The night grew deeper, but Liu Zimo did not sleep.

Now he was standing alone on the square of the cultivation base.

Eyes closed…

“Finger gun…”

Suddenly, Liu Zimo’s eyes opened sharply, and a flash of essence flashed.

And at the next moment, the right hand was raised,


Only listening to a loud noise, the steel plate standing quietly not far from Liu Zimo actually echoed the sound through.

Yes, throughout.

One finger, easily ~ through the steel plate.

And this refers to the gun.

[Finger gun – a technique that claims to have the power of gunfire. Gather your whole body strength on your index finger and unleash a blow between the hardened fingers and the flint. There is a bullet-like attack at the fingertips

Strike force, can easily penetrate the human body. -】

The strength of this gun is also closely related to the strength of the flesh.

The stronger the flesh,

The more powerful the finger gun is, the stronger it is.

In particular, the principle of finger guns can be applied to fists and turned into fists.

Further enhance the Liu Zimo attack.

“After I fully master the finger gun, I am afraid that the destructive power will increase by one or two percent.”

Muttering in his heart, Liu Zimo also did not hide his expectations.

This is, the Six Styles.

Physical techniques that exceed the limits of the human body.

In all aspects, it is a great addition to Liu Zimo.

After he fully mastered the six styles, it would not be difficult to become a master of physical arts.

But looking, the few energy points, Liu Zimo also knew that he was going out hunting again.

The unlocking of the six styles requires energy points.

Previously, Liu Zimo was unlocked for the first time, and the energy points were greatly reduced.

But now, this is not the first time.

The energy points required for the unlocking of the six styles are naturally greatly increased.

As far as the six thousand energy points he had before, it was only a preliminary unlock of the finger guns and iron blocks in the six styles.

Yes, preliminary unlock.

There are also deeper unlocks.

For example, the extension of the finger gun – finger gun fist gun, finger gun ten-finger gun…

These are good skills.

Although Liu Zimo can be developed on the basis of finger guns.

But he needs time and effort.

Instead of spending time developing moves, it is better to do your best to cultivate.

When you need it, unlock it directly with energy points.

This will save him time developing moves.

“Now, the race against time is the speed of cultivation.”

In a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also knew this.

He is not only with many transcendent people of the Dragon Kingdom, fighting for cultivation speed,

It is also necessary to fight with mutant beasts and mutated sea beasts for cultivation speed.

If it were now, among the mutant beasts, an extraordinary fourth-order head emerged, like a king of natural calamity.

Then to put it bluntly, the entire Dragon Kingdom and even the entire human race will be hit hard.

However, if an extraordinary fourth-order, natural calamity level powerhouse emerges from among the human races.

Then the situation will also be reversed.


To cultivate, you must cultivate harder.

On the second day, before dawn, Liu Zimo had woken up.

As transcendents,

Especially after stepping on the first order, Liu Zimo’s sleep time has been greatly reduced.

It only takes three or four hours a day to meet basic needs.

But people are inert after all.

Although most transcendent people only need to sleep for three or four hours, there are very few transcendent people who really sleep for three or four hours and get up.

Liu Zimo is considered one.

And there is…

Slowly raising his eyes, Liu Zimo had already noticed that at the entrance of the cultivation base, two figures had been waiting for a long time.

Zilong among the five tigers of Tianfu, as well as the big bear.

These two have a good relationship with Liu Zimo.

Now, early in the morning, they came to find Liu Zimo to form a team and go outside to suppress the mutant beasts together.

“I’ve already inquired, just around the Tiandu, there are countless mutated beasts popping up.”

“Many villages have been destroyed, and if it weren’t for the fact that the Heavenly Capital Spiritual Power Bureau had already sent some people to guard the villages, I am afraid that the deaths and injuries would have increased by more than ten times.”

Saying it one after another, Zilong’s face also showed a look of happiness.

It’s really luck.

Just a few days ago, the Heavenly Capital Spiritual Power Bureau had already sent many transcendent beings to garrison various villages.

Without these transcendent beings, the picture would not have been imagined.

But even so, there were three or four villages, completely submerged in the tide of beasts.


With a sigh, Zilong’s face was also helpless.

There are not enough people.

The transcendent beings of Tiandu are far from enough to support the entire city and even the surrounding villages.

“Let’s go to the nearby village first, and clean up the mutant beast by the way.”


Nodded, Liu Zimo also agreed.

Zilong and Big Bear can be regarded as the high-level of the Heavenly Capital Spiritual Power Bureau.

They are very well informed. ,

Follow them, you can know the news of the mutant beast as soon as possible.

This is also the reason why Liu Zimo is willing to team up with them.

Only, it is worth mentioning here that Zilong’s natural ability:

This guy, although he has been hiding it,

But he seems to regard Big Bear and Liu Zimo as his own people, and he doesn’t mind revealing his abilities.

“My ability is bullet time…”

I still remember Zilong’s introduction, and Liu Zimo also flashed some introductions about bullet time in his mind.

This should be a terrible talent.

Moreover, it is also a talent for taking the initiative.

In an instant, enter a world of slow motion, and all the action will be slowed down.

At this moment, Zilong could even clearly see the trajectory of the bullet.

It can be easily avoided.

His own speed will increase even further.

This is also the reason why Zilong made a move, so fast, almost invisible.

