"Little Yang? Where's the person?"

Sister Liu, a former colleague of Xiao Yang's company.I helped her cut it once before, but now I can't stop it. I will send you a link every three days and let you cut it.

Soon, Xiao Yang noticed that Aunt Zhang sent him a message: Xiao Yang, something has happened, you must help Aunt Zhang!

"Something happened? What happened?"

Seeing this tone, Xiao Yang thought that something was wrong at home, and quickly replied with a message.

"Aunt Zhang, what happened to you?"

Seeing Xiao Yang replying to her news, Aunt Zhang replied non-stop.

"Ah, Xiao Yang, something big has happened!"

Xiao Yang's heart suddenly tightened, did something really happen at home?

Just as he was about to continue asking, the other party sent a 60-second voice message.

"Xiao Yang, something big has happened! Aunt Wang next door managed to cut a microwave... She mocked me for not being able to cut it, so you must help me."

In the voice, Aunt Zhang Barabara said how good the microwave oven was, and how many people Aunt Wang had sent to chop him up, and watched it for a long time.She can't lose to the other party, she wants one too!

After listening to the news, Xiao Yang's yellow braised chicken in his mouth suddenly tasted delicious.

What the hell is this!

Haggle the price, how do you feel like the family is dead!

It's so hard to eat a meal!

Soon, Aunt Zhang sent another series of messages.

"Xiao Yang, this microwave oven, help me cut a knife!"

"By the way, Xiao Yang, Aunt Zhang is still 20 people away! Please help your colleague to bargain for me!"

"And this induction cooker! You cut me a knife too!"

"Xiao Yang, why didn't you reply to Aunt Zhang's news? Xiao Yang? Where are you?"

"Little Yang..."

Seeing these news, Xiao Yang's head was about to explode.

He didn't plan to open the other news.

It only takes ten minutes to eat by myself, I want to play with my mobile phone, and there are so many people calling me to bargain.

Xiao Yang chewed on the braised chicken in his mouth, which tasted like chewing wax.

"Damn wx, all good software links are blocked! None of these rogue software links are blocked! It's annoying!"

"It seriously affects my experience! The point is, wx can't be uninstalled yet!"

Suddenly, he thought of a fierce man.

The software developed by that fierce man is also available on his mobile phone.

"Last time, the great hacker, in response to the opinions of the majority of netizens, developed Su Yan Bao. It has been so long, and it has not been conquered by major platforms!"

"This time, can you contact him and try to kill these rogue links? Even if you spend some money, I'm willing!"

Although he knew it was unlikely, he still planned to try it.

So, he opened the post bar.Just as he was about to open a blind date bar, he noticed a post.

"What do you guys think about the crazy bargaining links on the chopping net?Don't you find it annoying? 》

"I'm Cao! What a coincidence! Tieba won't eavesdrop on my words. Just push me what I want?"

Having said that, he opened it up and looked.

After dozens of seconds, Xiao Yang was stunned.

"I'm going, this friend is also a ruthless guy! He actually followed the example of 'hit me if you have the ability' and developed such a plug-in!"

Soon, he noticed a reply.

"...Is there any big brother who dares to try it..."

Although Xiao Yang was very worried that this might be a Trojan horse plug-in, but after thinking about it, he has an unused mobile phone and a wx trumpet that is not bound to a bank card!

Why not try it?

If it is successful, there will be no such troubles in the future.

It's okay to fail!Anyway, there is no money in the trumpet.

Just do it!

Immediately, he sent a message back to the other party: "Brother, I will try it first, and I succeeded in kicking you!"

Immediately afterwards, he opened the drawer and found the unused fruit phone.

Power on, log in to the trumpet, download the plug-in, install it, enter the trial period, all in one go.

Then, he opened the bargaining link sent by Aunt Zhang with a large number, found the forward button, and found the contact.

【Confirm to forward to your friend 'Starry Sky'? 】

Xiao Yang did not hesitate to press the confirmation.

The next second, a dialog box popped up.

[I'm very sorry, the user's wx has closed the sharing link window, this link cannot be forwarded to your friend 457'Starry Sky'! 】

Looking at this dialog box, Xiao Yang said.

"Gan! It actually works!"

He used it several times in a row.

The results, without exception, all succeeded!

This time, Xiao Yang was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Brother Niubi!"

So, he opened the 9.9-year membership package with the trumpet.

Continue to try a few times, still successful!

This time, he was completely relieved, and quickly downloaded the investigation with a large number, and opened a membership.

"Aunt Zhang, I can't open the link you sent. Please send it again."

Aunt Zhang was surprised, but still forwarded a few links to him.

But, the dialog box that popped up from her wx interface made her dumbfounded.

"Xiao Yang, what's the situation? I can't forward these links to you. Say you closed it..."

"Ah? Can't forward it? What's the closure? I don't know! Aunt Zhang, I just finished eating and I'm about to help you bargain!"

After replying to the news, Xiao Yang almost didn't laugh out loud.

Open the post bar, Xiao Yang shared his experience under the post.

This time, the comment area suddenly exploded.

Many netizens expressed their opinions.

"Brother, you are a navy! You are a group!"

"Whether you are a sailor or an accomplice, I'll try it with a trumpet now! If it's fake, I wish you were hit by a car while walking! If it's true, I wish you a lottery win!"

"Whatever you say is fake, try it with a trumpet! In case it's true, this 9.9 is definitely worth it! Besides, isn't there a five-minute trial period? It doesn't cost money!"


Chapter 207

Originally, those netizens were just onlookers.

After all, watching the fun is not too big of a deal. If you really want to be a guinea pig, you will definitely feel panic in your heart.

As a result, after Xiao Yang jumped out to prove it, those netizens couldn't hold back.

I'm just worried about the Trojan virus, I'll try it with a trumpet!

It really doesn't work, I'll try it for five minutes!

If it's really useful, it's definitely worth it!

As more and more netizens have this idea, they have joined the trial ranks one after another.

Su Ming watched the increasing downloads and data usage in the background of the program, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"When you taste the sweetness, you will know how fragrant this plugin is!"

With a light laugh, Su Ming suddenly noticed that Captain Wu and the two actually walked towards the boys' dormitory.

This discovery made Su Ming frown slightly.

He had a bad feeling.

It was as if Captain Wu and Xiao Wu came for themselves.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Ming felt that he did not leave any flaws, and it was logically impossible to expose it.

"Forget it, whether you come to me or not, be prepared."

After speaking, Su Ming began to act.

In the shortest time, countless traces were erased.

At the same time, as more and more netizens tried it out, the comment area of ​​Su Ming's post instantly boiled over.

"I'm Cao! I can't believe it, it's true! This is going to compete with wx for a job!"

"Hahaha, the effect is so easy to use! Just now my blind date asked me to cut her a knife, but I found out that I couldn't forward it, and then called and 'got' it for a while! Finally, I told her that I really wanted to cut it for you. Price, and I'm still a new user, but I don't know why, I can't receive the link you sent! It pissed her off, hahaha, I laughed so hard."

"After using it, I feel that the whole wx environment is completely refreshed! Although I can still see some in the circle of friends, but the impact is not big! Anyway, I can't receive the bargaining link forwarded by others, so I feel very comfortable!"

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