The emperor was very happy.

In the imperial study.

Wu Zhao was shocked, her eyes fell on Gao Yang, and she felt her mind buzzing.

"One game, harvesting the wealth of a country, and even causing the collapse of a country's system!"

Her expression became solemn, and she even took a deep breath.

She had a hunch that she would hear something that would subvert her worldview today.

"Gao Yang, go on."

"How should I set up a game to harvest the wealth of a country, and even cause the collapse of a country's system?"

Wu Zhao looked curious, and her eyes shone with a gleam of light.

If she could destroy a country without bloodshed, she would be happy.

Shangguan Wan'er also looked at Gao Yang with her beautiful eyes, and was also shocked.

Again, if someone else said this, even Cui Xinghe, the top scholar of the dynasty, she would have a little doubt.

But Gao Yangguang was standing here, talking about setting up the game, and he exuded a sense of professionalism and unquestionable authority.

She was very convinced.

Gao Yang looked at Wu Zhao and said, "As the saying goes, the best strategy is to attack the enemy's strategy. If you want to conquer a country, it is the worst strategy to rely solely on military conquest."

"What's more, once the army moves, the daily food and grass are astronomical figures. Moreover, the army's attack will cause heavy casualties. If a famous general retreats to defend the city, the loss will be huge, which will damage the national strength."

"So I advocate economic warfare, which is not only bloodless, but also powerful as a million troops!"

"Since Zhao State is disrespectful to Your Majesty and has a rebellious heart, then I will take Zhao State as an example and set up a game of picking the crown of the valley!"

"The so-called game of picking the crown of the valley is essentially to use the weaknesses of human nature to set up a game. Its core is to give the other party a small profit to induce the other party to continue to participate, and invest more and more, and finally complete the harvest!"

Wu Zhao frowned when she heard this, as if she was considering Gao Yang's words.

"Give the other party a small profit to induce them to continue participating, and then complete the harvest."

She looked thoughtful.

Gao Yang picked up a piece of cake on the table and put it in his mouth, saying, "I'll be more specific. May I ask your Majesty if you know Zhao Gao?"

"I know Zhao Gao. This is a kind of cloth that is produced in abundance in Zhao State. It is said to be thin and fine, and the clothes made of it are very beautiful."

"But this Zhao Gao is just an ordinary piece of clothing. What does it have to do with the economic war you mentioned, and the Shunzhai Valley Crown Bureau?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is wrong. Food, clothing, housing and transportation are the foundation of human beings. Since it is an economic war, we should start from these basics."

"Your Majesty, have you ever worn clothes made of Zhao Gao?"

Wu Zhao frowned and said, "Since I ascended the throne, I have never worn Zhao Gao. This dress is very expensive. As the king of a country, if I take the lead in wearing it, everyone from the nobles to the common people and wealthy businessmen will definitely follow suit."

"Isn't this a gift to Zhao State, or even using my Daqian silver to support Zhao's soldiers and then attack my Daqian?"

"Do I look like such a foolish emperor?"

Wu Zhao's voice was cold and justified.

Shangguan Wan'er also said, "Zhao State is far away from Daqian, the cost is extremely high, so the price is also very expensive."

"It is very unwise to support others' enemies!"

Gao Yang looked calm.

He understood Wu Zhao's idea very well, and this idea was also the thinking of normal people.

But he said the next second, "But what if my plan requires Your Majesty to wear clothes made of Zhao Gao himself, or even encourage the people of Daqian to wear Zhao Gao on the pretext of promoting good relations between the two countries?"

As soon as these words came out.

Wu Zhao instantly lost her composure.


"You want me to wear this Zhao Gao myself, and even issue an edict to encourage my Daqian people to wear this Zhao Gao?"

Shangguan Wan'er was also shocked. She couldn't help but say, "But if that's the case, the price of Zhao Gao will definitely rise rapidly, and Zhao will make a lot of money."

"In this way, Zhao's national strength will inevitably become stronger. Isn't this losing both the wife and the army?"

"Gao Yang, what Wan'er said makes sense. According to what you said before, if you want to strengthen yourself, you must weaken your opponents. If Daqian wants to be strong, it should punish Zhao. Why give them money for nothing?"

