After all, the two of them were in a mess.

Song Qingqing looked at Gao Yang's departing back in disbelief. She couldn't believe it for a while.

"He... he actually left, and even Zhao Gao in his arms is more important than me!" Song Qingqing looked in disbelief.

Gao Yang would never treat her like this before. She could summon him and send him away with just one word.

In fact, after being stood up yesterday, she made up her mind. Anyway, she didn't have much feeling for Gao Yang, so it's better to let him go.

It's hard to find a four-legged toad in the world, but there are many two-legged men.

She, Song Qingqing, is a descendant of a famous family.

She felt more unwilling and unbalanced in her heart.

But now Gao Yang's attitude hurt her, as if she was the most disgusting thing in the world, and even looking at her twice was disgusting.

Seeing this, Chen Yi sighed deeply in her heart.

She couldn't blame Song Qingqing for this matter, after all, she and Song Qingqing were best friends, and the Song and Chen families were old friends.

But Song Qingqing came to break off the engagement in person, which was too humiliating, and Gao Yang's indifference was understandable.

Either stay away from Gao Yang completely, or get close to him and be prepared to be humiliated.

But seeing Song Qingqing's appearance, Chen Yi still felt a little distressed, so she said, "Qingqing, love is deep, hate is deep, this poem Gao Yang must have written for you, but you hurt him too much, so now his heart is full of hatred for you."

"Don't take it to heart."

Song Qingqing heard this, her face flickered, revealing a touch of emotion.


"Is this cloud-like clothes and flower-like face really made for me? If so, why did Gao Yang insult me?"

"Of course it's true." Chen Yi looked helpless, but the words had already been spoken, so she could only bite the bullet and comfort him.


Song Qingqing snorted coldly, with a hint of hatred in her eyes.

"When he comes to beg me, I will also let him taste what I feel now, no, ten times, a hundred times!"

Song Qingqing was looking forward to that scene, and even thinking about it made her feel relieved.

Chen Yi felt a headache for a moment, but in fact, she was more inclined to believe that Gao Yang was telling the truth.

He really felt that Song Qingqing insulted the poem.

But seeing Song Qingqing like this, she couldn't speak...

In the carriage.

Gao Changwen admired, "Brother, you looked so handsome just now."

As he spoke, he touched his chin and said, "But Song Qingqing is really strange. She was the one who broke off the engagement, but now she acts like she loves you."

Gao Yang sneered, "Love?"

"It's just an imbalance and the pain of losing a dog!"

"If the Duke of Dingguo's Mansion is successfully suppressed by Prince Rong, if I am punished by the empress, or even thrown into prison, Song Qingqing will only feel lucky."

"Once separated, not many people wish their other half a good life. The worse you live, the more she will feel that her original choice was right. On the contrary, if you are excellent, she will feel unbalanced and start to regret it. This is human nature. "

Gao Changwen covered his head, "Brother, my head hurts so much!"

"Did you catch a cold? But it shouldn't be."

Gao Changwen shook his head, "No, after listening to what brother said, I feel like I'm going to grow a brain in my head."

Gao Yang: "..."

Soon, Gao Changwen returned to normal, "Forget it, women will only affect the speed of my sword drawing, only brothels are eternal!"

He rolled his eyes and suddenly said, "Brother, can you go back home first? I finally got out and have something important to do."

Gao Yang looked surprised and said lightly, "Oh, what's the matter?"

Gao Changwen said righteously, "Read books, read books of righteousness!"

As soon as these words came out, Gao Yang's mouth twitched.

Chen Sheng and Zhao Da outside the carriage also had black lines on their faces.

This reason, even a fool knows there is something wrong.

"Reading, are you sure? You don't want to get off the carriage secretly, under the guise of studying, but actually go to the brothel for free!" Gao Yang said meaningfully.

Gao Changwen didn't even blush, and rejected it flatly, "Brother, what are you talking about? It seems that you have always misunderstood me. I am reading "Spring and Autumn Annals", how can I go to such a dirty and unclean place!"

