
Under Su Ming's command, the security guard, Xu Tingxue and others got busy.

Su Ming, on the other hand, was standing in the center of the room, his eyes swept across the multiple surveillance screens in the room.

Looking around, there are thousands of people in the surveillance screen.

After looking for them one by one, they couldn't find them within an hour.

However, Su Ming's biggest reliance is not monitoring!

While everyone was not paying attention, Su Ming glanced at his phone.

At this moment, the progress bar on the phone has jumped to 98%!


Seeing that the progress bar showed 100%, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

When he left the Lovers Garden before, Su Ming had been quietly invading the surrounding base stations!

Because there is no computer, it can only be operated with a mobile phone, and the progress is a little slow.

But fortunately, it finally succeeded.

Opening the interface, a dazzling series of mobile phone numbers popped up.

These are all mobile phone numbers that have recently accessed a nearby base station!

Any mobile phone, no matter 3G, 4G or 5G, as long as there is a signal when it is turned on, the base station will store the positioning information.

In this way, Su Ming's plan has completed the first step!

Next, from these hundreds of thousands of mobile phone numbers, find out the mobile phone number whose access point is Lovers Garden and the time is within 15-30 minutes!

Reduce suspicious targets to a minimum! ! .

Chapter 54

Su Ming was nervously searching, and Captain Wu was also in trouble.

Surrounded by a group of onlookers, he had a big head.

"Comrade police, I'm in a hurry, can you open the door! Let me go first?"

"Comrade police, my child is not feeling well. I'm rushing to the hospital, can you let me go?"

"Comrade Police..."

Everyone was so arguing that Captain Wu's head was about to explode.

"Stop arguing! In special circumstances, please understand!"

The woman shouted suddenly.

"I understand her, I sympathize with her! But who understands me! What if I go late and the money is deducted?"

Captain Wu explained patiently: "If your boss urges you, you can call me and I will explain the situation! I think the other party can understand!"

"If you understand, you understand? What if the other party doesn't understand? Everyone is in a hurry. Besides, we didn't steal her child, so why should we make concessions to her!"

Under the instigation of the woman, the women who were watching the fun and did not think it was a big deal responded one after another.

For a time, the scene was chaotic.

Su Ming, who was waiting for the search results, shouted out after hearing the movement outside.

"Captain Wu, I remember that there is a law in the Celestial Dynasty that says so."

"Citizens are obliged to cooperate with the police in case of emergencies! Anyone who disturbs, instigates, or makes noise will be punished with 7-15 days of detention!!"

"Captain Wu, did I remember correctly?"

Hearing Su Ming's divine assist, Captain Wu's eyes lit up.

I go!

How could I forget!

Being so quarrelled by these people, his head was about to explode, and he really didn't think of it for a while.

Fortunately, Su Ming reminded me!

Immediately, he cast a grateful look at Su Ming.

Afterwards, he shouted with a straight face and eloquent words.

"According to Chinese law, citizens are obliged to cooperate with the police in case of emergencies! Anyone who disturbs, instigates, or makes noise will be sentenced to 7-15 days of criminal detention!"

"Who of you is making noise again?"

Captain Wu was an old patrolman after all. After he got back to the home court, he quickly overwhelmed those people in momentum.

This time, everyone stopped talking.

It's okay to join in the fun, but once you're detained, it's over.

This time, even the most powerful woman who shouted was so frightened that she hid directly behind everyone.

This scene was all filmed by Zhao Li with her mobile phone.

Especially Su Ming, she specially gave a close-up.

Her keen professionalism told her that this Su Ming was definitely the core figure in this incident!

After appeasing everyone, Captain Wu hurriedly walked into the monitoring room.

Looking at the busy crowd, Captain Wu asked Su Ming, "How is the situation?"

"We're narrowing it down! Results coming soon!"

"That's good! That's good!"

"I'll look at other colleagues and see if there are any results."

With that said, Captain Wu ran to make a phone call.

At the same time, under the retrieval software, there are only 390 mobile phone numbers of hundreds of thousands!

The search for the location has been completed.

Next, is the retrieval of time.

The person retrieved is the biggest suspect!

Su Ming stared at the monitor while waiting for the results of the phone search.

The woman on the side looked at the person holding the child drawn by Xu Tingxue and others, and shook her head: "No, not yet, this is not... these are not!"

"What if I can't find it! I have no face to go back... woo woo..."

Xu Tingxue quickly comforted: "It's alright, let's look for it slowly, it must be alright!"

"So many of us are helping you, it will be fine!"

With the encouragement of Xu Tingxue and others, the women gathered up again and began to look for a target.

On Captain Wu's side, there was also a result.

With a sullen face, he looked at Su Ming and said, "No progress! There are so many people that I can't find anyone who smells of lavender!"

Glancing at the woman, Captain Wu lowered his voice.

"The blockade of Xuanwu Lake, the movement is too big. The above said, the blockade time cannot exceed fifteen minutes!"

"If you really can't find it, you can only take all the surveillance videos, including some evidence from the scene, back to the police station, and ask colleagues from the Information Section to help check!"

"But in this case, the risk to the child is great!"

Su Ming expressed his understanding of their difficulties and asked in a low voice, "How many minutes are there before the lockdown is lifted?"

"Up to five minutes!"

"Okay! I'll hurry up and find it! It should be in time!"

"You don't have to be under too much pressure. Colleagues from nearby offices are already on their way!" Captain Wu said, patting Su Ming on the shoulder.

"There aren't many college students like you! Here, I'll leave it to you, I'll go out and stare at them!"

Just as Captain Wu turned around, Su Ming's phone vibrated.

Immediately, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

He knew that there was a result!

Sure enough, 18 mobile phone numbers were displayed on the phone.

Aside from the four of Su Ming himself, there are still fourteen left!

Su Ming remembered that there were a total of 12 people at the scene before they rushed there!

Then, of the other two, one must be a human trafficker!

Seeing the gradually approaching truth, Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ming exported 14 mobile phone numbers, and then quietly erased the traces of the invasion.

After doing all this, Su Ming opened the virtual phone plug-in hidden in his phone.

Through the Internet phone account, I dialed these fourteen numbers.

Considering that the other party's mobile phone might be muted, Su Ming also turned on the triangulation plug-in, so as to be foolproof!

The moment the number was broadcast, Su Ming's sharp eyes swept across all the surveillance screens.

At this moment, 'situational awareness' is at its peak.



Inside the room, the phone rang. .

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