The old man was so angry, and the old man was so angry.

Cui Xinghe's eyes widened, and he looked at Gao Yang in disbelief.

The way of diplomacy, isn't this the method of the strategists?

You also know this?

But since Gao Yang spoke, Cui Xinghe silently retracted his foot that was about to step out.

Wu Zhao was shocked.

"Gao Yang, you also know the methods of the strategists?"

Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes were stunned for a while. How many schools of thought did Gao Yang show the methods?

Gao Yang showed a humble smile on his face, "I only know a little bit."

"To be honest with your majesty, when the Chu army envoy arrived at the foot of Chang'an, I had already made arrangements for the peace talks."

Gao Yang straightened his back and spoke.

"What did you do?"

Wu Zhao leaned forward unconsciously, a little curious.

"Since the Chu army has retreated, it means that my empty city plan has worked."

"I simply used the empty city plan to come up with a plan within a plan. I told the Chu envoy that I had set up a net in Chang'an City, with thousands of giant crossbows, tens of thousands of grenades, and many other means!"

"The Chu envoy shouted from a distance that he was a peace envoy, just afraid that I, Daqian, would shoot him with an arrow. Since he is a coward, I will definitely report this to the Chu army camp and shake their morale!"

"The Chu commander wanted to negotiate, but he had to act as if he would fight to the death if he didn't negotiate. This tough attitude was nothing more than to increase certain bargaining chips for the subsequent peace talks!"

"That's what I said!"

Wu Zhao was stunned.

The officials also twitched their mouths.

The Chu army commander and Gao Yang are simply scheming against each other. Before the peace talks even started, the two sides started to intrigue against each other.

If the peace talks started, what would happen?

Cui Xinghe was also impressed.

Anticipating the enemy in advance, this method is quite advanced!

Wu Zhao took a closer look at Gao Yang and felt relieved.

Since he is a ruthless scholar, he must be more strategic than anything else. He must be scheming and eloquent.

A natural diplomat!

The more Wu Zhao looked at him, the more satisfied she was.

"Where is the secretary Cui Xinghe?"

Wu Zhao suddenly spoke.

Cui Xinghe was incredulous when he heard this.

He looked at Wu Zhao, who was sitting on the dragon throne with a dignified face, and hurriedly stood up.

"I am here!"

In such a crisis, even if the most trusted living devil spoke, Wu Zhao still read his name.

What this means is self-evident!

Cui Xinghe took a deep breath, his eyes firm.

A man will die for his friend!

This trust made Cui Xinghe unable to express himself, unable to...

"Wan'er will represent me in this peace talk, Gao Yang will take over the peace talk, and you will be responsible for assisting Gao Yang."

Cui Xinghe's face twitched, and his passion was like a bucket of cold water poured down, chilling his heart.

"I obey your order!"

Then, Wu Zhao spoke again, naming Lü Zhen, Xu Xuanji, and Qin Zhenguo.

This formed the Daqian Diplomatic Team!

Xu Xuanji said worriedly.

"Your Majesty, although it is a peace talk, we have to guard against the Chu army's fraud. Did we bring too few generals?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Zhao spoke directly, "Prime Minister Xu is overthinking. There is a clear view next to the Jing River. There are six of us. I am not afraid of Daqian."

Xu Xuanji was stunned.

They have three civil officials, two veterans, and a woman. The Chu army is tall and strong, and they are very powerful. They will be at a disadvantage in a fight.

Wu Zhao is not afraid, because she doesn't need to go at all.

How many swords can his old bones resist?

But at this time, Wu Zhao has already set her eyes on Gao Yang.

Xu Xuanji also followed Wu Zhao's phoenix eyes and fell on Gao Yang. He was stunned.

Gao Yang touched his nose and said, "Xu Xiang is overthinking. Today, we will have a peace talk at twilight hour. I can prepare for it first."

"If the Chu army really wants to negotiate, it's fine, but if the Chu army really has ulterior motives, I also know a little bit of boxing!"

Xu Xuanji was wrong to worry.

God knows how much he wants to get some censors, coerce and bribe them, and promise to leave a name in history, and then get some explosive packs, tie them on his body, and directly bomb the six people sent by the Chu army camp.

The Chu army dared to think of him, it was simply against the heaven!


Outside the Jingshui River.

A big river, winding by, on the riverside, a pavilion stood on the ground.

Chu Qingluan stood in the pavilion.

She was wearing a close-fitting soft armor, and her slender figure was set off by the soft armor to the fullest, full and tall, heroic and valiant.

Behind her, Chu Tianfeng, Chu Kuang, Deputy General Xiao, Wu Xiong and Xue

Yi all looked in the direction of Chang'an City.

