Finally, after spending a few minutes.

He successfully collected a lot of black material about Su Ming!

And these black materials are the mastermind behind Anti-Bone Boy, which was released when he was hacking Su Ming.

Looking at the irrefutable evidence, coupled with the endorsements of well-known anti-counterfeiting figures, famous entertainment reporters and other public figures, Zheng Yingyu was so excited that his whole body was trembling.

He felt that he had found an important black material enough to turn the tables!

".¨My good guy, the number one counterfeiter in China has come out to crack down on counterfeit anchors!"

"I remember that Noah has been cracking down on fakes for so many years, and it seems that he has never turned over the car once? With him appearing to testify, it seems that this document signed by the Immigration Bureau of the Free Country is [-]% true!"

Looking at the black material about Su Ming that was leaked, and seeing Su Ming who was busy in the live broadcast room, Zheng Yingyu looked resentful.

"It can be considered that I have been caught!"

"Now, I want you to look good!"

Zheng Yingyu was also unequivocal, typing directly in the live broadcast room and planning (Li Hao) to fight back against Su Ming.

At this moment, Su Ming gradually stopped what he was doing, and a mocking voice echoed through Mai in the live broadcast room.

[Zheng Yingyu, it's been several minutes, why haven't you come forward?I remember that when you posted the video before, you still looked majestic and arrogant. 】

[Come, explain to netizens: Who is that man?What is the -5th floor doing? 】

Hearing these words, Zheng Yingyu's typing hand trembled suddenly.

[Don't know how to explain it?That's right, you can't explain it! !You explained, 'again' finished.If you don't explain it, I'll explain it, and then your family is completely screwed! 】

[Unfortunately, you can only choose one of two! ].

Chapter 358

Is there any choice?

For Su Ming, and for the vast majority of netizens watching the drama, Zheng Yingyu really has no choice!

Only among these two options, choose a way to die less tragically!

But Zheng Yingyu was not reconciled, how could he obey Su Ming's choice for him?

of course not!

So, he has to fight back!

Facing the threats and ridicule from Su Ming's words, Zheng Yingyu responded with a cold face.

"Don't be too proud!"

"I have your black material in my hand now! Black material enough to keep you from turning over forever!"

"Humph! If you want to fuck me, don't even look at who I am!"

After sending the message, Zheng Yingyu was very proud.

After being aggrieved for a while, I was finally able to turn over as a serf and sing!

A group of netizens in the original live broadcast room urged there.

"Zheng Yingyu, don't pretend to be here! Choose one of the two, hurry up and confess! You're babbling!"

"That's right, Zheng Yingyu, I've seen through you, and I'll pretend every day! Now that it's alright, even the 'and again' brain-damaged fans have turned their backs a lot, I'll see how long you can keep jumping around!"

"@zhengyingyu! Come on, who is the man? Is it the boyfriend of 'You You Sister' 530? I tell you, don't be! Otherwise, I will send you a blade!"

"@zhengyingyu, he's a man, just tell us in an open and aboveboard, who is the man? Look at that look, there is something tricky! Also, what is going on in the private hospital - the 5th floor! Tell us quickly! Otherwise, I will call the police and say You are engaging in illegal activities overseas!"

Originally, under the leadership of Su Ming, the [-] million fans in the live broadcast room, most of whom shared the same hatred, have been against Zheng Yingyu.

The sound of accusation, the sound of scolding, a wave of higher than the same!

If Zheng Yingyu was in front of them, each of them could drown Zheng Yingyu with a spit.

But now, Jung Young-woo is fighting back!

He also said that he had enough black material in his hand to make Su Ming never turn around.

Now, there are many new netizens, including the brainless fans who support 'You You' now, and... the anti-bone boys who have been waiting for the leader.

Opposite the former, they are more curious.

For some brainless fans, they are like survivors who have wandered in the dark for a long time and finally saw hope.

As for the anti-bone boys, their excitement doesn't have to be a little brainless.

Take your own money to do things. If you do it well, you will have more money, but if you do not do it well, you will have less money!

Everyone wants more money!

Seeing that the idiot fans who were secretly instigated by him, actually had no effect on Su Ming's side, which made them very angry and more helpless.

Because this is a bit out of the ordinary!

You must know that even if it is an official, under such a big storm, it will be cautious!

Who knows, Su Ming doesn't care at all!

It doesn't matter whether you are innocent or not, whether you are a brainless fan or a rhythm fan, as long as the number reaches the standard, even if there is a top-notch student standing behind you...

That is also a word, disc!

No brainer!Brainstorming is a waste of time!

Who is it, the most heart-wrenching fan?

Of course it's their idol, even more than their parents!

Zango's imprisonment, how many brain-dead fans cried heartbreakingly!

However, this has little effect on the 'youyou' brain-damaged fans, but it has too much impact on the anti-bone boys!

They were not afraid of being settled by Su Mingqiu, but they were afraid that they would not be able to make more money.

Who would have thought that Xiaosheng, who was almost the first in traffic, would end up in prison like this!

This is so special, it's exciting to think about it!

Immediately after, Sister Youyou's side is also in many situations, and the situation is not much better than that of Zhan Ge.

Therefore, they desperately hope that there will be some big events that can turn the tide against the sky!It is best to have someone who can preside over the overall situation and fight Su Ming!

Only in this way can their fishing in troubled waters be effective.

Only then can they get more money from the mastermind behind the scenes!

Because of all these, seeing Zheng Yingyu's assertive and confident words, they were so excited that they almost shouted dad.

This is the father who helps them make money!

"@zhengyingyu, you're dad, we support you! You guys just go to the hospital as normal, why are there so many moths? Only people with a dark heart will think in the dark!"

"@zhengyingyu! What kind of man, -5th floor, don't hold on to these details, OK? People are free countries, you can build -100 if you want, what's your business? There are hospitals with negative 7th and 8th floors abroad, and there are many!"

"@zhengyingyu, dad again, I can't stand this anchor being arrogant here! Please expose him directly, I just want to see him unlucky!"

Those anti-bone boys are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, and in the war years, they are the puppet army of Chi Guoguo's puppet army!

With these 'righteous people' taking the lead, some still-brained fans appealed.

"@zhengyingyu, dad, we will always love you! Always support you! Please expose the anchor! I see him hurting 'Youyou Sister' again and again, my heart is bleeding!"

"@zhengyingyu, dad, the anchor! You're welcome!"

For a time, countless barrages swiped directly.

Seeing countless people supporting him, Zheng Yingyu couldn't help laughing complacently.

He replied directly.

"Anchor, get ready to feel the pain. My revelations, here we come!".

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