At the same time.

Outside Chang'an.

A broad official road leads straight to Chang'an, an ancient city that has stood in the Central Plains for hundreds of years.

On both sides of the official road, there is a group of bandits in the jungle, led by a scarred man holding a big knife, aiming at the official road.

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

"Brother, there's someone coming not far away, riding a horse, running wildly!"

Scarface's eyes lit up, holding the big knife in his hand, excited, "Brothers, follow me down."

"Since this man can ride a horse, he must be extraordinary. If we rob him, even if he doesn't have much silver, a horse alone can be worth a lot of money!"

The gangsters were so excited that they went up the official road from both sides.

Scarface showed a ferocious face and shouted to the front, "I planted this tree and opened this road. If you want to pass through here, leave money for the road."

"Stop for grandpa quickly."

But the next second, when the man on horseback in sight got closer and closer, Scarface's pupils suddenly shrank.

A soldier wearing armor and blood on his body was charging. The blood on his body stuck to the armor and his body was shaky. He shouted with all his might, "Eight hundred miles of urgent military information, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Scarface was instantly facing a great enemy, and even his anus suddenly tightened, and he directly stopped the brothers behind him.

"Fuck you!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Everyone, get out of the way!"

They instantly made way for a wide road, and the soldiers charged all the way, rushing straight towards Chang'an City.

A strong man holding a big knife asked in confusion, "Brother, there is only one man. With more than a dozen of us brothers, isn't it easy to kill him?"

"As long as we do it cleanly, there will be no evidence afterwards. Even if the government wants to investigate, they will be powerless."

Scarface looked at the strong man and other equally puzzled bandits with a hint of disdain on his face, "Evidence?"

"You are called Dacongming, and you really deserve the nickname of Dacongming."

"Only strikes require evidence, and suppressing rebellions only requires defining the scope!"

"Eight hundred miles to urgently transmit military intelligence, rob him, how many heads do you have to chop off? I'm afraid that the egg yolks of our Black Wind Village will be shaken apart and the earthworms will be chopped in half!"


Hearing this, the bandits' scalps instantly numbed and they were scared.

Scarface looked at the soldiers running towards Chang'an, his face was gloomy, "800 miles in a hurry, this must be an urgent military situation, quickly change your clothes and go to Chang'an City to see what's going on." Scarface made a decision almost instantly. At the same time. With the fastest speed, the majestic Chang'an City finally appeared in the sight of this soldier. At the gate of the city, there was a group of people entering Chang'an City. The soldier's eyes were filled with excitement, and then he raised a token and roared. "By the order of the empress!" "800 miles in a hurry!" "Get out of the way!" "Urgent military situation!" Almost the moment the voice sounded, the soldiers guarding the city were horrified, and they hurriedly got out of the way, dispersed the people, and made way. The soldiers held up the tokens and went straight into Chang'an from the city gate, entered Suzaku Street, and then went all the way to the palace along Suzaku Street. The highest watchtower in Chang'an noticed this scene and quickly waved a flag to pass the message to the palace.

Immediately, a eunuch hurried to the imperial study.

"Get out of the way!"

"Eight hundred miles in a hurry!"

Accompanied by the roar of the soldiers, the people of Chang'an avoided them one after another, and the soldier had a smooth journey.

"Open the palace gate!"

As the soldiers rushed all the way, the guards in the palace also opened the palace gate as if they were facing a great enemy.

The nine gates of the palace opened one after another, and as the soldier entered, they fell down.

The soldiers rushed to the imperial study.

When they were close to the imperial study, because there were steps, the soldiers reined in their horses and walked forward quickly. With their exhausted bodies, they pushed open the door of the imperial study.

In the imperial study.

Wu Zhao and a group of ministers were originally discussing the details of the plan to trap and kill the people in the rivers and lakes and make them kill each other.

As a result, they received the news.

Wu Zhao's face suddenly darkened, and a bad feeling flashed through her mind.

Shangguan Wan'er, Qin Zhenguo, Lu Zhen and others all looked at Gao Yang, horrified.

Gao Yang also frowned.

This day came a little too soon.

For a moment, the whole imperial study was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Soon, the soldiers pushed open the door of the imperial study and faced Wu Zhao directly.

