
The door opens.

Zhuan Yuan walked in with the newspaper Pipa.

“I’m sorry, the distinguished guests have been waiting for a long time, little girl Tao Taozi, please give me more advice…”

There is a touch of charm or natural tenderness on Zhuan Yuan’s face,

It was completely different from the appearance of Qing Leng Yu (female) when she was in the secret room just now.

However, when she glanced at the figure on the tatami who was drinking alone,

The beautiful eyes shrank suddenly.

Even the Pipa in his hand almost fell to the ground.

That man had a handsome face that could capture the heart of any woman.

The grace-posture revealed between gestures.

Zhuan Yuan couldn’t help feeling a kind of throbbing heartbeat.

And the majestic temperament exuding from him all the time,

For women,

It is simply the most deadly C drug.

Just know the true identity of the other party,

At this moment, there is a feeling of cold all over the body.

Because of this man,

It is Lin Xiao.

why did he come here?

Is my identity exposed?

It shouldn’t.

These two months,

I have never proactively contacted any sensitive people,

There is no reason to notice something like my head?

Could it be that……

Are those rumors true?

This wise, young and promising emperor likes to find Ji…Ah no, it’s Yi Ji!

While Zhuan Yuan was looking at Lin Xiao,

The latter is also looking at her.

Not losing the figure of the empress,

White skin,

With that long heaven-defying leg,

Even the long hem of the kimono,

They can only cover up to her knees.

It belongs to the typical [Leg Play Year] series.

“Come on, have a drink with me first!”

Lin Xiao cast a smirk at the corner, and at the same time as the voice fell, he already dragged Zhuan Yuan into his arms.


Zhuan Yuan let out a scream unexpectedly, but then he reacted and giggled and said:

“Sir, you are good or bad, little girls do not sell themselves.”


So he was about to push away Lin Xiao’s big, dishonest hand.

Although she was a Grandmaster Geisha,

But it refers to the normal skills of blowing, pulling, playing, singing, and jumping.

Regarding the peach color part,

Basically it was done by her sisters.

Otherwise people with this kind of stain,

Even if the contribution is big,

It is absolutely impossible to become a replacement for Admiral.

However, Lin Xiao’s next sentence,

She almost made her nose crooked.

“It’s simple, I won’t pay for it after playing, otherwise it won’t be considered as a sale!”


Listen, what’s this special talking about is also human?

Zhuan Yuan’s face almost turned green.

She now believes the previous rumor more and more.

This guy really has a special hobby.

No wonder it deliberately snatched Wanokuni’s first oiran back.

It turned out to be a good bite.


An extremely bold idea suddenly appeared in Zhuan Yuan’s heart.

If you can fascinate or fascinate him with beauty,

Maybe there can be some shocking secrets…


He is so handsome,

You shouldn’t be at a disadvantage at all, right?

As a member of the Appearance Society,

Zhuan Yuan has refused 100 pursuits for the tea dolphin, who is also the candidate, Admiral.

Lin Xiao’s appearance is definitely her dish.

But at the moment when she was stunned,

Lin Xiao has already eaten a lot of tofu.

Zhuan Yuan thought that with the strength of his great swordsman,

Even if I can’t beat Lin Xiao,

But there is still power to resist.

But the opponent’s big hand clamped his wrist,

She couldn’t even move half a minute.

This overwhelming absolute power,

It made her a little desperate.

After several failed attempts,

Simply not struggling.

Rather, he stared at the breezy eyes with anger, and said angrily like a baby:

“Sir, you really know how to laugh, if you are like this, the little girl is going to call someone…”

“Then you call, even if you call your throat broken, no one will care about you!”

Lin Xiao smirked with a confident look.

Zhuan Yuan: Beasts! !

“Sir, we still drink the bar…”

“Huh?! Sir, it’s definitely not possible…”


At the same time that Zhuan Yuan was taking care of the tiger.

In Dressrosa’s port, a blind old man in sloppy clothes was walking off a refugee ship that had just docked with a blind cane.

Although there is a constant flow of people on the pier,

But his steady pace and figure,

But it was not affected at all.

On the contrary, it is much quicker than those with normal vision.

“This is really an amazing country. The emperor with mixed reputation will surely go down in history in the future!”

Listening to the joyous laughter that filled the streets and alleys, and the praise to the Great Emperor Lin Xiao that could be heard everywhere, there was a touch of reverence and yearning on his smiling face.

[Note: Fujitora’s original name is translated as “lifetime” or “yixiao”, this article uses the latter, after all, a smile sounds better. 】

Although not visible,

But Kabuto Kabuto went round and round,

With a smile, he “hearts and eyes” with the experience of developing to awakening,

I have seen the heat of the world.

Until one day he suddenly heard that,

· ····Find flowers······

There is a place called Dressrosa in New World.

Although there is a bloodthirsty demon emperor,

But it is a rare paradise on earth.

Then came a smile.

it’s here,

He felt freedom and joy for the first time.

People on the streets and alleys,

There are confident and rich smiles all over his face.

In this country,

As long as you are willing to give,

It will definitely be rewarded.

No one will watch and be jealous of the wealth of others.

There is no slavery and oppression.

Before you know it,

The skirt of Yixiao’s clothes was already wet with tears.

But his face,

But it was filled with an innocent and cheerful smile.

“Blind grandpa, why are you crying?”

At this time, a young child jumping up and down suddenly came to smile. After hesitating for a moment, he finally handed out the saliva-filled lollipop, and the little adult comforted:

…….. 0 …

“Grandpa won’t cry, lollipops for you, it’s sweet…”

“Mum and Dad used to cry, but after they came to Teresanoza (slurred speech), they are now laughing and happily every day!”

“Such an expensive gift, the blind grandfather didn’t give it to you in return.”

He smiled and didn’t mind what the child called him, and knelt down and patted her little head lightly.

“Yah, how can you be so rude.”

A middle-aged woman walked over to report the child, and smiled apologetically and said: “This old gentleman, I’m so sorry, the child offends you, please don’t be familiar with her.”

“It’s okay, the old man is a blind man!”

He smiled heartily and laughed.

“Old sir, I see your dress, you must have just arrived on the refuge ship, right?”

Seeing a smile and nodding, the woman showed a kind smile on her face. She didn’t look down on her at all. She raised her finger to one side and said:

“First of all, congratulations on your escape from the sea of ​​suffering and coming to Dressrosa. It will definitely be the most correct choice in your life.”

“But you should first go to the Foreign Population Registry to record your identity information, and then someone will be assigned to solve the corresponding food, clothing, housing and transportation issues for you…”

“Mom is so stupid, the blind grandfather can’t see it at all!”

“Oh, old sir, I’m so sorry, let me take you there.”

After being reminded by her daughter, the woman suddenly apologized and apologized.

“Thank you for your kindness.”

He smiled and shook his head slightly, his eyes piercingly “looked” towards the direction of the palace:

“But the old man still wants to take a closer look and continue to understand what kind of person the king will be loyal to in the future!”

He likes Dressrosa.

He wants to stay here! At.

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