"After listening to your words today, I have never been so eager for knowledge."

Gao Yang couldn't listen any more, "Go, but don't drink, and watch your mouth."

Gao Changwen didn't expect it to be so easy to succeed.

He was ecstatic and got off the carriage quickly.

Gao Yang said helplessly, "Zhao Da, this little

I'm afraid the girl will fly towards the brothel, so you arrange a few men to follow her secretly. "

Zhao Da reined in the reins and was a little surprised, "My lord, prostitution for free is not against the law. Can you live happily outside the law?"

Gao Yang said with a profound look on his face, "It's true that it's not illegal to do it for free, but I didn't say whether I would be beaten."

Damn it!

Upon hearing this.

Zhao Da and Chen Sheng both stared with shock in their eyes.

Gao Yang continued, "Otherwise, why do we have so many thugs? Are they just to prevent those prostitutes from escaping?"

"But it would be good to let this kid suffer and learn how dangerous the world is."

"This first lesson in life should be taught to him by Gao Yang."

Zhao Da and Chen Sheng couldn't help but look at Gao Changwen's back with a touch of sympathy.

Then, the carriage slowly drove towards Duke Dingguo's mansion.


royal palace.

Royal study room.

"The clouds are like clothes, the flowers are like faces, the spring breeze is blowing on the threshold, and the dew is thick!"

"If we hadn't met at the top of Qunyu Mountain, we would have met under the moonlight at Yaotai!"

Wu Zhao murmured this poem with a look of shock on his beautiful face.

"Is this poem really written by Gao Yang?"

Wu Zhao suddenly turned around and looked at Shangguan Wan'er.

A flash of shock also flashed across Shangguan Wan'er's face, "This is absolutely true!"

"All the guests in Rouge Pavilion have seen it with their own eyes. Now this poem has spread to the whole of Chang'an at an extremely fast speed."

Wu Zhao looked surprised and picked up the copied poem.

Her phoenix eyes stared straight at the poem, and the more she read, the more satisfied she became.

"But Gao Yang deceived Prince Rong's son Wu Cheng in public. Not only did he kick Prince Wu in the crotch, he probably also drugged Prince Wu with Gao Changwen."

"According to the nature of these two brothers, I estimate that Qiyin Hehuansan and Vigorous Jet King should be mixed in together."

When Wu Zhao heard this, he thought of the two medicines mixed together.

A chill ran through her heart.

"The most important thing is that this medicine was not secretly given, but was tricked into drinking by Prince Rong's son Wu Cheng. Gao Yang spit it out. I'm afraid Prince Rong will not let it go."

Shangguan Wan'er looked sad, feeling that Gao Yang's methods were a bit too impulsive.

Wu Zhao shook his head and said calmly, "Yuan Wai Lang is so bad that no one in the whole army can control him. He always makes plans before taking action. Once he takes action, he is not only 100% sure, but at least 90% sure!"

"I won't wipe his ass in this matter. Tomorrow morning, I will order Gao Yang to come with Gao Shilang."

Wu Zhao spoke directly.

Shangguan Wan'er nodded and agreed very much.

But at this time, Wu Zhao suddenly said, "I heard that Gao Yang has always been attracted to the eldest lady of the Song family, but the engagement was broken off ten days ago?"

As soon as these words came out, Shangguan Wan'er was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that Wu Zhao would still care about such things.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed true. It is said that Mr. Gao is very fond of the eldest lady of the Song family. He will come and leave as soon as he is summoned."

"This poem should have been written by Yuan Wailang for the eldest daughter of the Song family, praising her beauty as a fairy!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Wu Zhao's face suddenly turned cold.

Although it was a clear day and the heat was unbearable, Shangguan Wan'er felt a sudden chill come over her inexplicably.

The temperature in the entire royal study seemed to have suddenly dropped by eight degrees!

"Since the eldest lady of the Song family comes and goes as soon as I call her, she is more cunning than anyone else in front of me."

"This poem is not good, burn it!"

Wu Zhao suddenly said coldly.

Shangguan Wan'er: "???"


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