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Chang'an City Head.

There was a black line on Gao Feng's head. He immediately stood up and said, "Naughty son, you should be careful about your words and actions in front of His Majesty."

Gao Tianlong also looked weird.

After so many years of fighting, there have been many city defense battles. This is the first time I have seen someone mobilizing an entire city.

Wu Zhao looked at Gao Yang's face that didn't look like he was joking, and it was messy in the wind.

As long as everyone digs a little more, Chang'an City will become a better place.

The words are rude but not rough, and they still sound catchy.

He really deserves to be Gao Yang.

But this imperial edict is so strange!

"Gao Yang, I am the Ninth Five Emperor and the Emperor of Daqian. Isn't this kind of imperial edict inappropriate?"

"If I issue this imperial decree, how will the people see me in the future, how will the kings of the six kingdoms see me, and how will the history books see me?"

She can accept a tyrant and a foolish king, but she cannot tolerate a man who scoops up dung!

You know, the historian was standing there holding a writing brush, staring at her, even looking impatient.

As soon as she opens her mouth, relevant records will be recorded in the history books.

In the early years after the Empress Daqian ascended the throne, hundreds of thousands of Chu troops invaded the south, and Chang'an was in danger. At a critical moment, the emperor issued an order to respond to the enemy with excrement and water, and the people of Chang'an took action upon hearing the news...

Just thinking about it makes me explode.

"This imperial decree is still exempted."

Wu Zhao took a deep breath and looked determined.

Gao Yang lowered his head and sighed, "This is because I didn't think carefully. I must be thinking of other ways. There are only fallen trees and not many boulders in Chang'an City. Da Chu Company and King Wu finally arrived at Chang'an City. I won’t let it go.”

"Use a little bit less of boulders and fallen wood, not to mention alcohol. Wine is made from food, and with all the means to dispose of it, the loss is huge. Even if you borrow it from a noble family, the quantity is not much. In total, no matter how much dung water is boiled, , or soaked weapons, are the most cost-effective things to kill enemies. "

"Not to mention the latrines in people's homes, which have been fermented for many years, and the bacteria are even more terrifying!"

"Tonight the wounds of the Chu army's wounded soldiers are festering. This method cannot be concealed. The commander-in-chief of the Chu army will definitely be aware of my method, and I'm afraid he will follow suit. The subsequent defense of the city will be even more tragic!"

Upon hearing this, Wu Zhao fell into silence for an instant.

Chang'an 108 Square!

Li Long led his bodyguards and galloped along the streets, the sound resounding throughout Chang'an City.

"Great victory!"

"Your Majesty personally controls the city of Chang'an, and the grandson of Duke Ding comes up with many clever tricks. The Chu army's one hundred thousand troops were repulsed by my Dagan head-on, with heavy casualties!"

"There are countless corpses under Chang'an City!"

"Master Gao burned Da Chu's vine-armored soldiers, boiled dung and water, and defended the enemy outside Chang'an City!"

"Your Majesty has decreed that all patriotic people of the Daqian should contribute their own latrines and attack the Chu army. When the time comes, they will all be heroes of the Daqian!"

"The stench comes first!"

Most of the people are uneducated, so the simpler the words, the better. The meaning should be expressed in the most straightforward way.

Li Long also felt strange when he shouted these words.

In order to spread the news of Daqian's victory throughout Chang'an City, as the saying goes, one must first settle the internal affairs in order to fight against foreign forces. A great victory will greatly stimulate morale.

It can even make some Chang'an aristocratic families with ulterior motives behave honestly.

No matter which angle you look at it, Chang'an City needs an inspiring victory!

But damn it, this is his first time doing this kind of decree!

For a while.

In the 108th Street of Chang'an, the common people walked onto the street one by one and looked at the Imperial Guards rushing past on the street. They felt like they were in another world!

A great victory?

The empress is personally in charge of Chang'an City, and the king of hell is constantly making clever plans?

Countless people felt relieved suddenly.

On Zhuque Street, a lame old man who was leaning on crutches to go up to the city to kill the enemy pulled a soldier. He asked curiously: "Can this excrement water still kill the enemy?"

Upon hearing this, the people on the side all gathered around curiously.

The soldier was in a good mood, and he said, "This is Master Gao's plan! It is also a clever plan to kill the enemy!"

Upon hearing Gao Yang's name, the people all looked solemn.


"Living King of Hell!"

Gaoyang's famous name among the people is like thunder!