Kneel down.

"Your Majesty, urgent military situation!"

"There is a small group of Chu vanguard troops in the area of ​​Dagan Yangzhuang. I am afraid that a large army will attack later!"

As soon as this statement came out.


The huge imperial study room suddenly fell into endless shock.

Lu Zhen's eyes changed, with endless horror in his eyes, and he immediately said loudly, "Absolutely impossible!"

"Yangzhuang is only more than 200 miles away from Chang'an. If the Chu army wants to reach Yangzhuang, it must not lose Longguan!"

"But Longguan City has high walls and thick walls, and Xue Yi leads ten thousand Tianyi troops to guard it. Even if a hundred thousand troops come to attack, it will be difficult to break through."

"Do you know the consequences of passing on false military information?"

Lu Zhen looked majestic, and his face was filled with endless killing intent.

The soldier was anxious, his face was stained with blood, "General, my subordinates are also puzzled, but this military information is absolutely true!"

"If my subordinates hadn't run so fast, they would have been killed by Chu's sword!"

"My subordinates can die in any way they want, but the military situation is extremely fierce, so please ask the general to make a quick decision, Your Majesty."

For a moment, the entire imperial study was silent.

The faces of all the ministers were ugly. They thought that the military situation in Babaili was urgent because there was a war on the border.

But this will not make them panic. After all, border wars have existed since ancient times. The two countries fight each other according to their own methods.

But the appearance of Chu troops in Yangzhuang area was terrifying.

For more than two hundred miles, if the Chu army is fast enough, in a few days, the Chu army will point its sword at Chang'an and approach the city!

Wu Zhao clenched his fists tightly.

She was also in a state of chaos.

Gao Yang was right, his guess came true, and Da Gan was even more dangerous!

Da Chu actually managed to kill Longguan without being aware of it. In other words, it won't be long before he reaches Chang'an.

This almost caught her off guard!

Lu Zhen looked at Wu Zhao and said, "Your Majesty, this must be false information. If there was a war on the border, it would have been rushed 800 miles to Chang'an. Not to mention that Longguan is the most powerful pass in our army. If the Chu army attacked Longguan, we should have gotten the news a long time ago!"

"Not to mention that the Chu army has now passed Long Pass in large numbers."

These words instantly aroused a burst of approval.

Because logically, this would never happen.

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Yang and said in a deep voice, "Gao Yuanwai Lang, what do you think of this matter?"

Gao Yang was named and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Gao Yang raised his eyes, looked directly at Wu Zhao, and said with great certainty, "I think this is true!"

"The Chu army has quietly passed through Longguan and entered the hinterland of our Daqian. In a few days, they will be at the gates of the city!"

Following Gao Yang's words, Lu Zhen's temper suddenly rose.

"Boy, this is impossible!"

"Unless the Chu army was a divine force descended from the sky and suddenly appeared behind Long Pass, why didn't any news come to me from the frontier to Long Pass?"

"What explains this?"

Lu Zhen looked at Gao Yang, and the sound like a loud bell rang through the hall.

Gao Yang did not answer immediately, but looked at Wu Zhao and said, "Does your Majesty have a map of Daqian?"

Wu Zhao said in a deep voice, "Get the map!"

Shangguan Wan'er showed the map to Gao Yang. After Gao Yang looked at it carefully, he took a deep breath.

He looked at Lu Zhen and said, "Chu does not need divine soldiers descending from heaven. As long as Xue Yi of Long Pass rebels with the enemy and surrenders to the Chu State, they can pass Long Pass quietly."

"Once Xue Yi rebels, everything will be reasonable. When the Chu army enters our Daqian from Pingcheng, this marching route must pass through the Dragon Pass of our Daqian. In the same way, when the border military information is conveyed to Chang'an, it must also pass through the Long Pass. close!"

"Xue Yi withheld the information, killed the soldiers who sent messages on the border, and helped the Chu army cover up their whereabouts."

"This can naturally explain that the Chu State was able to pass the Dragon Pass without any effort. Judging from the current situation, this is the only possibility."

"Xue Yi rebelled and Long Pass fell!"

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