[Are you still in the mood to block the accounts of 5999 users? 】

As soon as the news came out, the huge technical department was quiet.

The netizens who eat melons all over the network are also quiet.Second.

Chapter 225

Eavesdropping on privacy?

Lawyer's letter?


Looking at Su Ming's reply, Director Gao's mind went blank.

The title and the lawyer's letter are second.In the first reply, the eavesdropping privacy mentioned completely defeated Director Gao's defense.

All kinds of apps enable microphone recording and other permissions by default, just to collect privacy, and then push related products and services according to the keywords mentioned by users...

This is a default thing for almost all apps!

The good point is the use of big data, the bad point is to use their 'high-end' technology to install a bug around you to collect information that is beneficial to them!

Of course, even if ordinary practitioners break out such a thing, they will be quickly refuted by major giants.

But now, Su Ming burst it out!

And it was when the entire network was paying the highest attention, naming wx by name and saying that wx did bad things!

Now, who can cover up? ?

Criticism?delete post?

It can't be done at all!

Even so, Director Gao has a way to uncover the matter with the lowest loss.

Send countless sailors to slander and whitewash the sky and cover the sky!Expose the secrets of other platforms!

Get traffic from the media?Not much to say, just block it on wx!

Other giants challenge things?Spend money, spend traffic, make profits, and you can get it done! !

After all, in the capital market, interest is everything.

Of course, this cost must be calculated in billions, and a lot of traffic will be lost!

It's not these that can make him really break the defense!

Instead, Su Ming harvested them with the means they used to collect customers' privacy!

This is what really scares them.

In the past, ordinary users were leeks!Cut if you want!

But now, under Su Ming, a giant like wx has also become a leek!It's not some weird and unpredictable method, but what giants are best at!

My way of making money has become a way for others to punish me, and no one can stand it.

It can be seen that Director Gao's face is very ugly!Worse than exposure recordings!

At this moment, how can he even think about blocking the accounts of 5999 users!

Self protection is the most important thing!

Director Gao couldn't wait to slap himself.

OK, what to ask!

Okay now, ask for a depth bomb!

How does this end!

Director Gao said with some regret: "Missed! I underestimated his ability!"

Gan, I had known that the opponent was so strong. Before the 'poor you' plug-in incident, he just turned a blind eye and passed it!

Well now, in order to maintain wx's hegemony, wx has been pushed into the swamp!

Those social platforms that are afraid of the chaos in the world, those social platforms that watch dramas, those platforms that are related to penguins, are also panicked at this moment.

App collecting user data is a taboo!

The unspoken rules were exposed, and they were also nervous.

For anyone, they can accept it!Even a senior executive from a certain industry will do!

But only this person is Su Ming, but it can't be done!

The former, they can settle it!The latter, not fair!

wx, that is, on the road of constant settlement, getting deeper and deeper!

Countless netizens are stunned. They need time to digest these well-known confidential information!

Eating melons and eating yourself, this experience is really big!

"Then what? Is this revelation true? Listening, it's scary!"

"I don't know, wx, that's a super giant! Shouldn't they do this?"

"It doesn't matter if it's super or super giant! It's said that you can't sleep. He just used the same method to deal with those giants! Otherwise, how did he get such confidential audio content?"

"Hello everyone, I'm a certain security platform, we can prove it! According to our just detection, wx does eavesdrop on user privacy!"

"I'm trying to be safe! I can't say it clearly, think about it, why do you say what you say, and it will be pushed to you on the Internet, and you will understand!"

Many professional anonymous people came out on the platform, and those netizens went crazy.

"I'm so... I said why I casually said what to buy, and then opened the shopping app and immediately recommended it to me!"

"I'm giao! No wonder I mentioned to my friends that I recently lost sleep and hair loss. When I opened those apps, they were all melatonin and anti-hair loss shampoos... It turns out that I have an app that monitors me 24 hours a day!"

"Gan! I do some shy things at night, is it possible that I am also being monitored by wx? I have only one request, can you label me as a macho? This is my last stubbornness!"


Looking at the hot discussion on the Internet, Mr. Zhao was also dumbfounded.

They had just received an anonymous email from Su Ming, and they were still thinking about how to expose it without avoiding themselves.

It is necessary to maximize the benefits, but also to not affect yourself!

Who knows, Director Gao's reply directly triggered a big earthquake on the Internet!

Platforms such as Bib and Sound Shake were caught off guard!

"Mr. Zhao, what should we do now? Netizens are very excited now! The traffic has skyrocketed several times, and our servers may not be able to withstand it!"

"This incident was originally innocuous, but it was exposed by the other party in the spotlight, and the consequences were unimaginable! If we are not careful, we will all have to roll over!"

"Don't panic, I'll think about it!" Mr. Zhao carried his hands on his back and wandered back and forth, with countless thoughts flashing in his mind...

"Have it!"

A flash of light flashed in Mr. Zhao's mind, and he said, "Public relations department, you all immediately issued a statement to inform the whole network that there is absolutely no such situation in our scarf! And point to wx's practice! We must not let netizens notice us."

"Lao Feng, your technical department immediately shut down this function! And update the app! Act fast!"

Just when the scarf side was in a hurry, President Yin Dou Xiao also urgently took a series of measures.

The fishing reel this time is unprecedentedly fierce!

Fishing reels, those super giants are not worried!The anger of netizens, they also don't care!

They have a way to divert their attention, cover up the truth, and fool netizens!

But, the fishing reel that cannot be covered up is poison!

The major platforms are busy fighting the fire!While distancing himself from his relationship, he accused wx of being too inhumane!Even the penguin platform is no exception!

After all, dead Daoist friends do not die poor Daoists!

Looking at the chaotic network, Su Ming said calmly.

1.1 "I'll just develop a plug-in and make some money! Why bother!"

Afterwards, he left the last paragraph under the statement of accountability and went to bed.

Regardless of the flood!

[Brothers, I'm going to bed first, you guys continue!I still have melons in my hand, let's continue to eat melons tomorrow night! 】

This sentence suddenly lifted the appetite of countless netizens.

Could it be that there is something more serious than eavesdropping?

Unfortunately, they were unable to leave a message under the statement of accountability.It can only be discussed wildly on social platforms.

Finally, the server of the bib collapsed under the impact of the huge traffic!

Looking at the collapsed server in front of him, Mr. Zhao was both anxious and relieved.

This buys them time to update the app!

This night was doomed to be sleepless for the director of wx and others.

That's all, it's not enough!And the melon is about to explode!

Director Gao wants to scold his mother! .

Chapter 226


The threat of red fruit!

This is clearly to make wx executives think twice!

Seeing Su Ming's threatening words, Director Gao was so angry that he wanted to jump up.

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