This soldier made no secret of his admiration for Gao Yang. He said vividly, "Master Gao is truly worthy of being called the King of Hell. Those methods are simply amazing!"

"Forget it, I'll talk to you carefully today."

Wu Zhao specially issued an imperial edict to publicize Gao Yang's methods of killing enemies. As long as the people have a backbone, the war will go more smoothly.

"Chu Jungui

With many plans, many vine armor soldiers were mixed into the vanguard army. These vine armor soldiers were extremely difficult to deal with. The vine armor on their bodies was first poured with tung oil and then made with ancient secret methods. It was difficult for ordinary swords to break through the armor. If this happened to the Chu army, It would be dangerous to attack the city! "

"But guess what?"

The soldier deliberately pretended to be an offender and paused for a moment. The lame old man and the people around Chang'an all looked curious.

"Did the Chu army succeed?"

The soldier laughed loudly and said, "Master Gao has a clever plan and has been prepared for it. Although this vine armor can withstand swords, tung oil will burn when exposed to fire. Master Gao's fire attack will directly make the vine armor soldiers familiar everywhere!"

"That scene is simply spectacular!"


As soon as he said this, the people gasped instantly.

Images of acquaintances from all over the Chu army seemed to appear in their minds.

Living King of Hell!

He is truly the living king of hell!

"Hahaha, cool!"

"This bunch of beasts who want to massacre the city should be burned!"

The lame old man laughed, not feeling cruel at all, but full of joy.

The people around him, including Da Gan and some of his children, all worshiped him!

"Master Gao is really clever!"

"As expected of the Living King of Hell!"

The old man then asked, "What about dung water? Can dung water also kill enemies?"

For a time, the people were all curious.

Not much else, they have a lot of this stuff at home.

That's all accumulated over many years.

When the soldiers heard this, they admired them even more, "This is also Master Gao's clever plan against the Chu army!"

"Master Gao taught doctors that this excrement is the source of all evil. It is very dirty. Once it enters the wound, it can seriously cause death. This excrement can be smeared on the blade of the weapon, and it can be boiled to kill the Chu army. Become a Minion!"

"Once burned and mixed with fecal water, it can kill the enemy. Moreover, if the Chu army is not careful, it can also follow the eyes, nose, and even open the mouth accidentally. That will be delicious!"

"That's why Your Majesty made a decree to use excrement as a means to defend against the enemy. Your excrement is a sharp sword for killing the enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people were shocked.

They never thought that excrement water could one day kill enemies!

"You are worthy of being the Living King of Hell. This method is simply too ruthless. I won't be able to feed the Chu army!"

"The visuals are so strong, no wonder our army is victorious!"

The lame old man turned around and walked away.

Someone couldn't help shouting, "Old Wangtou, where are you going?"

The old king didn't even turn his head, and only left one sentence, "I must respond to His Majesty's decree, dig out manure, and do my part for Chang'an City!"

For a moment, many admiring eyes looked over.

But then, an increasingly noisy voice sounded.

"Hahaha, when it comes to killing enemies, even ten of me can't compare to the generals on top of Chang'an City, but when it comes to picking up excrement, even ten generals can't compare to me!"

"Brothers, it's time to get to work!"

"What a coincidence, I just happen to have a severe pain in my stomach, so I'll go back and give the Chu Army's bunch of bastards some extra food!"

"The leeks I ate for lunch are a blessing to the Chu army. Isn't this flattering to them?"

For a time, the voices of the people of Chang'an rang out one after another, and even the style of painting on the streets changed accordingly.

"Old Li, where are you going?"

"Go home and shit, kill the enemy!"

"What a coincidence, I also want to kill the enemy!"

At this moment, it seems that even if the latrine at home is clean, it is a sin to be constipated.

In the east end of Chang'an, three young men with green faces felt the atmosphere, and their blood boiled with excitement.

One of the older boys said, "Master said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. We were born in Chang'an City, so we must make more contributions!"

"But we are not ordinary people, we are children."


The older child slapped him directly, "You are so good at fighting, why don't you include children?"

"The rise and fall of Chang'an is related to the rise and fall of our children. If the Chu army is allowed to enter Chang'an City, the little girl next door who is so beautiful will definitely be poisoned by the Chu army!"

"For Xiaomei, you and I must take action!"

For a moment, the three people and the little boy who was beaten all had firm eyes.

"I suggest that since we want to do something big, we should have a slogan and a group name."

"Why don't we just call him shit boy..."

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