Gao Yang stared at Wu Zhao's eyes and straightened his back. "Your Majesty's idea is not wrong if it is my Daqian people, but Your Majesty, as an emperor, should have a bigger vision."

"Vision?" Wu Zhao looked puzzled.

"Vision is vision. Your Majesty, as the emperor of Daqian, is destined to become an emperor of the ages in the future. You should have a broader vision.

See the whole thing from your perspective. "

"Since it is a game, you should not take it at face value. What's more, as I said before, the core of the game is to make small profits first, so that the other party can continue to participate and invest more, so that the harvest can be finally completed."

Wu Zhao stared at Gao Yang.

For a moment, she didn't know whether Gao Yang was saying that her vision was too narrow, or whether he was praising her.

But she understood what Gao Yang meant, "Are you saying that the fact that Zhao Guo has made a huge sum of money is just a superficial phenomenon, and it only allows him to make a small profit, but in fact there is something more sinister?"

"I just didn't notice?"

Gao Yang had a pair of deep eyes, shining with strong self-confidence, "Yes, when His Majesty, as the king of a country, wears clothes made by Zhao Zhen, the princes and nobles, down to the common people, will definitely follow!"

"Not to mention that His Majesty personally issued an imperial edict to encourage all people to wear Zhao Can. In this way, the demand for Zhao Can in the world will exceed the supply, and the price of Zhao Can will rise rapidly."

"This will definitely lead to a phenomenon, which is the price difference!"

"Once there is profit, merchants will flock to Daqian. Merchants from Daqian will go to Zhao to buy goods and sell them to Daqian at a high price. Merchants from Zhao will also buy goods from the country and travel thousands of miles to Daqian to earn high profits. profit."

Speaking of this, Gao Yang paused and looked at Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er.

A smile appeared on his face again.

But this smile made Wu Zhao feel nervous.

Shangguan Wan'er's whole body was even more tense, as if facing a formidable enemy, her eyes staring straight at Gao Yang.

Gao Yang smiled, someone's life or death must be unpredictable.

They waited quietly for Gao Yang's next words.

"As with all things in this world, if supply exceeds demand, the price will fall; conversely, if demand exceeds supply, the price will rise!"

"If supply and demand are balanced, prices will be correspondingly stable."

"Take the price of grain in Linjiang City as an example. When the drought is stable and the grain harvest is bumper, the grain in the world will be stable at thirty cents per dou, or even lower. But when there is a severe drought or a flood and the harvest is poor, the demand will drop. Greater than supply, food prices began to soar.”

"If food is valuable, more people will farm."

"The same is true for Zhao Jin. The first point of this game is to increase the price of Zhao Jin and give the profits to Zhao Guo!"

"When the price of Zhao Yi starts to soar, merchants from Daqian and Zhao are frantically shopping for goods, and Zhao's native chips will also increase accordingly."

"Because in the past, Zhao Can's demand was limited, and merchants traveled thousands of miles to transport it to Daqian. The market demand was stable, but most of it was unsaleable and unprofitable."

"But now, the whole country is wearing Zhao Jin's clothes, and the demand has increased sharply."

"As a result, not only will the price of Zhaowei skyrocket, but it will also put pressure on the supply. In order to compete for next year's market, greedy merchants and local wealthy families will definitely improve the treatment of the weavers' workers, increase their planting of mulberry and silkworms, and compete with each other. Next, the people of Zhao who originally grew mulberry and raised silkworms will also make a lot of money!"

"Don't take advantage of me, you bastard. Since Zhao Jin is so valuable, who will plant farmland?"

At first, Wu Zhao's eyes showed a hint of thought, as if he was considering it.

But when she heard that demand will increase, supply will also increase. In order to make profits, businessmen and wealthy families will definitely increase their treatment, plant more mulberry and raise silkworms, so that they can make a lot of money in the coming year, she felt goosebumps all over her body. All are up.

Gao Yang's purpose is obvious!

She said in disbelief, "Your ultimate goal is Zhao's farmland?"

Wu Zhao had a look of disbelief on his face, and a turmoil arose in his heart!

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