Chapter 215


Liu Xueqing slammed his fist on the table, and the huge pain made him look hideous.

But at this moment, he can't care about the pain.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Is it your prank?"

Sharp eyes swept over everyone below, and everyone asked, saying that this was not what they did.

Soon, only twenty seconds before and after.Everyone's computer was restored to its original state.

Liu Xueqing said coldly, "This prank is not funny!"

At this time, Director Qian said in a panic.

"Lao Liu, something happened!"

"what happened?"

"Thousands of accounts that have been blocked have been unblocked!"

Hearing this news, Liu Xueqing was dumbfounded.


Immediately, he quickly ran to the computer and opened the wx background system.

Sure enough, those accounts that were banned for three days were all gone!

For a moment, Liu Xueqing stood still.

He looked at Director Qian in disbelief, his voice trembling: "Unblock... Unblocked?"

"This... when did this happen?"

Director Qian said bitterly, "According to the system log, it was just a minute ago!"

"A minute ago?"

Liu Xueqing's brain was buzzing.

A minute ago, he was cheering on those technicians!Boost their morale and make them take it seriously!

But as a result, they have not yet entered the battle, the battle has been resolved.

Looking at the time, Liu Xueqing shivered.

"How... how is that possible! Didn't he say five minutes! It's only been five minutes!"

"Doesn't that mean that he unblocked all accounts within four minutes?"

Director Qian on the side nodded silently.

Thinking of this, Liu Xueqing's back felt cold.

Immediately, he thought of the dialog box that appeared on the computer.

[Give you five minutes to let you fight!Not listening to your bragging here! 】

Liu Xueqing trembled uncontrollably, as if struck by lightning.

He knew that his career was over.

"Quick, quick..."

Before he could finish speaking, he rolled his eyes and fainted.


At the same time, a company in Shencheng, Xiao Yang just finished applying for a new wx number.

While he was dealing with the matter, he noticed that Su Ming left a message under the post for five minutes to restore all blocked accounts.

"five minutes?"

"So exaggerated?"

To be honest, he was still a little disbelieving in his heart.

After all, that's not some little-known company!But the famous wx!The unshakable super giant of the Internet.

"Forget it, wait and see, it's only five minutes anyway."

While he was busy with the things in hand, he always kept an eye on the time.

Seeing the fourth minute.

"There's only one minute left! I'm really looking forward to it!"

As soon as this thought occurred, suddenly, his phone vibrated.

Picking it up, it turned out that someone sent him a wx message.

Originally, he didn't care.

But taking a closer look, his pupils shrank suddenly.

This account is big!Not the trumpet he just built!

He quickly opened wx and sent messages to the two trumpets respectively.

Sure enough, no problem!

The big one is back!The trumpet used to try the 'Poor You' plug-in before has also been restored!

After several attempts to contact him, Xiao Yang exclaimed, "Gan! Bull pen!"

He glanced at the time, even at this moment, there were still more than ten seconds before the five minutes set by Su Ming!

"Fuck! This buddy is too good!"

"Say five minutes, and it will be done in less than five minutes!"

Excited, he boarded the post bar and left a message under the post.

"Brothers whose accounts have been blocked, take a look at your accounts! My account has been unblocked!"

As soon as the news came out, those netizens who were still waiting for five minutes couldn't sit still.

"What! Unblocked? Isn't it five minutes?"

"True or false? Unblocked? I'll go check it out!"

"I'm going to see my plus size too!"

Those netizens who were banned went to check it out in a hurry, while those netizens who were not involved in this matter joked aside.

"Who are you fooling! This is too fake! Visualize the navy!"

"I also think that this 'Yang' is a sailor! Every time something happens, he can be seen! The first one to eat crabs, which caused countless netizens to try, was finally banned! The sailor is a real hammer! "

"It can't be fake! Let's not talk about five minutes, it's just over four minutes, right? That's wx! What do you think it is? Personal computer? It's done in a few minutes?"

"Speaking badly, if you want to hack my personal computer, you can't hack it in five minutes! I have installed several security software! Hahahaha!"

Doubts are overwhelming...  

Obviously, most people don't believe Xiao Yang's words.

After all, the power of wx has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

At this moment, those netizens who went to check the authenticity came back.

"Hahaha! Happy event! Our blocked account has been unblocked!"

"It was agreed that the seal was sealed for three days, and it took only a while to unblock it! Wx is not very good!"

"Whether you believe it or not! Anyway, my wx account is ready to use!"

Even though many people came out to prove it, those who didn't believe it always thought it was a fantasy.

So, many people came up with a whim and replied.

"I think it may be that this incident is too big, so wx thinks it is too extreme! That's why I unblocked you in advance!"

"I thought so too! This matter has become a hot topic! It makes sense for wx to unblock you in advance! You are good, you don't take wx's love, but think it's your friend's doing! Trouble water The army is a little bit smarter, okay?"

"I don't believe it anyway, believe whoever you love!"

As soon as the news came out, there was a lot of controversy.

"What? Will wx be forced to unblock ahead of time? Brother, you didn't wake up on 1.1, did you?"

"I'd rather believe that this is what our friends did, and I don't believe that wx unblocked in advance!"

While everyone was arguing, Su Ming replied online.

"I'm really sorry, I thought it would take five minutes! Unexpectedly, they didn't hold on! They unblocked you in advance."

"in addition……"

Su Ming brought out a few friends, Aite, and said.

"@midnight, @bad life, when you said to restore your account before, you called my father and my ancestor."

"I'm ready, call."

For a while, the comment area was quiet, and everyone stopped talking.

After a while, someone posted the message sent by the two and urged them.

"Shout, brother! Don't make me look down on you!"


Chapter 216

Soon, more and more people started @'midnight' and 'bad life' to get them to come forward.

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