Chu Qingluan frowned and said, "Vice General Xiao, did the King of Hell really say that?"

"In Chang'an City, there are tens of thousands of giant crossbows, 100,000 grenades, and hundreds of thousands of elite cadres, all kinds of means?"

Vice General Xiao nodded repeatedly, "Second Princess, it's impossible for General Mo to hear a word wrong. That's really what the King of Hell said!"

"God knows how many tricks have been done in Chang'an City!"

One word fell.

Chu Kuang gasped, his scalp numb.

"Fortunately, I am cautious and the second princess is wise. Otherwise, if I rush in, wouldn't I be reporting directly to the King of Hell?"

Everyone looked fearful.

Chu Qingluan's frown deepened, "Originally, I really thought there were many traps in Chang'an City, but after hearing this, I felt that this living King of Hell had played an empty city trick on us."

"Empty city plan?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and Chu Tianfeng subconsciously said

"Dagan has the upper hand and won a big victory last night. If this is an empty city strategy, the risks and benefits are not proportional at all!"

Everyone else also said.

"Yes, Second Princess, this is not in line with human nature."

"Our army has become exhausted in attacking the city. There is no need for Daqian to do this. The risk is too great. Even if it succeeds, our army will not lose anything. At most, Daqian will have one more day to breathe, and our army's morale will weaken."

Chu Qingluan looked at everyone and said coldly, "Don't forget, this Living King of Hell is a master at playing with human nature!"

“When everyone thinks it’s impossible and the risks outweigh the benefits, it’s actually the opposite!”

"At this time, the benefits should outweigh the risks!"

"There may be means in Chang'an City, but they are definitely not as exaggerated as they say. Even the so-called grenades are definitely not many. Otherwise, they would have strengthened our army long ago. Now they are just trying to scare us!"

Chu Qingluan's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

Chu Tianfeng said with an ugly expression, "Second Princess, do you mean that the Living King of Hell said this on purpose just to take the initiative during peace talks?"

"How can he be so cunning?"

Chu Qingluan said with a bit of self-deprecation, "He's not as cunning as he used to be in the same day."

"But now that things have passed, it doesn't make much sense to regret and speculate anymore. Seizing the moment is the best way."

"There will be peace talks later. If my princess's guess is correct, it should be the Living King of Hell who is in charge!"

When it was mentioned that Gao Yang would come, everyone's eyes were shocked.

Chu Qingluan also took a deep breath. Putting aside all factors, she really wanted to meet Gao Yang!

She was very curious about what Da Gan, the Living King of Hell, who could turn the tide from collapse, support Da Gan and pull out so many dirty tricks, looked like!

"Second Princess, there are many people appearing at the top of Chang'an City with flags covering the sky. Six people are riding towards the city gate!"

"It should be the person who came to negotiate for peace!"

Vice General Xiao shouted, interrupting Chu Qingluan's thoughts.

Chu Qingluan looked up and saw six figures coming towards them in the direction of Chang'an City Gate.

She said with a cold face, "Attention, if these six people don't look like the ministers who negotiated the peace talks later, or behave strangely, don't doubt it, retreat immediately, and run as fast as you can!" "

When Chu Tianfeng and others heard this, they all nodded solemnly.

Although they have no harmful intentions, they have to guard against this when facing the big workman, the King of Hell!

Especially the mysterious explosive thing!

The names of people and the shadows of trees. Although they have never seen Gao Yang, they also know that this Gao Yang is definitely not a good and moral person!

The other end.

Gaoyang is leading the way, so you can travel freely.

In contrast, several others were a little nervous.

Needless to say, the main force in the Daqian peace talks is Gao Yang and Cui Xinghe.

As for them, they were just following along to make up the numbers.

Shangguan Wan'er tightened her grip on the reins of the war horse, looking in the direction of Chu Qingluan with a nervous look on her face.

In the pavilion, there were six tall figures. The Jingshui River was rushing behind them. Coupled with the dark Chu army in the distance, this kind of oppressive force was terrifying!

Gao Yang glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, who had a nervous face, and said calmly, "Sir Shangguan, we are not vulgar people during the peace talks between the two countries, so there is no need to be so nervous."


Shangguan Wan'er thought about it. She took a deep breath and felt that her nervousness suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Master Gao, Wan'er is a little curious. Could it be that you, a political strategist, also learned your diplomatic skills from the knowledge of capitalists?"

Shangguan Wan'er looked curious.

Upon hearing this question, Cui Xinghe suddenly became energetic.

Gao Yang replied casually, “Diplomacy does not come from capital.

He learned it from his family, not from a strategist."

Shangguan Wan'er was even more curious, "Where did he learn it from?"

"To be precise, he came from Zuan."

"Later, Lord Shangguan, just watch my performance!"

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