If there are no external enemies, there will be civil strife.

Human beings are such a race.

And now, listening to Liu Xueer’s narration, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and took a deep look at this silhouette.

Active investing?

Something interesting?

However, he does not seem to be excluded.

After all, he really needs these now.


The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and Liu Zimo did not refuse the proposal to join the Spiritual Power Bureau.

If he is not discovered, he can hide himself in various ways.

But now, since it has been discovered, there is no need to hide.

As for refusal?

Liu Zimo thought.

But he didn’t have the guts.

Before there is absolute strength, it is a very dangerous thing to refuse the solicitation of the relevant state departments.

In particular, this is an extremely mysterious department.

After all, an existence like Liu Zimo is a real ‘unstable bomb’.

No explosion, it’s fine.

But once it explodes, it will inevitably affect the masses.

And this, it should not be allowed by the state.

In this way, the necessary monitoring and management is a must.

And after Liu Zimo simply said to join the Spiritual Power Bureau, Liu Xueer also took out more documents.

“This is all information about the Spiritual Power Bureau.”

“Remember a word, don’t tell others about your abilities, not even me.”

“Also, you are only responsible to me, and the others, even the head of the Hangcheng Spiritual Power Branch, have no power to order you to do?”

During repeated explanations, Liu Xueer’s face was also extremely solemn.

She wants to protect Lord Qinglong.

And the best guardian is to silently accompany Lord Qinglong.

In addition, it is to clear all the unfavorable factors for Lord Qinglong.

This is also the reason why she will have a showdown with the General Bureau of Spiritual Power.

Only through the showdown can she gain the power and status she has today.

And with these power positions, she can better protect Lord Qinglong.

As for the money she has earned over the years, it is more for Lord Qinglong.

Thinking of this, Liu Xueer also said bluntly:

“If you don’t understand anything in cultivation, or if you need anything, you can tell me, and I will try to arrange it for you.”

In the soft narration, Liu Xueer did not stay for a long time.

And not long after, silently looking at the departing Qianying, Liu Zimo’s gaze was also particularly complicated.

This woman is strange.

Really weird.

Between the lines, it seems to be hiding something?

But Liu Zimo did not feel malice.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, Liu Zimo can detect that this woman’s gaze at him is somewhat unnatural.

She’s dodging

Like a fawn, a little flustered.

“What a strange woman.”

Sighing in his heart, Liu Zimo didn’t care too much.

There are too many strange people.

It is impossible to get to the bottom of each other.

As long as there is no malice towards him, it’s fine.

And the benefits are real.

Nothing else,

The private villa and cultivation site alone were enough to make Liu Zimo happy.

“She seems to have said that she also prepared some spiritual power potions and sent them to me in two days.”

Thinking like this, Liu Zimo was also secretly pondering.

Is he too handsome, I don’t know when, hang this legendary female rich man.

It should be possible, right?

Thinking so narcissistic in his heart, Liu Zimo also got up and began his daily cultivation.

His conditions here are too simple.

There is no suitable equipment for exercise.

Therefore, he can only rely on push-ups and frog jumps to exercise repeatedly.

However, it should be good to wait until he rushes to the private cultivation site tomorrow.

According to Liu Xueer, private venues, how many cultivation equipment are needed.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the second day.

On this day, the sky was still shining, Liu Zimo had already got up, washed, and then sorted out his bags.

Open the door….

Printed in front of you is a group of figures wearing black suits.

It’s kind of like a bodyguard.

And now,

“Is it Liu Zimo? Our young lady has a please. ”

In a very respectful voice, the middle-aged man who took the lead also bent down.

Like a servant, greeted Liu Zimo.

“Eh… This treatment? ”

A little suspicious, Liu Zimo also looked at the vehicle not far away.

Good fellow, he may not be able to afford a luxury car in his lifetime.

And at this time, not only Liu Zimo was suspicious, but even these bodyguards who came to greet Liu Zimo were also suspicious?

This is the young lady, the person who must be respectful after a thousand instructions?

So young?

However, considering that this is their job, they dare not snub.

Qi Qi greeted Liu Zimo.

And soon after, riding in a luxury car, Liu Zimo also came to a very quiet villa area.

Yes, villa area.

Villa after villa, standing in the distance.

In the distance, you can see countless figures, standing quietly.

However, what stunned Liu Zimo was that this villa area seemed to be a little different from what he imagined.

Why is there a purple bamboo forest that he likes?

Why can you smell the rich aroma of wine from afar?

And also… What the hell are those equipment in the open square?

Oversized weight lifts?

A weightlifting barbell like a hill?

Surely this is not his dream place of cultivation?

For some reason, Liu Zimo suddenly felt like a dream.

This Liu Xue’er, shouldn’t he have investigated him thousands of times?

However, it’s not right

It was also in these two days, after playing the strongest creature on the surface, that he pondered these fitness equipment.

How could she possibly investigate?

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