Rumble–! !

In Xiao Zi’s horrified eyes,

The entire flower city actually slowly rose to the night sky.

The bright moonlight became clearer and brighter.

Other areas of Wanokuni,

It also became smaller and smaller in Xiao Zi’s sight.

Really… flying? !

Xiao Zi covered her surprised look with her hands,

I couldn’t believe my eyes anymore.

However, what shocked her most was,

This is a miraculous scene in front of me,

It turned out to be just the man opposite,

It was done in a flash.

Is he… a god? !

Do not know why,


There was a sense of morbid pride in Xiao Zi’s heart.

She temporarily forgot the hatred in her heart,

Began to become the “plaything” of such a peerless powerhouse for myself,

And feel complacent.

“How about looking at the moon at this height, is it beautiful?”

Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

“Xiao Zi has never seen such a beautiful moonlight, thank you for your love…”

Xiao Zi smiled, and immediately poured her soft body directly into Lin Xiao’s arms.

Lin Xiao: Tsk tusk, look, Ji who has been trained is different!

at the same time.

When people in other areas of Wanokuni saw the brightly lit flower capital slowly rising above the clouds, they were suddenly scared to kneel and begged for mercy.

They thought it was the gods who condemned the crime and took the Capital of Flowers directly.

Only the Nine Scarlet Swords who concealed them,

Each face was full of complex expressions.

As early as when Lin Xiao was fighting Kaido,

They had already noticed this strong man who suddenly appeared in Wanokuni.

But what I did not expect is,

The other party successfully expelled Kurozumi Orochi,

Put the Flower City in your bag.

The jackal hasn’t been driven away yet,

Hubao came again.

Is it possible for Wanokuni to be liberated?

However, just when a few people were secretly hurt,

A few secret letters were accurately delivered to their hands.

The content of the letter is extremely simple,

Only a short sentence.

“The young master is in trouble, come to Jianwu Port as soon as possible!”

In addition to the three characters Chuanjirou, the place of signing

There is also a pair attached,

The secret pattern of the Kozuki clan known only to the Chisao Nine Heroes.

The faces of several people everywhere changed drastically at the same time.

after an hour.

When the capital of flowers controlled by Lin Xiao appeared above the island of ghosts,

Nearly 10,000 members of Beasts Pirates,

All were frightened by this amazing scene in front of them.

If this island suddenly falls,

I’m afraid the ghost island will sink along with it, right?

“Don’t panic, everyone, that’s just the ability of [Lion Fruit] ¨~!”

Jhin’s figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone. After stabilizing the military’s mind, he directly transformed into a toothless pterosaur form and flew towards the city of flowers.

Among the crowd, Kurozumi’s serpent’s eyes were bitterly listening to Jin’s figure and the clearer and clearer Flower City, cursing in his heart:

“Kaido, you bastard, that’s a paradise that Laozi has worked so hard to manage for nearly 20 years!!”

“Your Majesty Lin Xiao, please also hover the Flower City on the waters outside the island of ghosts.”

Jhin came directly to the General’s Mansion, and said respectfully to Lin Xiao, who was sitting on the throne.

“Is that guy Kaido afraid too?”

Lin Xiao swept his corners with a radian, waved his hand to stop the City of Flowers, and said with a smile:

“But you can rest assured that even if we are not in an alliance now, I am reluctant to use the newly acquired Flower Capital to destroy the ghost island.”

“Thank you for your understanding…”

Lin Xiao directly pierced through his thoughts, and Jin’s face was somewhat embarrassed, and he continued to say after he indulged for a while:

“However, due to your special abilities, Brother Kaido hopes that you can wear this pair of gloves all the way after entering the island of ghosts.”

As he said, he took out a pair of very ordinary gloves and handed it over.

Both Kaido and Golden Lion used to be members of Rocks Pirate,

Therefore, he was completely familiar with the ability of [Lion Fruit].

Although he and Lin Xiao are currently in the honeymoon period of an alliance,

But Kaido regards his own Douren,

I feel it is necessary to defend Lin Xiao.

Otherwise, maybe one day I wake up,

Ghost Island has already appeared in Naval Headquarters.


Lin Xiao didn’t say much, and put on the gloves directly.

Then he swept over Xiao Zi,

He jumped directly from the height of a thousand meters.

Kata Kuri followed immediately.

And the three of Bullet, Shiryu and Van Oka,

He was temporarily left in the Flower City.

Lin Xiao also had to guard against Kaido.

After all, this guy is notoriously sinister and mean.

boom–! !

The ground of the entire ghost island trembled.

There is no need to release Conqueror’s Haki at all,

After nearly 10,000 pirates around felt the terrifying aura exuding from Lin Xiao all the time,

The trembling body retreated uncontrollably.

Xiao Zi was immediately shocked by this scene.

Beasts Pirates, who is unparalleled in her heart,

That powerful force that made Chuanjirou and other Chisao Nine Knights sleepless at night,

In front of this man,

Showing such a fearful gesture.

This man… is so strong!

“Your Majesty, please here.”

Afterwards, the fallen Jhin turned into a human form again, leading the way with a helpless expression.

he knows,

If Lin Xiao intends to embarrass them,

Just need to open Conqueror’s,

Then at least two-thirds of Beasts Pirates members will pass out.

There may even be more.

When Lin Xiao entered the banquet hall.

Nuo’s banquet hall instantly became silent.

All eyes were focused on Lin Xiao.

“…Hey, is this the guy who killed the clown and replaced it? He looks so young…”

“Don’t underestimate him, he killed Whitebeard himself in the previous top war!”

“What? Are you kidding me?”

“It’s true, and he had a battle with Governor Kaido this morning, I saw it with my own eyes…”

“This… this guy is so big, why is it so strong?”

“Hey, isn’t the one in his arms, Wanokuni’s number one beauty, Oiran Xiaozi?”

“Hey, it’s not just Xiao Zi, now even the capital of flowers belongs to him.”

“Then what about Kurozumi Orochi?”

“Cut, you can tell by looking at the face of that waste, of course you are holding it back!”


The whispers from the surroundings and the unbridled (Zhao Nuo’s) madness suddenly made the Kurozumi Orochi who entered with him feel a sense of self-confidence.

Although he is an Admiral army under one man in Wanokuni and over ten thousand people.

But in the eyes of everyone at Beasts Pirates,

He is nothing more than a dog raised by Kaido.

No one cares how he feels.

Lin Xiao sat under the guidance of Jin,

After raising my eyes and scanning all around,

Kaido was not found,

Is about to ask,

Little Zi in her arms let out an exclamation.

At the same time Jiao Chu trembled uncontrollably.

“Ah, that’s…”

Xiao Zi looked at the thin figure on the execution rack,

Tears couldn’t stop overflowing from the eyes.

Isn’t that her brother Momosuke who has been away for nearly twenty years?

Xiao Zi couldn’t think of a donkey.

The two reunited again after parting,

It turned out to be such a cruel scene.

“What’s the matter, Xiao Zi?”

Lin Xiao smiled smirkly, knowingly asked: “Did you see an acquaintance?!”.

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