boom–! !

The scarlet slash burst on BIG·MO’s body.

But this bloated woman,

But there was no change in his face.

It doesn’t even mean to dodge-there is.

Just like a humanoid tank,

Cross your arms in front of you,

Actually with the body of blood,

Abruptly resisted Lederfield’s great swordsman-level slash.

Not even Armament Haki was used.

Just thundercloud Zeus under his feet,

Affected by the aftermath,

It was pushed back more than ten meters by the strong air wave.

BIG·MOM is truly a transformation of a monster whose physical talent is stronger than that of a monster.

If you change to someone else,

Even if it was not cut in half by the blow just now,

His arms are definitely useless.

For BIG·MOM, who has a body like a [steel balloon],

But only on her sturdy arms,

It leaves only two pale white scratches.

Just don’t underestimate these two scratches.

To know,

Think of the “Lamb’s House” in Elbaf back then,

The legendary giant hero [Waterfall Beard] Jorul swung his sword with all his strength and slashed BIG·MOM’s body,

Not only did it leave no trace of scars.

Instead, Jorul’s great sword was directly broken.

At that time, BIG·MOM,

Only 5 years old…

This is enough to see Lederfield’s superb accomplishments in kendo.

And in the original work,

When Luffy was making trouble on Cake Island,

Directly used the strongest move to defeat Doflamingo against BIG·MOM.

But it didn’t even cause a scratch,

Then BIG·MOM waved and flew out like a fly.

If you don’t count Armament Haki,

Simply compare physical strength.

Even for powerful monsters like Lin Xiao, Kaido and Bullet,

It can’t be compared with it at all.

“Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma! You are so lonely and red, are you stupid by the World government? You actually used this kind of attack to deal with me?”

BIG·MOM screamed very proudly, and the fat all over his body trembled uncontrollably, making Ledfield feel sick.

“Don’t be too happy!”

There was a sneer on Lederfield’s face.

As the voice fell,

The figure turned into a black phantom like a ghost,

In the blink of an eye,

Then quietly appeared behind BIG·MOM.

“Try again this time!!”

The kick that entangled [Emission armed color] crashed like a battle axe.


BIG·MOM’s plump figure shook suddenly, and a slight painful color appeared on his big face, but it disappeared quickly and was replaced by endless anger.

She can’t remember how many years she has, and she has no taste of pain.

“Lonely red, you old bastard, go to death for my old lady!!”

BIG·MO was furious in an instant, and with a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people, he suddenly reversed his figure, and the iron fist containing the horror [strange power] crashed down.


Even Lederfield was moved.

boom–! !

The fists of the two collided heavily,

Suddenly formed a series of visible ripples in the air,

It spreads out quickly.

Violent shock wave,

It even directly blows away the mist covering this sea area.


Lederfield flew backward several tens of meters before stopping.

In pure power confrontation,

I’m afraid even the lunatic Bullet,

Nor is it the opponent of this ugly woman.

But Lederfield has never been known for power.

What’s really scary is his speed,

And the ghostly body technique that even Observation Haki can’t perceive.

Whooshoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

Lederfield didn’t talk nonsense, his body instantly turned into a black phantom, and launched a new round of attacks around BIG MOM like a ghost.

Puff puff–! !

Umbrella wrapped in [Emission armed color],

A series of small wounds were cut on BIG·MOM’s body.

Although it is not harmful,

But it is very insulting.

Even if BIG·MOM has a reaction speed far exceeding that of ordinary people,

But still unable to capture Lederfield’s figure.

Suddenly he was furious with anger.

“Damn it, lonely red, you bastard with a hidden head and bare tail, have the ability to fight head-on with my old lady!!”


However, what responded to her were two small wounds.

No matter what BIG·MOM calls scolding,

Lederfield ignored it at all.

Continue to use his “Gua Sha tactics” to play with each other.

· ····Find flowers······

I have been around Lin Xiao for many years,

He has learned the shameless style of his own captain…ah no, that should be called targeted strategic adjustment.

Now that I can’t kill you…

Of course it would be disgusting to you! !


The depraved BIG·MOM is like a wild boar with madness,

Throwing Wang Ba fist aimlessly in mid-air,

But you can’t even hit an individual at all,

It looks extremely funny like a clown.

On the coastline of Dressrosa.

Lin Xiao and other people have already appeared here.

It’s just that he didn’t rush to shoot.

Because Lin Xiao can tell,

Lederfield “played” very hard.

…….. .. 0

The strength has reached their level,

In fact, it is difficult to meet a well-matched opponent.

Even if he has always been a training partner for Lin Xiao.

But that battle with real life and death,

There is still a certain gap.

So Lin Xiao is going to wait and see for a while before taking action.

“Master Captain, the old bat guy seems to have learned badly from you. His original fighting style is not so sullen.”

Bullet grinned and said with a smirk.

“Fart, none of you guys are good things, right?!”

Lin Xiao’s face turned black, immediately indicating that Laozi did not recite this “black pot”.

“Hey, this I admit, we are indeed not good people… But Master Captain, you are definitely the worst of us!”

After Bullet finished speaking, he ran far away in a hurry, for fear that Lin Xiao would do it.

“You… seem to make sense!”

Lin Xiao found that he couldn’t refute the words of this silly guy.

Turning his head to look at the people around him,

This group of guys actually nodded at him with approval.

Master Captain, don’t doubt it.

Bullet is right,

You are almost out of water! !

Lin Xiao’s face suddenly became darker.


Is Laozi like this in your heart?

Wait a moment,

Fujitora, you bastard, where are you going to join in the fun?

Laozi dared to pat Yue Xiong’s breast and said,

I absolutely never cheated you!

Could it be that you are the legendary… !

Huzi, you have changed! ! At.

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