"Upstairs, don't tell me I have no idea! This is a pinned post! Without the authorization of the master, who is qualified to pin it? And have you noticed that the post bar rules that were pinned before have been deleted!"

"Suddenly there is an ominous premonition! It always feels like something is going to happen!"

After waiting for a while, everyone found that this post was still there.

"Huh? Didn't you say ten seconds? Why is this post still there?"

"You're stupid, you don't need time to log in as an administrator? You don't need time to delete posts? Lord, say ten seconds is a deterrent! Do you understand?"

"Oh oh oh! That's how it is! Lord, work hard!"

After a while, everyone found that the post... was still there.

"Isn't it, the master has been disconnected from the Internet? It's been a minute!"

"Perhaps, it's because we are too stuck on a blind date? I left a message just now, and it took three times to succeed! Don't worry, just wait."

Three minutes later, the post is still there....

Chapter 9

Many netizens on the blind date are still wondering why this post has not been downloaded yet!

Many netizens came forward to comfort them and said to give the bar owner some time.

But the fact is, even after giving him four minutes, he still couldn't delete that post, and he couldn't even unpin it!

The man sitting in front of the computer was sweating profusely.

He, as the owner of a blind date bar, doesn't have the right to cancel the sticking!

This was absolutely impossible to happen before!

It's like someone has the keys to their own house, but can't open the door of their own house.

This is spooky!

The system kept reminding him that the authority was insufficient!

"It doesn't make sense, I am the Lord, why is the authority insufficient?"

The man did not believe in evil and tried again several times, but he still had insufficient authority.

"You can't cancel the sticking, and you can't delete the post! I'll just block your account!"

Immediately afterwards, he turned his attention to Su Ming's account.

"'Have the ability to hit me?'

From the background, it can be seen that the account of Su Ming was established in less than [-] minutes!

This kind of white account, he has no pressure to seal it up.

When he planned to continue to call up the information of this account, he found strangely that there was no more information about this account in the background.

Normal people want to register an account, either with penguin, or with wx, mobile phone number...

But this number is blank!

This is very unusual!

Because the visitor account cannot post posts!

Can't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it.

Immediately afterwards, he clicked on the background, and then clicked [Title]!

Just when he thought everything was done, he was dumbfounded again when he looked at the dialog box that popped up on the interface.

[Sorry, you do not have administrator rights!Please obtain administrator privileges first! 】

"Administrator privileges?"

"What's the situation? I am the Lord!"

He found the blacklist, restored the previously blocked account, and then blocked it again.

As it turns out, his account is fine!

The problem is the account that posted the post!

As a senior programmer, he immediately thought that the other party was by no means the rookies he had faced in the past!

The other party is a master!

Although he didn't know how the other party did it, he decided to change his mind!

"If you can't move the post, I'll move your people!"

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't find you by ip tracking and locking!"

After having an idea, he immediately began to act.

On the other side, Su Ming smiled and watched the other party keep trying to delete his post.

Over and over again, he dared to guarantee that the other party was absolutely in a hurry!

Just then, the plugin he installed alerted him that someone was tracking his account.

"Yo, you can't block my account, are you planning to attack me?"

"A bit of a hacker!"

Su Ming was not worried that he would be tracked by the other party, but this aroused his interest.

While the other party was tracking him, Su Ming directly bypassed the background permissions and hacked into his computer.

The other party's computer was installed with various firewalls, but, for Su Ming, this could not pose any threat at all.

Soon, Su Ming gained control of the other party's computer!

Just listening to the sound of "pop", a document appeared on his computer interface.

On this document, the identity information of the other party is recorded impressively.

The other party never dreamed that when he was chasing Su Ming frantically, Su Ming had silently hacked his computer and found out his identity clearly!

Wang Yong, male, 33 years old, single.

Address: Hangzhou West Lake Community...

Position: Senior Software Engineer...

Looking at the data, Su Ming showed a smile on his face.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Wang Yong was dumbfounded.

He guessed that the other party was not weak, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even find the other party's IP address.

Countless broilers and countless springboards made him dizzy.

"This man is crazy! So many broilers, he did this!"

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, suddenly, a paragraph popped up on the computer interface.

[Wang Yong, why don't you be your master, why waste time with me? 】

Looking at the words that suddenly appeared, Wang Yong's eyes widened.

Calling out his name directly, and without being aware of it, bypassing numerous firewalls and entering his computer.


At this moment, Wang Yong's back was cold.

The backyard was copied, and I didn't even notice it!


After calming down, Wang Yong turned on all the security plug-ins and replied.

"How did you do it? I have so many firewalls, security plug-ins..."

When he finished typing, another line of text jumped out.

【Is it difficult to hack your computer?I don't think so. 】

Seeing this text, Wang Qiang almost vomited blood.

What made him even more embarrassed was that the security plug-in he had turned on didn't work at all!

Wang Yong thought that the other party was on the fifth floor, but unexpectedly, the other party was actually in the atmosphere!

The difference is too big!

"What the hell do you want to do?"

【Feat!It's none of your business, just watch it! 】

Wang Yong replied a few more messages, but the other party never replied to him.

He didn't know that Su Ming had logged out of his computer.

Wasting a few minutes on Wang Yong's side is enough to give him face.

But Wang Yong is not reconciled.

"I've been a blind date for ten years, Lord! With eight years of experience as a senior programmer, I can't swallow this tone!"


After exiting Wang Yong's computer, Su Ming posted a comment on his post, and used technical means to directly pin it to the top!

Netizens in the comment area are still anxiously waiting.

"Didn't you say 10 seconds, it's been five minutes! What the hell is the Lord doing?"

"That's right, it's a waste of our time! There have been more than [-] replies! If you wait like this, you won't be able to keep up with the heat!"

"That's right, if the software developed by the other party is only used by the first [-] people who leave a message and petition, wouldn't we be trapped by the bar master!"

"No, no, I can't wait like this anymore! I'd rather believe it or not! I, Zhao Ba, petition with my real name!"

Those netizens who support the bar owner, waiting left and right to wait for the news of the bar owner, are also anxious.

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