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A deathly shock.

As soon as the twenty-level military merit system came out, it directly set off a storm in Wu Zhao's heart.

If Gao Yang's plan is followed, a storm will be set off throughout Daqian, and no one can avoid it, including the officials in the court and the common people.

This is a new revolution!

But it is enough to show that once the military merit system was introduced and ordinary people had the opportunity to be promoted and change their destiny, they would fight bravely to kill the enemy and regard the enemy's heads as money and titles!

Wu Zhao couldn't even imagine what kind of fighting power this would unleash!

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Tianlong and asked, "Ding Guogong, do you think Gao Yuanwailang's plan is effective?"

Gao Tianlong was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "If the military merit system is born as Ni Sun said, the people will definitely go crazy for it, and their combat effectiveness will at least increase several times!"

"But this plan will definitely lead to the killing of good people and greed for merit. I'm afraid there will be countless more killings!"

Wu Zhao asked aloud, "Is there any way to curb the killing of good people and greed for merit?"

Gao Yang looked at Wu Zhao and Gao Tianlong and shook his head and said, "No strategy will be perfect. Under greed, good people will be killed and good people will be greedy for merit."

"But as long as military supervision is established, hundreds of thousands or millions more people will die."

Gao Yang's voice was very calm, but it startled Shangguan Wan'er.

Do you think that dozens of millions of people can be treated with such an understatement?

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Gao Yang as if she were looking at a devil.

Once this plan comes out, human heads are used as military merits. When the military merits are calculated, it will definitely be a scene of purgatory, extremely bloody!

"This plan is indeed vicious. It involves a lot of people behind it. It's like purgatory. It will also touch the interests of many parties. No wonder you want me to keep it a secret."

"But this is indeed in line with my national conditions and can help me unify the world!"

Wu Zhao nodded and began to think about it in his mind.

But Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I haven't finished speaking yet. Although the twenty-level military meritocracy system is vicious, it is nothing, and I will not be afraid."

"In my eyes, all prisoners can be used as military rations. If there are more dead people, it is nothing."

"The second half of this strategy to strengthen the country is the most vicious part!"

Gao Yang looked solemn.

After saying this, both Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er looked in disbelief.

Isn’t this a vicious plan?

As soon as this military merit system came out, the entire Daqian was involved in a reshuffle. Even the heads of the Six Nations were rolling, and the person who proposed this plan must also be controversial.

As a result, Gao Yang said that this is not the most vicious place!

"Nie Zi, be careful with your words and actions!"

Gao Feng was also a little scared, afraid that Gao Yang would say something shocking.

Gao Yang directly ignored Gao Feng and continued: "If you want to be powerful, in addition to military merit and nobility is not enough, you must also use auxiliary means!"

"After all, if you are not strong enough, how can you start wars?"

Wu Zhao also realized the crux of the problem. The twenty-level title system was not enough, and he needed to be strong.

"Go on!"

"The lower part of the subject is also called the Five Skills of Controlling the People!"

It was just a word, but it was so sinister that it made people gasp!

"What are the five skills of controlling the people?"

Wu Zhao looked directly at Gao Yang.

"To put it simply, if Your Majesty wants Daqian to become powerful in a short period of time, like a war machine, you need to squeeze the people."

"I call him weak, poor, tired, humiliating, and stupid!"

Just these words made Wu Zhao's eyes look unbelievable.

If Wu Zhao was not sure before, she is now sure that Gao Yang's capitalist method is dragon slaying!

Gao Feng and Gao Tianlong also clenched their fists, with endless horror in their hearts. No wonder Gao Yang said that this plan must not be leaked, otherwise he will definitely die, and even the entire Dingguo Duke's mansion will be affected!

Whoever says this will die!

Gao Yang looked calm, "There are two opposing views in the Capital that I have learned, which correspond to my two strategies!"

"The first is the Five Skills of Controlling the People. If Your Majesty wants to stabilize the government, he must collect all the weapons from the world in Chang'an and reduce the resistance of the common people. The way to strengthen a country lies in weakening the people!"

"Secondly, from the perspective of human nature, it is human nature to be lazy and enjoy life. If the family has more than enough food, it will be easy for the year to come!"

"Your Majesty needs to focus on agriculture and suppress business, but you need to control taxation, or even increase taxation, so that most people in Daqian are struggling to have enough food and clothing."

"Secondly, among the hundreds of disciples in Daqian, we should attach great importance to Legalism and govern the country with emphasis on law, and

The Legalists have a view that when the people are farming, they should not listen to nonsense, talk nonsense, or whisper to each other, just like a donkey pulling a millstone, people will cover the donkey's eyes. "

At this moment.

Gao Feng staggered, a little unsteady, and almost sat on the ground.

He looked at Gao Yang blankly.

If this is the case, wouldn't people be worse than donkeys?

Gao Tianlong looked over.

Gao Feng hurriedly said, "I've been standing for too long, my legs are a little numb."

Gao Tianlong was silent for a moment and said, "Help me, my legs are a little numb too."

Gao Feng hurriedly stepped forward and supported Gao Tianlong.

Gao Tianlong had a complicated expression. This evil son is crazy today, dare to say anything?

"As for the last two points, I won't say much, but with your majesty's intelligence, you naturally know what I mean. "

Wu Zhao clenched her fists.

There were only two thoughts in her mind.

When the people are humiliated, the officials will be respected. Only when the people are endlessly humiliated, and even the livestock are thin, they will be severely punished, which will make the rule better.

But what Wu Zhao felt most terrified was the last one!

The art of emperors and the key to governing the country are land. If the people of the world can return to the land and agriculture can be vigorously developed, the country will be rich and strong.

The people should be ignorant, not good at learning, and concentrate on farming. This is the foundation of Daqian's strength.

This is the essence of rule and the foundation of any agricultural dynasty!

But even Wu Zhao felt that these contents were cruel and bloody.

This is far more than the military merit system. 's heads rolled down.

Shangguan Wan'er's legs also softened, and she almost sat on the ground.

It was not until this moment that Shangguan Wan'er realized the horror of capitalists. The knowledge of the various schools of thought was not a concept in front of capitalists.

Gao Yang's five points are far more cruel than the salt and iron monopoly!

But whoever dares to propose it, he will die when Daqian becomes rich and strong. He wants to quell the anger of the people!

Gao Feng's eyes turned black and he almost fell over.

Gao Tianlong never thought about his reputation after death.

"With the twenty-level military merit system and the five methods of controlling the people, Daqian will quickly become strong. By then, the vassal kings of the world will be nothing, and the six countries will also submit to your majesty's feet."

"Cui Zhuangyuan is devoted to the country and is passionate. He is the champion, and the Cui family is a famous family in the world. It is not bad for your majesty to instruct him to propose it."

"If Cui Zhuangyuan does not follow, it means that he is unwilling to work for Daqian, and your majesty should be cautious. "

"Song Li of the Song family is the Minister of Rites, a second-rank official. It is reasonable for him to propose these strategies to strengthen the country!"

"If it really doesn't work, the Imperial Censor Yan Zheng is upright and incorruptible. Your Majesty only needs to hint at it. I believe that for the sake of Daqian, even if Doctor Yan is torn into pieces by five horses and has no place to be buried, he will feel extremely honored!"

Gao Yang said with a hint on his face, with a smile on his face.

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