Guy surrendered to Lin Xiao without any suspense.

It’s just that when Lin Xiao told him to stop the experiment on children’s giantization,

But there was a look of embarrassment on his face.

“Master, I’m afraid this won’t work. [Giant Soldier Experiment] is a research funded by Four Emperors BIG·MOM. If it is interrupted rashly…”

boom–! !

Without Lin Xiao speaking, Shiryu drew Guy away with a scabbard.

“Don’t you fucking understand human words? The master captain told you to stop, and immediately execute it for Laozi, or you will be killed!”

Even though Shiryu was a famous beheader, he was disgusted with this extremely inhumane experiment.

Lin Xiao is the same.

Although he never felt that he was a soft-hearted and decent person.

But he still has the bottom line for being a human being.

He doesn’t care what others do,

But at least he would not allow his subordinates to have such behavior.

“If that fat lady has any comments, just let her approach me directly!”

Lin Xiao Haki said, it is a conclusion.

Blue blue blue…

At this moment, the phone worm in Lin Xiao’s arms rang suddenly.

It was from Violet, who was in charge of spying on the enemy.

“My lord, I found a fleet that has just been assembled in the MarineG-5 branch three thousand nautical miles away from Punk Hazard.”

“The man who led the team was a strong old man with white hair in the shape of a mountain, and those who walked with him were all the advanced combat power of Naval Headquarters, and the Marine hero Garp was among them.”

“I suspect they were aware of the adult’s intentions, so they came to support Akainu and Aokiji before.”

Violet whispered and reported quickly and briskly.

“Ha… Marine is coming?”

Guy Sa was frightened and screamed, crying and begging: “Master, take me out of here, I don’t want to be caught by them again…”

“Even [Kong] is empty?”

Lin Xiao ignored Guy Sa, he was not surprised by this result.

But the commander-in-chief of the army came personally,

It has already explained the seriousness of the problem.

It should be someone at the top of Naval Headquarters who guessed what he thought.

And take precautions in advance.

In his opinion,

This wise man is likely to be the Chief Staff Officer.

But Lin Xiao was also well prepared,

He dispatched Violet for long-distance reconnaissance in advance.

For this.

And in order to ensure the safety of Violet,

He also deliberately let the death song go with him.

“My lord, Marine has made such a big battle this time. I am afraid that your plan can no longer be carried out. It is better to…¨~…”

Violet hesitated, then boldly continued:

“Why don’t you retreat early? If you wait for Marine’s support to arrive a day later, your lord, you may be in a very dangerous situation.”

Violet’s concerns are not unreasonable.

[Kong] Admiral of Kong, Garp, and Marine,

So many high-end combat power gathered together,

It’s simply not something the people around Lin Xiao can handle.

But let him let go of such a good harvest opportunity,

But it would be a pity.

“We are seeking wealth insurance, it seems that the plan can only be carried out in advance!”

Lin Xiao resolutely issued an order: “You and Death Song will rush to Punk Hazard immediately, and we will leave together after the sneak attack is completed.”


Rumble–! !

The terrifying explosion almost never stopped.

The biting ice cones and the lava exuding pungent smoke and hot temperatures,

Constantly crashing between Aokiji and Akainu.

The terrifying explosion has already created a huge pit in the middle of the island,

The inverted seawater was instantly frozen by Aokiji’s ability.

“Great Eruption!!”


Five icicles directly froze the giant lava fist.

Then he crashed to the ground,

Broken into countless pieces of residue.

Next second.

The figures of Chi and Qing collided heavily.

boom–! !

The deep and loud noise made the eardrums crack like thunder.

“Dark Hound!!”

Akainu’s right arm shot out suddenly.


Aokiji was caught off guard, leaving a bloody, fuzzy burn mark in front of Yue Xiong.


Aokiji spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

“What’s wrong, Kuzan? Is this your limit?”

Akainu mocked with a ferocious look.

But there is no sign of stagnation in his hands,

Once again launched a new round of fatal attacks.


The punch that wrapped Armament Haki slammed.

Aokiji suddenly flew out,

Heavy smashed into the distant sea of ​​fire.

Just the next second,

The flame went out instantly,

Aokiji jumped out again.

“Stop clamoring there, Sakazuki… Frozen Time Capsule!!!”

The swift air-conditioning froze the proud Akainu on the other side in the blink of an eye.


Hot lava surged all over Akainu, which quickly melted all the ice.


In this battle,

Whether Akainu is the fruit ability,

Or personal strength,

Both obviously have the upper hand.

When Aokiji was fighting with it,

Often while mobilizing the fruit ability,

Also cover a layer of Armament Haki.

But even so,

His left leg was still burned in a horrible state.

Even if he uses the power of [Frozen Fruit] to cool down,

The pain is still bearable.

“.~ Kuzan, burn it all together with this abandoned island.”

“Meteor Volcano!!”

Whooshoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

The giant fists of lava far exceeding the size of the top of the war,

Falling from the sky like a rain of meteors.

In an instant, the location of Aokiji was turned into an endless sea of ​​lava.

The surrounding temperature soared suddenly.

While the scorching heat is surging,

Also exudes endless terror and coercion.

“Ice Age!!”


Aokiji’s body instantly exploded with extremely cold air that was enough to freeze the sea.

A piece of white light passed by,

The surrounding area has once again turned into a vast ice field.

Even the giant fist of lava smashed in the sky,

Also under this terrifying power,

Become huge blocks of ice frozen.

Rumble–! !

The fists of the two collided again.

(Zhao Hao)   “Stop it, stop it, don’t fight anymore, don’t fight anymore~~”

A dazzling golden light flashed, and Kizaru’s figure stood in between the two.

“Porusalino, do you want to compete with me for the position of marshal?”

Akainu roared in a low voice.

Even Aokiji cast a hostile look at Huang Dahunzi.

The two have now killed the red eye.

If Kizaru dared to nod and admit now,

I’m afraid the two of them will join forces to kill Huang Dahunzi first,

Then continue the life and death battle.

“Yes… Ah no, it’s not…”

Kizaru was immediately frightened by the fierce gazes of the two, shaking his body, and quickly waved his hands and said:

“I am here this time to inform you of an extremely important thing. According to Mr. Garp’s guess, Lin Xiao is very likely…”

“Huh? Garp guessed it?!”

Before Kizaru’s words were finished, Lin Xiao’s incredible voice came not far away.

The old guy Garp,

When did you become so smart? ! .

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