This guy, who often turns on bullet time, enters the slow motion time that belongs to him alone.

In that world, unless, there is absolute speed crushing him.

Otherwise, he is almost invincible.

Of course, this will definitely not work for Liu Zimo.

No matter how amazing your talent is, I punched myself.

With a smile in his heart, Liu Zimo, who was walking with Zilong and Big Bear, heard it, and Big Bear suddenly spoke:

“That, Hundred Beasts Brother, can you tell me what your talent is? I feel like you’re out of the ordinary. ”

“My talent…”

In a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also raised his eyes and took a deep look at this man who looked like a brown bear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Those with bestial abilities… Bear talent.

It’s worth taking.

In that case, let’s briefly reveal the ability.

Thinking about this, Liu Zimo also said bluntly:

“My innate ability is also considered animalistic…”

While speaking softly, Liu Zimo slowly raised his right arm.


In the sudden roar, in the stunned eyes of the big bear and Zilong, Liu Zimo’s body surface actually had scales like fish scales appearing.

“This is a fish talent?”

His eyes widened, and Big Bear couldn’t believe it.


Nodding, Liu Zimo also admitted:

“I am indeed a fish talent.”

Fishy talent, there’s certainly nothing wrong with that.

The power of the green dragon, the full name is the form of the green dragon of the fish, fish, fruit, phantom beast.

This is also the reason why Liu Zimo’s scales now resemble fish scales.

Therefore, it is certainly not wrong to say that Liu Zimo’s natural ability is fish.

However, at this time, Liu Zimo did not notice the stunned gazes of Big Bear and Zilong.

“Wait, Brother Hundred Beasts, is it a fish talent? Isn’t that the same bestial talent as me? ”

With an exclamation, the big bear saw that Liu Zimo’s gaze was a little hot.


It’s all outlier.

It’s so rare.

It’s just that at this time, Zilong couldn’t stop twitching at the corner of his eye,

“I said, Big Bear, is that the point?”

Suddenly interrupted, Zilong was a little excited:

“Brother Hundred Beasts, but fish, fish, what does this mean? The boss of a hundred beasts, isn’t it the mermaid who lives today? I rub, there are really mermaids…”

In the midst of repeated narrations, Zilong’s gaze towards Liu Zimo was more strange.


It won’t really exist, right?

Thinking like this, Zilong also looked at Liu Zimo’s legs, as if expecting something.

However, without waiting for him to look at more,


Just listening to a loud noise, his whole person flew to an altitude of more than ten meters.

“The idea is really much…”

With a chuckle, Liu Zimo also slowly turned around and walked towards the off-road vehicle not far away.

This can also be regarded as the way Liu Zimo and Zilong and Big Bear get along.

Occasional jokes, even playfulness.

However, although Liu Zimo did not make a heavy hand, this time, he still let Zilong smash on the ground not far away, gray face.

“Brother Hundred Beasts, have you become stronger again, I didn’t react at all.”

“This is still my subconscious turn on bullet time…”

Listening quietly, Liu Zimo also smiled:

“Although the talent of bullet time is good, your own reaction power also needs to be strengthened, don’t go to the end, your brain reacts, and your body can’t keep up.”

A kind reminder is also a kind of pointer.

The villain is called a big brother, and Liu Zimo doesn’t mind pointing these two guys occasionally.

After all, in the future, he is destined to form forces.

These are good seedlings.

Especially Big Bear, as a beast ability, Liu Zimo is almost predetermined…

And not long after, getting into the car, Liu Zimo also followed Big Bear Zilong and others and went outside Tiandu.


It’s different.

Overnight, the tide of spiritual power and the whole world seemed to have changed greatly.

Looking out the window, the trees that were more than ten meters high, Liu Zimo was also silent.

“Not only us humans and animals, even many plants have mutated, the size has skyrocketed or secondary, and some have even evolved aggression, some are like man-eating flowers, and in many places, there have been incidents of mutated plants hurting people.”


In a soft whisper, Liu Zimo also looked at the mountain not far away.

Lush and green, even more than ever.

It gives the feeling of an ancient forest.

It’s like a return to ancient times…

Faintly, you can hear a roar that is several times more terrifying than before,

One after another.

“Roar, roar, roar…”

“Roar, roar, roar….”

One roar after another, as if celebrating a new birth, countless mutated beasts are in the mountains, shuttling, wanton…

And at this moment,


A very high-pitched neigh, it was actually a big bird with a cover in the sky, flying in the distant sky.

It’s like a mutant eagle.

It’s just that it’s too big, too big.

The wingspan is up to twenty meters.

From afar, it looks like a dark cloud…

“Now, it’s like going back to ancient times.”

In the midst of the soft narration, Liu Zimo opened the window and flipped over to the roof of the car.

“Brother Hundred Beasts, what are you?”

A little stunned, Zilong and Big Bear were also puzzled.

“Don’t you think the mutant eagle in the distance is a bit of an eyesore?”

Squinting his eyes and looking at the mutant eagle that seemed to notice him in the distance, Liu Zimo also smiled.

Here it comes.

This mutant eagle also found them.


There was another neigh, and this mutant eagle actually turned around and flew towards the off-road vehicle that told the driving vehicle…


Between the wings, the wind is surging…

A very terrifying momentum, also rising between heaven and earth.

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