I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 199 Lin Xiao's Monsters! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Candy Barrier!!"

Pero didn't even have time to think about it, and waved his hand to create a thick candy barrier in front of him for defense.


That slash that Shiryu swung,

It even blasted a big hole out of the candy barrier.

caught off guard,

Ross Perot's right arm was almost cut off by the aftermath.

Blood splashed out immediately.

so strong!!

It really deserves to be one of the former double walls of Impel down.

"Hey, just relying on you bastards, you still want to deal with His Majesty... What a fool's dream!"

There was a sneer of disdain on Shiryu's face, a cold light flashed, and the [Second Generation Guiche] in his hand had been chopped off again.


Another sharp Slash Wave shot out across.

"Damn it, don't look down on people there... Candy is a girl!!"

Ross Pero let out a growl in embarrassment, and then used the fruit ability to create a beast-shaped torture nose with sharp substances all over his body to block in front of him.

And attached Armament Haki on the periphery.


There was another loud shock.

Although Candy Iron Girl successfully blocked Shiryu's slash,

But a small part was blown away.


Is my Armament Haki not strong enough?

Perot's corners suddenly twitched.

This battle is over.

All of Lin Xiao's subordinates are as strong as monsters.

Especially Bullet over there.

Even with his own strength,

Successfully restrained many cadres including the dessert three generals.

Who would believe this?

Although relying on the huge advantage in numbers,

Children of the Charlotte family,

Has always been in the absolute upper hand in battle.

But there is no doubt that Bullet is the real winner.

Especially when Pero Ross sees the look of enjoyment on the other party's face,

Immediately there was a creepy feeling.


From kings to cadres to soldiers of the Common.

people of this country,

Is Quan Te a lunatic?!

"The cadres tried their best to drag these three guys, and the others commanded the fleet and rushed to the island where my mother is at full speed."

Ross Pero reminded loudly while fighting Shiryu.

The situation cannot be allowed to continue to deteriorate.

The BIG MOM Pirates must evacuate here immediately.

"Jiehahaha, Linlin's useless sons, I haven't had a good time yet, why are you running away in such a hurry?"

Bullet grinned and laughed.

He alone almost defeated nearly half of the Advanced cadres of the Charlotte family.

With a super strong physique,

and the massive Armament Haki,

Unless it is a pirate of the level of the dessert three generals,

Otherwise, ordinary cadres can't even break his defense.

This is also the main reason why he can face so many cadres alone without losing.

"Devil Slash!!"

A dark blue "Lantern Demon" quietly flew out from the belt of Daifuku, the third son of the Charlotte family.

Just wave your sword,

Sneak up from behind Bullet.


Bullet, who had already sensed all this with the Observation Haki, turned around and punched.

The terrifying force directly blasted the Lantern Demon into a cloud of white smoke.


Dafu who was not far away suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face also turned pale.

He is the ability user of [Dengdeng Fruit],

The Lantern Demon was summoned by him using his ability.

Not only did he obey his orders completely,

When fatally injured,

There will also be a small amount of damage,

feedback to him.

It's just that Dafu couldn't think of it,

My own tried and tested lamp magician,

To be so useless in front of Bullet......

"Sneak attack moves are useless to Laozi, what stronger moves do you have, hurry up and use them all!"

Bullet grinned and said in a cold voice: "Otherwise, when Laozi gets serious later, you will have no chance!!"

Everyone, including the dessert three generals, broke out in a cold sweat.

This monster is really too difficult to deal with.


At this moment, Katakuri's voice suddenly sounded behind everyone.

I saw a comatose cadre in his hand,

Put the trident in his hand heavily on the deck,

He said loudly to the crowd:

"I don't need to tell you about Mom's personality. If Mom is defeated by His Majesty this time, you will definitely be moved by her anger if you stay by her side."

"Besides, we are not even a commodity to my mother.

"If anyone wants to change their life or live in a different way, De Reiss Rosa and His Majesty Lin Xiao absolutely welcome you!"

"So...... my brothers and sisters, please make your choice as soon as possible!!"

The expressions of Smoothie and the others suddenly became extremely complicated.

Katakuri was right,

BIG·MOM went crazy,

Even his own children are not spared.

People only fear her,

And no affection.

most of them,

They all want to change their lives.


But no one dares like Katakuri,

Direct betrayal of BIG MOM.

Many people secretly think in their hearts,

If my mother is killed by His Majesty Lin Xiao...

That's good!

Meanwhile on the other side.

The battle between Lin Xiao and BIG MOM on the isolated island,

It has also entered a white-hot stage.



Deafening explosions came out one after another.

The entire island trembled non-stop.


BIG MOM's fat body was once again blasted out by Lin Xiao's iron fist with the [Shock Fruit] ability.

Blood spattered from her mouth and nose.

Even the bones on Big Mom's body creaked.

Just the next second,

She got up again.

This Nima is outrageous, isn't it?

Lin Xiao thinks that Kaido's title of "The Strongest Creature in Sea, Land and Air" (Wang Qian's) should be given to BIG MOM.

This is quite a monster!

If replaced by others,

Even Kaido of the Beasts,

In the battle just now, Lin Xiao was hit head-on one after another,

I'm afraid that if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

But BIG MOM has changed too much,

Except for a little blood,

The action has become a little bit sluggish,

The combat effectiveness was not affected at all.

This Nima can also call people?

Even Fujitora, who has been sitting on the edge of the island "..watching the battle",

After a while, he couldn't help swallowing subconsciously.

"As expected of the Four Emperors, no matter their physique or strength, they are all terrifying..."

The strength shown by BIG MOM greatly exceeded his expectations.

Although his strength has reached the general level.

But it still cannot be compared with BIG MOM.

To some extent,

Fujitora is more like a goalkeeper at the threshold of the Shogun class. .

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