The two found a place and waited.

After chatting for a while, Xu Tingxue's mobile phone 460 vibrated.

Picking it up, it was a message from Sun Xiangxiang.

[Ting Xue, I won't go back tonight, I have to take care of Liu Gui! 】


【If you don’t want to go back, you don’t have to.If there is a room round, I'll take care of it. 】

Seeing this news, Xu Tingxue's face turned red.

Su Ming asked curiously, "What's wrong?"


Xu Tingxue hurriedly explained.

At this moment, she noticed the statement of accountability issued by the official wx.

After reading it, Xu Tingxue was so shocked that her mouth opened wide and her face was full of shock.

"Su Ming, look, it's scary."


Su Ming took the phone and glanced at it, almost not laughing.

In order to deal with himself, wx wants the whole world to know.

"Who is this person called 'make you sleepless'? He is amazing! He actually forced wx to issue a statement to all users directly!"

"Those who use the 'Poor You' plugin are out of luck. They just want more options, and they don't know they're going to be banned."

Xu Tingxue was a little scared.

"Actually, this plugin is pretty good, and I've heard of it before. Although I'm also annoyed by those links for bargaining and grabbing red envelopes, but after thinking about it, it's okay! It's troublesome if you get banned."

"Su Ming, why did wx do this? According to the feedback from netizens, there is no problem with this plugin."

Su Ming secretly smiled in his heart.

Xu Tingxue didn't know that the man wanted by wx was right in front of him.

The young couple, who were also waiting to eat, couldn't help but come over to talk when they heard this.

"Aren't you using this plugin?"

Xu Tingxue shook her head.

The young man said helplessly: "Oh, I used it! The effect was pretty good. Who knows, wx is like this again!"

"I also recommended my friends to use it, and now they are all finished! I will be permanently banned soon!"

The female companion sighed with emotion.

"Yeah, it was still three days before the title! This time the title is directly and permanently banned, it can be seen that challenging the authority of wx will definitely be suppressed!"

"wx is powerful, we ordinary people can only endure it."

At this moment, Su Ming said, "Actually, let's look at this matter from another angle. After all, it is a good thing that someone challenges wx's authority."

"Yes! It's really a good thing! The monopoly of wx has become a general trend. Our protest is useless." The young man nodded and said.

"Challenging the authority of the giants comes at a price! Let's just seal an account. The so-called accountability should be scary."

"It's the 'make you can't sleep' that is miserable, and he will be held legally responsible! According to wx's management, this person will be sentenced to three or five years, or even more!"

"There are tens of millions in compensation. Tens of millions, not hundreds of dollars! Damn it."

Su Ming explained with a smile: "That said, but if you look carefully, wx has not yet discovered the identity of the other party."

"As long as wx never finds out, the other party will be fine! Otherwise, it's over."

"Of course, if the above intervenes, it will be hard to say. There is still a turning point in this matter."

"The top intervenes?" The young man shook his head: "It's unlikely! There is no such news on the entire Internet now! It's just a hot search for the bib! I guess, the bib will soon be withdrawn from the hot search! At that time, the possibility is zero!"

"Besides, below the previous statement, we can still leave a message! This time, it's better, all wx members are directly prohibited from replying! Reposting is also prohibited!"

"My friend's screenshots were posted on social platforms, but they were blocked as soon as they were posted! They don't show at all! It's so annoying!"

"Most people, it's none of their business to hang up! Bear with it, what else can you do."

Xu Tingxue asked curiously: "Then why does it have to be banned! Isn't the account our personal?"

Hearing this, Su Ming couldn't help but laugh.

"Silly girl, didn't you read the user agreement when you registered your wx account?"

"User Agreement?"

Several people were stunned.

"Isn't it enough to just tick it? You have to look at this thing?"

"Never noticed."

"So." Su Ming said meaningfully: "As long as you take a closer look, you will know that the user agreement states that the ownership of the account belongs to Penguin!"

"Everyone is just using Penguin's account to communicate online!"

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

"I'm going, there's more to it!"

"My God, this is the first time I know!"

"It's terrible! We have no choice at all!"

Su Ming said calmly: "The monopoly position obtained by the Internet giants through innovation and development is actually not terrible."

"What's really scary is that they abuse their monopoly to control us ordinary people."

"What ordinary people can choose is in the interests of Internet giants! Therefore, even if there is no problem with this 'Death to You' plug-in, but it touches the interests of wx, it will naturally be... suppressed!"

"It's like you can't turn on the vibrato and scarf through wx."

While everyone was shocked, the front desk shouted: "Number 12!"

Su Ming said to the two of them, "It's our turn, goodbye."

Immediately, he pulled up Xu Tingxue and walked towards Haidilao.

Xu Tingxue followed behind Su Ming and said with a look of admiration.

"Su Ming, you know a lot, and you have more opinions than the average person! I don't understand what you said just now. If you didn't say it, I wouldn't even know it... Monopoly is too scary."

"Hahaha, order first!"

The waiter came over with an ipad and said politely, "You two, please order."

"Ting Xue, come on, let me see what's going on online."

Xu Tingxue meekly took the iPad and started ordering food.

Su Ming sat inward, then turned on his mobile phone and registered an anonymous account through the plug-in link.

Subsequently, he opened the wx accountability statement.

The accountability statement cannot be commented on, but for Su Ming, this is not a problem at all.

After finishing, Su Ming said, "How's it going?"

"I ordered a few vegetarian dishes, come and have a look."

While Su Ming was eating here, his message under the accountability statement caused a huge sensation.

[Only 4500 million?Who do you look down on? 】


Chapter 219

In the post bar, countless netizens gathered under Su Ming's post.

Right now, here and under the bib hot search, are the two pure lands of the Internet.

Compared with the scarf, they prefer to stay in the post bar.

"This big brother is crazy! I see the shadow of 'you have the ability to hit me'! Hackers, are all so crazy~?"

"This sentence, I admire! Such a provocative wx of Chi Guoguo! It's been a long time since I saw someone dare to challenge wx-! Great pen!"

"Let's put it aside for now. Have you found a problem? We can't comment, but he can!"

"Oh, I'll go! If you don't tell me, I really haven't found it! We show that messages are prohibited, just eldest brother!"

"wx is so real, and the other party is still so clueless! This is interesting."


Shencheng wx headquarters.

The head of the operations department ran quickly to the office of the senior director.

"Director Gao, something happened."


"The other party left a message under our statement of accountability."

"what did he say?"

"He said..." The director of the operations department took a deep breath and said, "He said: only 4500 million? Who do you look down on?"

Hearing this, Director Gao's face stiffened a lot.

"Director Gao, and..."

"What else! Finish it all at once!"

"That's it! Originally, we broke a few entertainment news, and we managed to get this incident off the hot search! As a result, the other party made such a comment, and this incident was flushed to the hot search again."

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