Unlike others,

Feiyan has been learning martial arts since childhood, and she was born in a martial arts hall, and before she had the ability to awaken, she was able to defeat several adults head-on.

Therefore, Feiyan is also more persistent about being powerful.

And now, unexpectedly, she found that this hundred beasts seemed to be extremely unsimple, and she was also happy to see the hunter.

One thing is certain, though

That is, there should be no accidents in the hundred beasts.

Such a terrifying combat power, if there is an accident, it will really become a joke.

Thinking about this, Feiyan was also slightly relieved.

It’s just that when Feiyan was chasing Liu Zimo’s whereabouts, few people knew that in the depths of Yanjing, countless big people had gathered.

“The first round of spiritual power tides, is it fast?”

“Soon, if nothing else, just in these two days.”

“Tell all transcendent beings to return to their respective cities as soon as possible, and inform all localities so that the people do not leave for the wilderness.”

“By the way, the military laying of various cities, how?”

“There is no problem, even in third- and fourth-tier cities, there are heavy weapons to overwhelm the formation.”

In the midst of the continuous discussion, the eyes of many big people also gathered in the sky.

There, a crystal panel presented the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

However, what is surprising is that on the map, many cities are highlighted in red.

“These cities are all dangerous cities, and if you are not careful, the city will be destroyed and killed, and we must focus on protection.”

In the midst of the soft narration, a girl also had cold eyes and introduced to many big people.

This is Liu Xueer.

Today, she has secured the position of the second-in-command of the Spiritual Power Bureau.

And now, because of another round of spiritual power tides, she has to control the overall situation.

Although she seems young, the means are not laughing.

Many people who questioned her were either lying in the hospital or on their way to the hospital.

Just, now….

“The first round of spiritual power tides, is it really so terrifying?”

Among some curious voices, a middle-aged man also took the initiative to ask.

“The first round of spiritual power tides is the beginning of everything, and now it is only a few beasts mutating, but after the first round of spiritual power tides, most of the world’s beasts mutate, locusts become plagues, wolves are infested, and countless powerful mutated beasts come out.”

“There are many monsters that can resist shells.”

“And this, it’s not terrible, what is really scary is that these mutant beasts seem to have opened a genetic lock, evolved rapidly, and are growing almost every day… Although we are powerful, it is impossible to completely destroy all mutant beasts. ”

“So, what awaits us in the future will be war after war… Until we humans completely fell to the top of the food chain. ”

In the narration one after another, Liu Xueer was also helpless.

It was truly humanity’s darkest time.

Countless humans have been reduced to the belly of mutant beasts.

There are countless human powerhouses who have fallen.

And for these, Liu Zimo does not know yet.

He knew that the first round of spiritual power tides was coming.

But I don’t know the exact time.

However, I have to say that Liu Zimo has indeed felt that the concentration of spiritual energy in the air has increased a lot recently.

Even his cultivation speed has increased.

It had only been a day or two of hard work, and he had already stabilized his entry to the eighth level.

Spiritual power entanglement can be used freely.

And this, thanks to his new ability – armed color domineering.

“Entwining spiritual power, as an armed color domineering, with some of Kaido’s battle memories, it is very convenient to use.”

With a sigh, Liu Zimo also continued to explore the fighting style that suited him.

Although, Kaido’s fighting style is good.

Rough enough, simple enough.

But Kaido, that’s built on absolute strength.

The current Liu Zimo does not have absolute strength.



During the long silence, Liu Zimo was also constantly thinking.

Thinking about the best way to fight for him.

Just, at this very moment,

“Arashi foot…”

In the midst of the sudden drinking, Liu Zimo’s right foot suddenly broke through the air, and he actually brought out a slashing wave like sword qi.


Just listening to a terrifying roar, the distant boulders were actually split in two.

This is Arashi foot,

Following the shaving in the Six Styles, Liu Zimo is another ability to unlock.

Its principle is that the foot muscles, rapidly contract and stretch, create kinetic energy, and then rush out of the legs, exceed the speed of sound, so that air compression occurs in front of the legs, rolling up the “vacuum” to send out sharp chopping waves.

This ability is also related to physical strength.

The more terrifying the physical strength, the more terrifying the rolled up vacuum chopping wave became.

Just like now, although Liu Zimo is a beginner, because his body is different from ordinary people, his vacuum chopping wave can easily reach half a meter long.

Its terrifying cut, even if several people hug the giant tree, can be easily cut off.

“Arashi is terrifying, and there are many ways to develop it,” he


“As far as I know, Arashi can be extended to ‘Arashi Foot “Kai Bird”, Arashi Foot “Dragon Break”, ‘Arashi Foot “Wolves and Stars”… All of this can greatly enrich my fighting methods. ”

In the soft narration, Liu Zimo was also looking forward to it.

Looking forward to it, he will further develop the Arashi foot.

As for why he didn’t unlock the moonstep.

That’s naturally because of this ability, which is a bit troublesome.

At least, Liu Zimo didn’t find a feeling.

According to the system, even if Liu Zimo is unlocked, it may not be able to be used flexibly in battle.

Therefore, Liu Zimo also gave up unlocking the moon step for the time being.

Instead, he unlocked this Arashi foot that was born for attack.

Not bad.

When he really cultivated, Liu Zimo discovered how great the bonus of this skill was to himself.

It can be said that the existence of Arashi has greatly enriched his combat means.

And, one more point….

“Arashi Foot can be fused with my elemental talent, Bad Wind, and if I develop it again and again in the future, I can completely kick the wind blade that rolls hundreds of meters…”

In the whisper, Liu Zimo’s gaze also became more fiery.

With one kick, kick the terrifying wind blade that rolls hundreds of meters.

It’s exciting just to think about.

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