At this moment, the live broadcast room.

More and more Toyo official websites are listed, all of which have been successfully invaded.

Obviously, knowing that the Western countries were about to enter the game, the hacker army led by Su Ming became even more insane.

The good news came one after another, but the audience in the live broadcast room had a big rock in their hearts, and they couldn't get excited.

· · Flowers · ·

After a few minutes ago, after Su Ming talked with the General Administration, the audience in the live broadcast room realized that something big was going to happen!

"The invasion of various countries, this news is too bad! You say, what decision will the Holy One make?"

"I don't know! How can we speculate on the mind of the saint!"

"Don't worry everyone! This cyber war against Dongyang is the first time we have officially entered Dongyang in a hundred years. Our attitude is highly unified! No force can stop it, nor can it stop it!"

"Alas! That's what I said, but my heart is so uneasy!"

"Fourth floor! Turn off your computer and go to sleep if you're worried! Don't be bad here! You'll get angry when you look at it! What can't you do, you're bad at number one!"

...... 0

Suddenly, Su Ming's voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"General Administration, what you said should not be..."

Soon, the General Administration replied: "Anchor, you all know?"

"Yeah!" Su Ming said with a serious expression, "I intercepted some foreign secrets just now."

"One: The Empire on the Sun, the Kingdom of Zenith, and the Kingdom of Kangaroo are forming an allied army, which almost broke down later..."

"Second: Shiva sent troops into the disputed area on the western border of our Celestial Empire, intending to take advantage of chaos to invade! After that, the army suddenly stopped and even retreated!"

"Then I pursued it deeply, and found that what the General Administration said, that the Holy One will escort us with the power of the whole country, is what it means!"

Having said this, Su Ming felt a warm feeling in his heart for no reason.

This unprecedented treatment is too shocking.

This time, the curiosity of the audience in the live broadcast room was immediately hooked.

"Anchor, what are you talking about! Don't play dumb riddles, I can't guess!"

"Anchor, please, tell me what it is!"

"Anchor, just tell me, I feel like a cat scratching in my heart."

Glancing at the barrage, Su Ming explained.

"Just a few minutes ago, our army detonated two nuclear weapons in a row in the Western Desert area! To deter all countries and escort our invasion of the East!"

As soon as these words came out, millions of people went down collectively and their minds went blank.

Soon, the live broadcast room is boiling!

"My Cao! Nuclear... nuclear weapons?"

"Mom! That's a nuclear weapon! It's like a dream!"

"Anchor, your face is really too big! The Holy One actually used nuclear weapons to escort you! My God!!"


Chapter 170

Netizens in the live broadcast room were excited, but a little helpless.

"It's a pity, such a grand scene! We can't see it!"

"Nuclear explosion, the last time I saw it was in a movie! I didn't expect it to be so close to me in reality!"

"Anchor, the support from the saint is really powerful! I never dreamed of it! It's a pity that we can't see such a shocking scene."

Su Ming smiled and said, "It's a shame you can't see! If you can see normally, it means Blue Star is finished."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the live broadcast room laughed.

The originally tense atmosphere was suddenly relieved a lot.

At this time, a careful audience reminded.

"Anchor, at the moment the Empire Never Sets, the Kingdom of Kazakh, and the Kingdom of Kangaroo are a big threat! And the Kingdom of Shiva, who actually wants to send troops!"

"To be honest, I really didn't remember it at first! Later, after hearing what you said from the anchor, I remembered that 58 years ago, our Heavenly Dynasty fought back and devastated the kingdom of Shiva!"

"Shiva's populism is very strong, and they have always kept this hatred in their hearts! So, take advantage of this chaos and come out to make waves! The kingdom of Shiva is close to us, and we have to guard against it!"

"Don't worry!" Su Ming said firmly: "These countries will be settled sooner or later!"

The General Bureau of the Military Aircraft Department also replied.

"Anchor, these things are not important at the moment, we have to deal with it! I just hope that you and our army of civilian hackers will not let down the expectations of the Holy One!"

"General Administration, you can rest assured on this point! We have already taken over [-]% of the Toyo entire network!"

"Soon, it's time to force the palace!"

"It's the same sentence, Dongyang is not cowardly, and the battle is endless! Whoever comes to the rescue will not work!"


Beijing, the combat command center of the Ministry of Defense, express the May [-] intercontinental ballistic missile silo launch test, the countdown is about to end.

A sergeant walked in quickly.

"Lord Shang Shu, there is something wrong with the border area between us and Shiva."

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