As soon as the voice came out.

Not to mention the common people, even Gao Yang was frightened.

Although I knew that Wang Tao was brave, I didn't expect him to be so brave.

Even when facing Prince Rong, he was not afraid at all.

This Wang Tao will be very useful in the future!

At this time, the eyes of the second floor were also focused on the two.

Wu Zhao looked at Wang Tao, who was honest and excited to the point of blushing, and commented: "It is worthy of the Dingguo Mansion. It is really a simple family style."

"Even the cook in the mansion is so brave."

Wu Zhao's expression was complicated.

Is this the reverse portrayal of a cowardly soldier and a cowardly general?

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is Prince Rong, but Wang Tao is not afraid at all, as if this is the supreme honor.

He even wants Prince Rong to eat it!

Their curious eyes fell on Prince Rong Wu Long.

From this angle, they can clearly see everything happening below, even the subtle changes in their expressions.

Prince Rong, will you eat it?

Wu Long... was silent.

He looked at the nine-turn large intestine on the plate in front of him, and the color alone was hard to describe.

As for the things wrapped inside, it was even more unimaginable.

The three of them were silent.

Seeing this, Gao Yang hurriedly said, "This nine-turn large intestine is a rare delicacy. Please taste it while it's hot, my Lord and the Prince."

"It won't taste good if it's cold."

Wu Long glanced at Gao Yang, then at Wang Tao, and his face turned green.

There must be something wrong with this plate of nine-turn large intestine.

Even a fool knows that there is a problem now.

However, an extremely serious problem lies before him.

If he doesn't eat it, he can't eliminate the Duke Dingguo Mansion, and even Wang Tao can win the championship today with this dish.

With so many people watching, and even the empress watching, he will definitely lose face.

Even if he doesn't eat it, he will be criticized by the people and disrespectful.

But if he eats it, it seems to be a trap.

He hasn't said that Gao Yang eats pig food, but he may have to eat pigs to defend himself.

This seems to be an unsolvable situation.

It seems that eating or not is a mistake.

This plan is too vicious!

Wu Cheng gritted his teeth, as if he had given it all, he took out a handkerchief and strode over.

"This prince will come first!"

But he was prepared, so he only cut off a small piece with a knife.

But even though Wu Cheng was so careful, he couldn't help but curse at the moment he chewed at the entrance of the large intestine.

"Oh my god!"

His expression was twisted and painful.

He admitted that he had a gambling element, but he made a wrong bet.

This large intestine is really the original large intestine!

At this moment, Wu Cheng thought about all the happy things in the past twenty years, but he still couldn't resist the sadness brought by the taste of the large intestine.


He took a handkerchief and couldn't help vomiting. The expression on his face said it all.

Wu Long's face trembled.

He couldn't help asking Wang Tao, trying to find a loophole in his words to avoid a disaster.

"Have you tasted this nine-turn large intestine yourself?"

"I tasted it."

"I removed part of the fishy smell of the large intestine, but I deliberately kept part of the taste of the large intestine."

Wang Tao nodded repeatedly, with a simple and honest face.

Second floor.

Everyone looked weird.

Lü Zhen couldn't help but say, "Good fellow, this part that was deliberately reserved is a part of "feces", right?"

"Yuanwailang is really vicious!"

Wu Zhao was more and more certain in her heart.

This nine-turn large intestine is an open conspiracy, even the first open conspiracy comparable to the Enfeoffment Order!

Wu Long looked down at the large intestine and asked with an unsightly face, "Why do you want to keep a part of it?"

Wang Tao straightened his back, his stomach slightly raised, and he said with a simple face, "Because I think that only in this way, Your Majesty, will you know that you are eating large intestines."

"Did you leave it on purpose, or did you leave it by accident?"

Wang Tao glanced at Gao Yang and nodded decisively: "I did it on purpose."

Wu Long's face became even uglier when he heard this.

This nine-turn large intestine is no longer pretending, it is showing its cards, which has already told him that there is a problem.

But he can't escape.

Gao Yang added, "After the prince's sharp comments in the last round, the chef and I have learned from our mistakes and decided to fully preserve the original flavor of the food!"

"And for high-end ingredients like large intestines, we only use the most common cooking methods!"

"Please taste it, your majesty, it will definitely be delicious!"

Every taste bud on the tip of the tongue is so delicious that it makes you tremble! "

These words were decisive, sending back all the criticisms made by Wu Long and Chen Fan about Wang Tao in the previous round.

If looks could kill, Gao Yang would have been cut into pieces long ago.

This shameless kid...

Wu Long thought he was giving Gao Yang a big surprise, but he never expected that it was Gao Yang who gave him a big surprise.

Moreover, he blocked his words.

He did criticize Wang Tao in front of everyone to respect the original taste of food.

But this is the large intestine!

Who eats the original flavor of large intestine?

Wu Long closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Thinking back to the time when he faced one against a hundred on the battlefield, he was not afraid.

But at this moment, he actually felt an emotion called fear.

That’s it!

Just a sip, just a sip!

He is Prince Daqian, the leader of the three ministers who care about life. How dare Gao Yang and Wang Tao dare to humiliate him?

Besides, as long as I don’t eat the inside, I’ll just eat the outer layer of the large intestine skin, so I shouldn’t fall into the trap!

Wu Long took out the blade, looked around a few times, carefully selected, and then cut off a piece of the outer skin of the large intestine at the edge.

But when Wu Long put it in his mouth and chewed it, he felt a soaring, indescribable taste that almost made him burst into tears.

The smell is unbelievable!

Gao Yang clicked his tongue and said, "Look, it's so delicious that the prince will cry."

Wu Zhao looked in disbelief.

have eaten!

Prince Rong really ate it.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that he really has no choice. Not only will Gao Yang win if he doesn't eat, he will also be criticized by the people.

If you just eat it, you will be punished!

"Father, here is a handkerchief!"

Wu Cheng hurriedly handed over a handkerchief. After Wu Long took it, he spat it out.

He couldn't help but look at Gao Yang and Wang Tao with some disbelief.

He just couldn't figure it out.

It's obviously the rind of large intestine, so why does it taste so rich?

It seemed that he knew what Wu Long was thinking.

Gao Yang explained with a smile, "In order to fully stimulate the original flavor of the large intestine, we finally added the water used to blanch the large intestine back into the pot and used high heat to reduce the juice."

"This is to ensure that every part of this nine-turn large intestine will be soaked with delicious soup."

These words fell.

Wu Long's body felt like he had been hit hard.

He was shaking and his eyes were wide with anger.

Those majestic eyes were staring at Gao Yang with his fists tightly clenched.

He didn't say a word, but he seemed to have said a thousand words.

A surge of murderous intent pervaded his whole body.

Put down your defense, I can't eliminate you.

Eat the answer, I can't forgive you.

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