Before he could finish speaking, Su Ming interrupted him directly: "Shut up! You are not qualified to negotiate with me!"

"Baga! Don't go too far!"

"It's not too much, you can't say it! Strength has the final say!"

Immediately, Su Ming turned around and continued.

"Let me see if your subordinates do as you say!"

"The name of Shanzhi, I said it before! If there is anything tricky in it!"

"You should know the consequences and the cost! See what I mean?"

Shan Zhi Daming gritted his teeth, and in front of countless people, he was repeatedly threatened by the other party, which greatly challenged his tolerance limit!

If it weren't for the pressing situation and the unfavorable situation, he would have turned the table over long ago!

A dignified name and one of the leaders of the dignified extreme right-wing elements, to be forced to such a degree, it is a shame!

Su Ming quickly called up the surveillance cameras inside and outside of many famous schools in Toyo, and then connected them to the TV screen.

In this way, countless people can see this scene.

Yamashi Damo also looked nervously, he was very worried, Ohashi didn't understand what he meant for a long time.

It can be seen from the screen that the personnel wearing police station uniforms opened the blocked dormitory after receiving the order.

The leader shouted loudly into the corridor.

"Students from the Celestial Dynasty, you can come out!"

As soon as these words came out, those foreign students who were quite frightened came out one after another.

In these video images, a picture of a dormitory wall being blackened has attracted the attention of countless people.

Those international students stood outside the corridor with a hint of timidity on their faces.

They don't know what the hell is going on in Toyo.

Zhou Wei, who planned the fire in the international student dormitory of Inazao University, could clearly see the wound on his face.

· · Flowers · ·

He glared at the police officers and said sternly.

"If you have any means, take them all out, I'm not afraid!"

He worries about the lives of other students and continues.

"It's the same sentence, I set the fire alone! Everything has nothing to do with them! If you want to kill or cut, come here, I frown and count me as a loser!"

Zhou Wei's hard-hearted scene made his eyes red as he looked at the people around him.

Those oriental people who watched this scene did not know what happened.

But millions of viewers in the live broadcast room knew that this person caused chaos by creating a fire, and successfully sent Qian Yi to let him tip off!

This is a good man of the heavenly dynasty who is resourceful and has a backbone.

The leading police officer looked complicated.

"You are free!"


"Are we free?"

"Not restricting our calls? Not restricting our network?"

Those international students took out their mobile phones and tried it. Sure enough, the network and mobile phone signals were restored.


The crowd suddenly cheered.

Zhou Wei felt a little weird, so he asked, "Why did you suddenly set us free? Do you have any conspiracy!"

The other party glanced at him with a bad expression.

"You, and you, are very lucky! Heaven has come to save you! If there is no such person, you... hum!"

The man didn't talk much, and obviously didn't want to mention it.

"What do you mean!" Zhou Wei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of Qian Yi.

"That person? Could it be, Qian Yi? He spread the news, so... is the country coming to rescue us?"

"It must be so!"

"Classmates, it's good! The country has come to save us! Hahaha! We are safe."

Zhou Wei quickly called Qian Yi to express his gratitude.

Halfway through the chat, Zhou Wei's expression suddenly changed.

"What did you say!"

"The anchor led tens of thousands of hackers to launch a cyber war against Toyo?"

"Capturing countless large and small cities in the East, and finally forcing the name of Shanzhi to release him?"

Listening to Qian Yi telling him the ins and outs, Zhou Wei's brain was buzzing.

"Gan! It's true!"

He looked at the other students with a strange look, and was about to ask.The next second, he honestly shut up.

Because he saw the same expression in the eyes of those international students.


Unprecedented shock!

Toyo launched a cyber war, the Chinese counterattacked, the hacker war, the assassination list on the dark web, and many places of Toyo fell...

These things that they have been exposed to in this life, today, all of them are poured into their brains.

And in these incidents, a Chinese anchor named 'Have the ability to hit me' runs through.

They have thought of countless ways to be rescued, but... they just didn't expect it to be such a radical method!

upended their worldview.


Chapter 190

"Am I dreaming?"

Zhou Wei slapped himself in disbelief.


"Hey! It hurts!"

This time, he confirmed that everything was true.

"This is so special, it's like a dream! It's incredible!"

"If you have a chance, let's thank this anchor! It has refreshed my understanding of the world."

The surrounding students sighed with emotion.

"At that time, when I saw that Toyo's actions were so big, I thought we were doomed this time! Luckily! Nothing happened!"

"If it hadn't been for the anchor's protection, we'd be dead this time! What crimes of espionage, fraud... If you put them on our heads, then we'll be useless in this life!"

"Lucky! So lucky!"

Those parents came to the live broadcast room immediately after contacting their children and expressed their gratitude to Su Ming.

"Anchor, although I don't know your name, I still want to say, thank you! Thank you very much!"

"Anchor, the grace of saving my son is unforgettable! Ten-fat carnival, I hope to accept it!"

"Anchor, I'm Wu Ling's father! She just told me that she was scared to death before! If it wasn't for your help, she would still be in a panic! Thank you! Take it!"

Looking at the full screen of the barrage, countless netizens who witnessed this incident were all excited and inexplicable.

Finally, a netizen posted a barrage.

"In this situation, I would like to sing a poem: Foreign countries attack the people, a million troops are fighting for national defense, [-] hackers conquer the East, everyone knows the music of the people, and who knows the heroes of the battlefield! Anchor, you are the best !we love you!"


Yamashi Damo looked at this scene with a gloomy expression.For Su Ming, he was deeply resentful.

"Let you all chat for a while! When the time comes, you will cry!"

"Wait until you find out that the most talented student among the international students has become a member of my Toyo! How helpless you must be!"

"In the future, the weapons they participated in manufacturing will fall on your heads. How interesting that is!"

Yamashita's name was secretly laughing like crazy.

On the other side, the emperor and the others who were rushing towards this place were silent for a long time watching this shocking scene on the satellite TV.

"His Majesty the Emperor, Yamashi Damo is still playing the same old way of decades ago! He really doesn't want to make progress at all!"

"His Majesty the Emperor, is it really so easy to let the name of Shanzhi go? With his temperament, how can he spit out the head when he eats it?"

The Emperor smiled, looked at General Anpei and said, "What does General Anpei think?"

"Of course he won't admit defeat so easily! After all, his family is rooted in Dongducheng, and Dongducheng has not been affected for the time being. He doesn't care about the lives of other cities."

General Kishipei said.

"I speculate that he did this just to let the Chinese hackers relax their vigilance so as to implement the secret plan."

The two patriarchs asked in unison, "What is 'crossing'?"

"According to the top-secret information I received, Ohashijiu, the head of the elite program at the spy headquarters, ordered most of the international students to be locked in the dormitory!"

General Kishipei said sternly.

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