"Okay! Let's start now, please don't talk! The lottery has begun, and the results will be announced in thirty seconds!"

It can be seen that numbers are constantly beating on the large electronic screen behind him.

Right above the big screen, a countdown is being displayed.

【30! 】

【29! 】

【28! 】

The people below looked at the numbers that flashed by, and their hearts heard them.

The thirty-second countdown was a long ordeal for them.

"It must be hit!"

"If I win this suite, my child will be able to attend the Jinling Primary School and High School! That's a famous school! God bless you, you must win the lottery!"

"I grabbed the house, and it happened to be a wedding room for my son and daughter-in-law! Amitabha, the Bodhisattva bless!"

At this moment, almost everyone was praying very devoutly.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man became more and more curious when Su Ming swiped his mobile phone in a leisurely manner.

"Little brother, are you in a better mood?"

"Anyway, if you recite two words of Bodhisattva's blessing, I still believe that you are here to buy a house!"

Xu Tingxue came close to Su Ming's ear and whispered.

"Student Su, aren't you in a hurry at all?"

"Other people who are robbing houses, even the gods and Buddhas are invited!"

Su Ming put away his phone and smiled.

"If asking the Bodhisattva is effective, let's ask the Jade Emperor directly! Ask the Buddha!"


"Because the Jade Emperor and the Buddha have high positions! The first-level official crushes people to death, and the Bodhisattva has to take a detour when he sees it."

Hearing what Su Ming said, Xu Tingxue burst out laughing.

"Su Ming, you are so funny."

"There are more than ten seconds, let's just wait!"

While speaking, Su Ming took out the number plate and handed it over, "Let's keep the number plate here for safekeeping."

"Ah?" Xu Tingxue turned pale in shock, "This is too precious! What if I miss it?"

Su Ming looked at Xu Tingxue firmly.

"I believe you will bring me good luck!"

Suddenly being so firmly believed, Xu Tingxue's heart warmed, and her pretty face flushed slightly.

"Hmm!" Xu Tingxue nodded docilely, "I believe you will definitely win!"

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man smacked his lips again and again.

"Tsk tsk tsk, little brother, you are very skilled at picking up girls! Brother is willing to be defeated!"

"A house with tens of millions is like nothing!"

"Don't say anything else, it's just this arrogance! With so many people present, my brother will serve you!"

Watching the approaching countdown, the room was eerily silent.

Buyers stared straight at the big electronic screen, expecting their number plate to be displayed on it.




Finally, the countdown is over!

A screen full of numbers jumped out.

"1208! Where is 1208? No 1208!"

"11999! 11999! Hahaha, there is mine! There is mine!!"

"Where's 291? Where's 291? Has anyone seen 291? I'm short-sighted and can't see clearly!"

"Don't look for it, there is only one three-digit number starting with 2! 219, none of you!"

"What? 219? My God, the numbers are the same, but why the order is different! Alas, why am I so unlucky!"

"21086! I have it! Hahaha, I didn't expect that I was ranked in more than [-], and I could be drawn! Thank you Bodhisattva!"


In the huge room, several families were happy and some were sad.

Some people are disappointed, some people are very happy!Some people are downcast, some people are running to tell you!

At this moment, the middle-aged man was also infected by the surrounding atmosphere, looked at the big screen nervously, and asked.

"Little brother, how many numbers are you here? I'll help you see it together! We are so powerful!"


"12891? Five digits, I'm looking for..."

Before the middle-aged man could find it, Xu Tingxue, who was so nervous that his palms were sweating with the number plate in one hand, suddenly said excitedly.

"Su Ming! We won the lottery! 12891! We won the lottery!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly asked, "Where is it? Where is it?"

"The penultimate row, the last one! 12891! Su Ming, we have won the lottery!"

Xu Tingxue was so excited that she directly grabbed Su Ming's hand.

"Look, I said you will bring me good luck!"


Just after the excitement passed, Xu Tingxue suddenly realized that she actually took the initiative to grab Su Ming's hand.

In an instant, her face flushed to the base of her neck.

"This...this is your number plate...you take it!"

After handing over the number plate, Xu Tingxue quickly turned her face away, embarrassed to look at Su Ming again.

It's over, it's a shame today!

I actually took the initiative to hold the boy's hand!

Ah ah ah!

My heart is beating so fast!

Su Ming smiled and took the number plate.

He really didn't expect that Xu Tingxue was so simple, didn't he just touch his hand and actually blushed!

This cute appearance is really pity for me.

The middle-aged man looked at Su Ming in shock.

"Little brother, you are too arrogant! Others are crying and begging grandpa to tell grandma, but they didn't win the lottery!"

"You're here, chatting with beauties, surfing the Internet, and winning the lottery?"

"By the way, the little girl was amused by the deer!"

"This hand! High! Really high!"

From the point of view of someone who has come here, Xu Tingxue may not like Su Ming yet, but at least, there are signs of it! !

The middle-aged man stepped forward and whispered.

"Brother, tell me the truth! You didn't make a decision too, did you? Acting in a play in front of a beautiful woman on purpose? To win the heart of a beautiful woman?"

"Informal decision? Why do you want to decide? Is it difficult to grab a room?"

Faced with a series of rhetorical questions from Su Ming, the middle-aged man lost his temper.

"Brother, you really didn't agree?"

"I got up and bought a house on a whim this morning! Then I came, and then I got hit! I don't think it's hard to grab it."


Looking at Su Ming's sincere eyes, the middle-aged man was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Brother, I almost broke my leg for this pre-qualified qualification! Moutai is delivered in boxes! You..."

"Ah!!! People are more mad than people!"


Starting from the 1st, that is, today, the author's bacteria will be updated five times a day!Talk about doing it, can't do it, live broadcast chop...

I hope that all readers, fathers, can use flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets... to support

Thanks (ω).

Chapter 25

Looking at the people below, the sales manager smiled.

"Okay, all customers who have won the lottery, please come to the sales office to choose the type of apartment and pay within one working day!"

"Other customers who did not win the lottery, please look forward to our Dawan Phase II!"

Hearing this, those customers who did not win the lottery sighed one by one.

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