The two of them were so angry that they were beaten.

"Mr. Gao, how dare you!"

In the Jinluan Palace, Shangguan Wan'er's voice suddenly rang out.

Sure enough, all men in the world are not good things!

Gao Yang and she still have an agreement for that day.

But Gao Yang actually said such disrespectful words in front of her.

Wu Zhao's phoenix eyes also fell on Gao Yang's face, and these words also made her feel very surprised.

She also thought wrongly at the first time, and was about to get angry, but after thinking carefully, this was not like Gao Yang's style.

A poisonous scholar would not be so presumptuous.

"Wan'er, you step back first."

Shangguan Wan'er saw this and slowly stepped back, just staring at Gao Yang with her phoenix eyes.

Wu Zhao stood up, her waist was slender, as if it could be held in one hand, and her golden dragon robe set off her perfect figure to the fullest.

She looked down at Gao Yang from a high place, and said jokingly: "I am a little curious, what exciting things do you want to do with me?"

While Wu Zhao was speaking, her phoenix eyes were cold.

This excitement, not that excitement.

If Gao Yang went too far, she would also be furious!

After all, she was the emperor of Daqian, and Gao Yang was just a minister.

After hearing this, Gao Yang glanced at Wu Zhao and smiled: "I have a very crazy idea, but the huge benefits are also accompanied by huge risks, and your majesty needs to make your own choice."

These words aroused Wu Zhao's interest.

"I like crazy things. Tell me, what exciting thing is it?"

The words fell.

Gao Yang spoke directly, and his voice resounded throughout the Golden Palace.

"I want to launch a surprise attack on the Chu army in the next few days to make the Chu army in chaos!"

"If this plan succeeds, it will cause a great blow to the morale of the Chu army, and Chang'an City will be completely safe!"

The words fell.

Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er were instantly shocked, and a storm of waves rose in their hearts. Both of them looked at Gao Yang in disbelief.

Send troops?

Raid the Chu army?

Shangguan Wan'er didn't expect that the exciting thing Gao Yang wanted to do with Wu Zhao was to send troops to the Chu army!

"Is this the exciting thing you said?"

Shangguan Wan'er asked.

This is different from what she thought!

Gao Yang had a serious face and directly reprimanded Shangguan Wan'er, "Your Majesty should be respected in your heart, like the nine-day fairy who cannot be desecrated. Shangguan, what are you thinking?"

Looking at Gao Yang's serious face, Shangguan Wan'er's fair face suddenly turned red.

In this way, she was thinking dirty.

She was the one who was disrespectful.

Wu Zhao's mouth twitched, and her phoenix eyes fell on Gao Yang's face.

Gao Yang clearly knew her bottom line and understood her temperament, so he said this deliberately.

He was good at playing with people's hearts and controlling human nature, otherwise he would never say this with his cunning.

If he really dared to disrespect her, Gao Yang must have taken too much tonic from Lu Zhen's house?

So he said this because he was afraid that she would not understand? Or was he deliberately hinting at herself to lower her psychological defense line?

To some extent, the relationship between the monarch and his subjects has undoubtedly become closer. After all, Gao Yang used to only take a peek when she wasn't paying attention, but now he dares to take the opportunity to flirt with her!

That's all!

Daqian is in danger. For the sake of Daqian, she should be patient with her ministers!

Wu Zhao firmly remembered the sentence in the edict of seeking talents: "Extraordinary achievements must be treated by extraordinary people."

She warned herself in her heart that all great talents have quirks since ancient times, and Gao Yang is the same.

It is this quirk that is different from others.

But she will never give Gao Yang feedback on this topic.

Wu Zhao pondered Gao Yang's words and thought of the surprise attack last night. She said, "Daqian is weak, and the commander of the Chu army is definitely not a mediocre person. Are you sure?"

"Ninety percent sure!"

Gao Yang's words were full of absolute confidence.

Wu Zhao's eyes lit up and she was a little moved.

Gao Yang was able to say that he was 90% sure, which was almost equivalent to 100% sure!

Seeing this, Gao Yang continued, "This battle may seem like a surprise attack, but it is actually a psychological warfare!"

"Your Majesty, have you ever heard the story of the wolf coming?"

Wu Zhao heard this and looked at Shangguan Wan'er, who also shook her head with a hint of doubt on her face.

"What is the wolf coming?"

Wu Zhao asked curiously.

Gao Yang walked slowly, with a relaxed look on his face, and said, "This story is very simple. There was a shepherd boy in the past. He was born naughty and liked to play tricks on people. One day, he was herding sheep on the mountain and felt bored, so he shouted to the bottom of the mountain that the wolf was coming."


The farmer who was working at the foot of the mountain heard that the wolf was coming, and immediately rushed up the mountain to save the child. But once they got up the mountain, they didn't see even a shadow of the wolf. The shepherd boy laughed and said that he was teasing the farmer, so the farmer went down the mountain angrily. "

As soon as these words came out.

Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er immediately thought of the Chu army outside Chang'an City and Gao Yang's harassment last night.

At this moment, they seemed to understand what Gao Yang meant.

Gao Yang continued, "On the second day, the shepherd boy used the same trick again. Although the farmer was a little hesitant, he rushed up for the sake of the child and the sheep, and was deceived again!"

"On the third day, the child continued to shout that the wolf was coming. The farmer was very hesitant this time, but he finally went, and didn't see even a shadow of the wolf."

"On the fourth day, the child did not play a prank, but the wolf really came. He shouted down the mountain in fear that the wolf was coming, but guess what happened, Your Majesty? "

Gao Yang had a smile on his face, and his voice echoed in the hall.

But Wu Zhao felt a chill that went through her bones.

She slowly said, "The farmer thought it was another child's prank, so he didn't go up the mountain, and the wolf had a good meal."

Gao Yang gave a thumbs up and praised, "Your Majesty is wise!"

Wu Zhao's mouth twitched, expressionless, "I am not a fool, such a story, such flattery, is unnecessary."

Gao Yang: "..."

Wu Zhao glanced at Gao Yang, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "You want to deal with the Chu army in this way?"

"Use this wolf?"

Gao Yang nodded, a chill in his eyes, "Yes, the interior of Chang'an City is empty, this can't fool the Chu army commander."

"The Chu army is still not stable when it fights to the death."

"If you want to increase your advantage, you have to surprise them! "

"Our army keeps harassing us, shouting that the enemy is attacking us, and the whole army is gathering. The soldiers of the Chu army are just like the farmer, they will be fooled once, twice, and three times!"

"But after four or five times, they will relax their vigilance. When they are slack, our army can surprise them and launch a real surprise attack!"

"But at this time, the soldiers of the Chu army will think that the enemy attack is fake when they hear their own people shouting. This is our opportunity."

As soon as the words fell.

Wu Zhao's face was full of emotion.

Her phoenix eyes suddenly lit up, and the scene Gao Yang said seemed to appear in her mind.

"Then the commander of the Chu army is not a mediocre person, he will definitely be prepared, right?"

Wu Zhao asked, looking straight at Gao Yang with her phoenix eyes.

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