"An Pei, is there anyone else in the police department?"

An Pei knew that the other party was asking the police department if he had any pieces of his own.

He nodded without hesitation.

"Right now, all our strengths are gathered together, enough to deal with this crisis!"

"Hey! Shanzhi and the others, with their own strength, forced the development of my East Asia to go back a few years!"

As the vehicle arrived at the secret location, everyone got out of the car.

Looking at the army in the dark, Kishipei was horrified.

He saw that this was the Self-Defense Force transferred by the Emperor!

Normally, the emperor does not have this right.Unless some special circumstances, such as now.

"Everyone, get ready to go!"

With a wave of his hand, the Emperor took Kishipei and the others and rushed upstairs.


Back in the cabinet meeting room, Yamashita found that in the meeting room, all the daimyo were very busy at the moment.Even General Tokugawa just hung up the phone.

As soon as Yamashita came in, General Tokugawa scolded him unceremoniously.

".¨Samsung, look at what you've done!"

"Now the high-level officials of all countries are looking for us! My phone is going to blow up!"

Shan Zhi Daming said a little embarrassedly: "This matter is indeed because I did not do my job well and caused trouble for you! I'm sorry!"

He apologized to these colleagues very quickly!But apologizing to the people of the Chinese dynasty is as difficult as going to the sky!

General Tokugawa waved his hand angrily and said, "Forget it, I also know that you are doing good for Dongyang!"

"Thank you, General Tokugawa for understanding!"

When the conversation changed, Shanzhi Damo looked anxious.

"General Tokugawa, everyone, we still have more than two minutes to decide what to do!"

"Two minutes later, if we don't give a satisfactory answer, the anchor of the Celestial Dynasty will..."

Shan Zhida (Li's) famous general Su Ming's threat has been repeated from beginning to end.

After hearing this, everyone present was very angry.

But anger is anger, they have nothing to do with Su Ming!

Just when everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and everyone was undecided, there was a chaotic footstep outside the conference room.

General Tokugawa and others frowned slightly, they couldn't figure out, how could someone come to touch their bad luck at this time!

Before the other party arrived, a mid-air voice came from the corridor.

"I think Toyo is wrong about this!"

"If you are wrong, you must admit it!"

"Do you have any opinions?"

Everyone raised their brows, the voice was somewhat familiar.

When they saw who was coming, their expressions suddenly changed.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

The Emperor walked past them with a bad look and said.

"You don't have to calculate with each other, I'm here to announce that this time, we Toyo made a mistake!"


Chapter 193

No one thought that the emperor would come at this time!

I didn't expect that the emperor would announce such an important thing as soon as he came.

The famous names looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Emperor, if we make a public announcement, how can I save face in Dongyang!"

General Tokugawa hurriedly said.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Shanzhi Daming and said, "We still have a chance to come back! Isn't it? Shanzhi Daming?"

Yamashi Damo was about to speak, but was interrupted by the Emperor.

"Return? What are you going to do? With the rubbish led by Ohashijiu?"

The emperor's face was gloomy.

"There are still two minutes, and the anchor of the Celestial Dynasty is about to start!"

"Do you hope that Tojin Castle, Handa Castle, and Kyoto Castle will also fall?"

"Could it be that I, Dongyang, saved my face?"

The crowd was silent.

It's not that they don't want to admit defeat, it's the spirit of militarism in their hearts that doesn't allow them to admit defeat.

Shanzhi Damo wanted to come back to discuss whether to fight against the backwater.

The big deal is that the three cities of Tojin Castle, Handa Castle, and Kyoto City fall, and the Chinese students will not be better off.

No way, send troops to fight!What's the matter, you can't be suffocated and admit defeat!

But now, this wish is not easy to achieve.

The Emperor is about to admit defeat!

It makes them miserable.

How can you admit defeat to the heaven!


That's a feud!

It seems that he can see what Shanzhi Daming is thinking, the emperor's way.

"Why, send you to the battlefield?"

Yamashita looked embarrassed.

20 people are defeated, let him go, not even cannon fodder.

"It's you who made trouble here, it was fine!"

The Emperor sighed deeply.

"And the nuclear waste water incident, you... alas!"

"As soon as this hole is opened, we are instantly isolated and helpless in the world!"

"I'm really going to be mad at you!"

The famous general of Shanzhi buried his head deeply and did not dare to explain.

General Tokugawa intends to explain, after all, Yamashi Daimyo is a member of his new cabinet.

"Emperor, in fact, Shan Zhi famously named him..."

"I know!" The Emperor waved his hand, motioning him not to speak.

"You can't take care of yourself now, so don't care about Shanzhi's name."

"The phone calls of the various countries may blow up the cabinet calls."

General Tokugawa looked embarrassed.

The relevant personnel of the North Bear Country and the Free Country have all called to question him.

The tone of the Free Nation was better. The North Bear Country didn't give him the face of General Tokugawa at all.

For the North Bear Kingdom, he still has no temper at all.

"Humph! A bunch of bastards who have more than enough success!"

The emperor showed an expression of hating iron.

"Tongyang, it's ruined in your hands!"

The famous names bowed their heads and said nothing, they thought very clearly.Swear, just scolding, anyway, someone is to blame for this.

There are General Tokugawa and Yamashi Daimyo on the top, and Ohashijiu and the spy headquarters on the bottom.

This fire can't burn them no matter what.

Get through this and you'll be fine.

Just when they thought so, the Emperor looked at the door and said, "All come in."

Everyone was surprised, didn't the emperor come alone, but also brought people?

They looked at it.

However, General Kishibei, Koizumi Gouichiro, Aso and others walked in.

Behind them, there are many big names!These bosses all retired with General Anpei last year.

Seeing these people, the great names slammed into their hearts, and had an ominous premonition.

General Tokugawa frowned slightly, the timing of these people's arrival was too coincidental.

He didn't know what the Emperor intended.

"Emperor, this is..."

The emperor said meaningfully: "I am very disappointed in this cabinet!"

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