I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 201 The Disfigured Aunt! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Lin Dao, you damned bastard, I will kill you..."


Big Mom's sharp and spiteful voice came out from the sea of ​​flames.

Immediately afterwards,

Seeing her bloated and embarrassing figure,

Stepped on the Thundercloud Zeus- and flew out.

I saw at this moment BIG·MOM-Bloodline Madara Madara,

especially the right rib,

A huge wound was cut open.

Blood kept flowing out.

It must have been broken by Napoleon's blade just thrown.

This made Lin Xiao slightly puzzled.

Could it be that Homiz, a weapon made by BIG MOM, was used to attack her,

Can it break her own [Steel Balloon] buff?

Yet the wound in the ribs,

But it wasn't the real reason why BIG MOM was so furious.

What really made her almost go berserk was,

The long pink hair that she is most proud of and cares about,

In the fire just now,

All were burnt.

Now on top of her head,

Just a black patch of ashes.

As the breeze blows,

Instantly vanished.

Without the reflection of the hair,

BIG MOM's huge bald head is particularly dazzling.

Coupled with her hideous and distorted big face,

It's a very different picture from a nightmare.

It makes people feel nauseous just by looking at it.

It is precisely because of this,

BIG MOM is so furious like now.

Lin Dao, you bastard!

How dare you ruin my grandma's beauty!

How can I get married after this?

"Blade Mother's Flame!!"

BIG·MOM let out an angry roar, and the giant sword wrapped in the flame of Prometheus suddenly stretched out, and then slashed down wildly and chaotically.

Swish Swish Swish——

Giant sword qi entwined with flames,

It poured down like a storm.

The power of these slashes,

It is not inferior to the "Gun of Al Buff · Weiguo" that BIG MOM used before.

A random blow can leave a deep ravine in the ground.

Proper level of great swordsman.

Common swordsmen may not be able to reach the realm of swordsmanship throughout their lives,

People BIG MOM,

Relying on the innate talent,

It was reached with ease.

You don't even need to practice at all.

Sure enough, in front of talent,

Common people's efforts are worthless.

It's just that for Lin Xiao, such an attack,

It doesn't work at all.

"Shock Wave Shattering Space!!"

Lin Xiao's right arm stretched back violently.

Muscles suddenly tense up,

A white halo containing the power of shock,

It lingered on his fist for an instant.


The extremely violent iron fist smashed down.

A series of cobweb-like cracks suddenly appeared in the atmosphere in front of Lin Xiao.

Immediately afterwards,

The majestic energy like a tsunami torrent crushed away against the incoming sword energy.


The entire island trembled violently.

"Damn it, hurry up and let me die!!"

BIG·MOM let out a roar like a ghost,

Immediately afterwards, he swooped down from a high altitude regardless of his care.

"Emperor Sword・Broken Blade!!"

The huge sword wrapped in flames slashed down sharply again.

And Lin Xiao at the bottom gently pressed the ground with his right hand.

"Sand Binding!!"


Under the instantly dry and cracked sandy ground,

Suddenly protruded a huge arm made of yellow sand.

With one hand, he grabbed onto the swooping BIG MOM tightly.

Then frenzied gathering,

Finally, a huge sand prison was formed in midair.

"Hmph, Lin Dao, I didn't expect you to be stupid sometimes!"

Big Mom's voice full of disdain came from the black prison, "You actually want to use such a clumsy method to trap my mother, you really don't know anything about my power!"

BIG MOM is extremely confident in his [Strange Power].

In addition to the seastone's shackles,

No other cage can hold her.

"Who told you that I was going to use it to trap you?"

Lin Xiao's corners were raised slightly, and his trademark evil smirk appeared on his face again, and he said with a sly look:

"I just want to see how hard your [steel balloon] is!!"

"Huh? Brat, what the hell are you trying to do?"

The complexion of BIG MOM in the black cell changed drastically in an instant. Although she still hadn't figured out what Lin Dao's words meant, this brat with a full belly would definitely not have any good intentions.


[Strange Power] Exploding with a bang,

BIG·MOM directly shattered the hand of sand holding her,

He wanted to rush out of the dark dungeon.

However, at this moment.

Lin Xiao's voice, like the whisper of a Shinigami, floated in from outside.

"Sand Prison‧Explosive Burial!!"



Every gravel that makes up the dungeon,

Instantly transformed into a powerful bomb.

The terrifying explosion and the dazzling light that made it impossible to look directly enveloped the entire island in an instant.

A huge mushroom cloud then rose up.

Horror shockwave...

The scorching heat.......

and the constant explosion,

Directly within one kilometer of Fang Yuan,

All protrusions on the surface were flattened.

The scene was terrifying like the end of the world.


BIG MOM's bloated body was instantly blown away.

It crashed into the ground like a shell.

but soon,

BIG MOM crawled out of the pit covered in blood.

"Lin Xiao!!"

BIG MOM covered his swollen right cheek, and roared in a fit of rage.

Even if she has a body like steel,

But still could not survive the explosion just now.

There were many visible wounds on his body.

The blood flowed out unstoppably.

especially the right cheek,

A large piece of flesh was directly blown off.

It looks terrifying like a ghost.

Even if it can heal in the future,

Most likely will also leave a permanent scar on the face.

"Still can't completely break the defense?"

Lin Xiao was a little restless at the moment, and praised with a look of admiration: "[Steel Balloon] It really is awesome... hard enough!"

BIG MOM's tough physique is really not covered.

that level of explosion,

It was unexpectedly resisted by her abruptly.

Seems to want to kill Four Emperors level characters,

Sure enough, if they didn't fight for days and nights,

It is simply impossible to tell the winner.

Akainu and Aokiji so,

The same is true for Lin Xiao and BIG MOM.

But what surprised Lin Xiao the most was,

Such a changed physique,

It turned out to be BIG·MOM brought out from the mother's womb.

Her parents are obviously just Common people, right?

Is it a genetic mutation?

If BIG·MOM can exercise as hard as normal people,

Instead of the non-stop words of "life and life",

I'm afraid she has become the Pirate King long ago.

This talent is too much!

Lin Xiao couldn't help thinking,

If one day the self-healing ability of Kaido or other Zoan fruit ability awakeners can be realized,

If it is transplanted into BIG MOM's body...


Even Lin Xiao didn't dare to think about that scene for a long time. .

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